- Section 13-1 - Authority to Create Rules
- Section 13-2 - Purpose of Rules
- Section 13-3 - Severability
- Section 13-4 - Definitions Used in Rules
- Section 13-5 - Incorporation of Federal Regulations Used in Rules
- Section 13-6 - Identification Requirements of Caprine and Ovine
- Section 13-7 - The Removal of Official Individual Identification is Prohibited
- Section 13-8 - Recordkeeping Requirements of Caprine and/or Ovine for Veterinarians, Dealers, Slaughter Facilities and Tagging Sites
- Section 13-9 - Record Keeping Requirements for Sellers and Purchasers of Caprine and/or Ovine
- Section 13-10 - Record Keeping Requirements for Caprine and/or Ovine Feedlot Operators
- Section 13-11 - Show and Sale Requirements for Caprine and/or Ovine
- Section 13-12 - Reporting of Suspect and Scrapie Positive Caprine or Ovine
- Section 13-13 - Protocol Used for Suspect and Scrapie Positive Caprine or Ovine
- Section 13-14 - Movement of Caprine or Ovine Held Pursuant to Quarantine
- Section 13-15 - Release of Caprine or Ovine Held Pursuant to Quarantine
- Section 13-16 - Depopulation and Carcass Disposition of Suspect or Scrapie Positive Caprine or Ovine
- Section 13-17 - Depopulation and Carcass Disposition of Suspect or Scrapie Positive Caprine or Ovine