040-31 Wyo. Code R. § 31-19
(a) The business entity shall submit a properly completed Agent of Record Authorization completed on their letterhead to change the Agent of Record.
(b) In addition to the Agent of Record Authorization, the newly designated Agent of Record must also submit a properly completed Oath of Office form as the Agent of Record to the License Section.
(c) As indicated on the Agent of Record Authorization, the newly designated Agent of Record shall agree to accept all financial liability for the business entity and accept responsibility for all actions of the sub-agents for all matters relating to license sales.
(d) If the designation of the individual to act as the Agent of Record does not change the organizational structure of the business entity that was approved by the Commission, then the License Section shall accept the Agent of Record Authorization and change the Agent of Record for the business entity.
040-31 Wyo. Code R. § 31-19
Amended, Eff. 4/11/2018.