040-31 Wyo. Code R. § 31-10
(a) Any person who issues a check to the Department to fulfill the requirements of this regulation, which is not paid because the check has been dishonored by the bank, shall be required to make restitution within thirty (30) calendar days following the date of written demand. The written demand shall be mailed to the drawer of the check by United States Postal Service certificate of mailing at the address shown on the check or the last known address or personally served pursuant to the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure. The restitution shall be in the form of a postal money order or a cashier's check in the amount of the check and a collection fee not to exceed thirty dollars ($30).
(b) If the license selling agent fails to pay the amount of the check and the collection fee within thirty (30) days following the date of written demand, mailed to or served upon them, they shall be assessed three (3) times the amount of the check or one hundred dollars ($100), whichever is greater, in addition to the collection fee of thirty dollars ($30) referenced above, and any court costs.
(c) If a license selling agent submits a second dishonored check within a consecutive twelve (12) month period of a previous dishonored check, the license selling agent shall be required to remit all subsequent payments in the form of a postal money order or cashier's check for a period of twelve (12) calendar months. Failure to do so shall be grounds for cancellation.
(d) Account shortages of less than ten dollars ($10) incurred on an agent's monthly license report may be included with the next monthly license sales reports remittance amount.
(e) Letters notifying agents of their account balances shall be mailed after the 25th of each month. Payments for account shortages of over ten dollars ($10) shall be remitted within ten (10) business days.
- (i) Any license selling agent having account shortage balances due, that have not been received by the License Section within the ten (10) day period, shall be mailed (certified, return receipt) letters informing them that suspension or cancellation proceedings have been initiated. The license selling agent shall be informed of the requirements to request a hearing before the Commission as outlined in Section 23 of this regulation.
(f) Unpaid account shortages may be used as cause for commencing administrative suspension or cancellation proceedings.
040-31 Wyo. Code R. § 31-10
Amended, Eff. 4/11/2018.