- Section 10-1 - Acupuncture
- Section 10-2 - Alcohol and Drug Testing Protocols
- Section 10-3 - Alternative Medicine
- Section 10-4 - Biofeedback
- Section 10-5 - Biological or Chemical Exposure Injury
- Section 10-6 - Blood-borne Pathogen Testing and Prophylactic Care
- Section 10-7 - Compound Prescription Medications
- Section 10-8 - DME Repair or Replacement
- Section 10-9 - Emergency or After Office Hours Care
- Section 10-10 - Experimental Care
- Section 10-11 - Functional Capacity Evaluation
- Section 10-12 - Hearing Aids
- Section 10-13 - Home and Vehicle Modifications
- Section 10-14 - Impairment Ratings-Requirements
- Section 10-15 - Independent Medical Evaluation
- Section 10-16 - Massage Therapy
- Section 10-17 - Nursing Services
- Section 10-18 - Nutritional Supplements
- Section 10-19 - Off-label use of Medical Services
- Section 10-20 - Payment for Medical Services and Professional Fees
- Section 10-21 - Physical Medicine and Restorative Services
- Section 10-22 - Podiatry Treatment
- Section 10-23 - Preauthorization
- Section 10-24 - Pregnancy Tests
- Section 10-25 - Prescribed Drugs and Pharmacy Services
- Section 10-26 - Prescription Lenses
- Section 10-27 - Smoking Cessation
- Section 10-28 - Special Agreements
- Section 10-29 - Therapeutic Injections
- Section 10-30 - Third Party Payments
- Section 10-31 - Vocational Evaluation