(a) An engineering design report that describes existing conditions, problems, and the proposed solution is required as part of the management plan. The engineering design report shall include: - (i) A description of the confined swine feeding operation site and vicinity. A site plan prepared on a 7 ½, USGS Quadrangle or a high color reproduction shall be included. Everything within two (2) miles of the site perimeter shall be shown. This plan shall indicate the location of occupied dwellings, public or private schools, incorporated municipalities, domestic water wells, wetlands, and perennial streams within the setback distances specific in W.S. 35-11-302(a)(ix)(C) and Sections 24 and 25 of these regulations.
- (ii) A detailed description of the project and site plan, including:
- (A) Present and projected confined swine feeding operation property.
- (B) Flood vulnerability.
- (I) Indicate areas subject to flooding by a 100-year event.
- (II) Indicate areas subject to flooding by the maximum probable flood event.
- (C) Present and proposed access.
- (D) Distances from occupied dwellings.
- (E) Prevailing wind direction.
- (F) Proposed fencing and any other site security measures.
- (G) Topographic features and contours with indicated datum. The datum must be a standard datum recognized by the U.S. Geological Survey.
- (H) Two (2) permanent benchmarks within one (1) mile of the facility tied to the reference datum.
- (I) A geologic report signed and sealed by a licensed professional geologist in accordance with W.S. 33-41-101 through 33-41-121 that includes:
- (I) A stratigraphic column that illustrates the thickness and geologic names of alluvial materials and geologic formations that comprise the unsaturated, or vadose, zone.
- (II) A description of the lithology and hydraulic conductivity of materials and geologic formations comprising the unsaturated zone, the first encountered groundwater section, and the uppermost aquifer underlying the proposed facility.
- (III) A potentiometric map of the uppermost water table that illustrates the locations and use of all wells within one (1) mile of the proposed facility, clearly identifying those wells producing in whole, or in part, from the uppermost aquifer. Include project borings or wells.
- (IV) A description of the uppermost aquifer in terms of its confinement or unconfinement, type and amount of porosity.
- (J) Baseline surface water quality: Baseline water quality shall be established for all surface waters within two (2) miles of the facility. Where adequate water quality records are not available, four (4) quarterly samples shall be performed. All quarterly sampling need not be completed when the permit application is submitted.
- (K) Baseline groundwater quality: Baseline groundwater quality shall be established for any unconfined aquifer and any other Class I, II, or III aquifers being produced within two (2) miles of the facility. All wells owned or developed by the common ownership controlling the facility shall be sampled and tested one (1) time for the parameters listed in Table 1 of Chapter 8 of the Water Quality Division Regulations. The permit applicant shall make all reasonable efforts within the applicant's control to obtain water samples from private wells as necessary to test all aquifers.
- (iii) Design conditions, including:
- (A) Initial or existing and proposed animal capacity, expressed as number of head and as live animal weight.
- (B) Initial or existing and projected waste generation rates and generation rate variations.
- (C) Shock loads, with cause and frequency.
- (D) Initial or existing and projected waste characteristics.
- (E) Projected treated waste characteristics.
- (F) Climate conditions at the confined swine feeding operation site.
- (G) Existing or proposed water supply.
- (H) Odor control requirements.
- (I) Dust control requirements.
- (J) Pathogen control requirements.
- (K) Vector control requirements.
- (iv) A demonstration that groundwater quality class of use as identified in Chapter 8, Wyoming Water Quality Rules and Regulations shall be protected in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 17, Wyoming Water Quality Division Rules and Regulations.
- (v) Specific requirements of any applicable approved water quality management, source water or well head protection plan.
- (vi) Design calculations for animal waste collection systems.
- (vii) Design calculations for animal waste storage and animal waste treatment facilities.
(b) Detailed plans shall be prepared and submitted. - (i) All plans shall have a suitable title block and legend that includes:
- (A) Name of permittee and location of project.
- (B) The revision date and number.
- (C) North arrow and graphical drawing scale.
- (D) Name, seal, and signature of the engineer. The engineer must have a current registration in the State of Wyoming.
- (ii) All plans shall be tied to the reference datum used for the project.
- (iii) All drawings shall be scaled and dimensioned.
- (iv) The first page of each plan set shall be a cover sheet with an index to the plans. The second page shall be the site plan referred to in Section 8(a)(ii).
- (v) Detailed plans of the animal waste collection systems shall include:
- (A) Site location and layout, including existing and proposed buildings and facilities.
- (B) Locations and dimensions of animal waste collection systems, including those in and under buildings. Constructed pits and flushing gutters shall be shown. All animal waste transmission lines (sewers) and appurtenances shall be shown.
- (C) Detailed cross sections and profiles. The location of all cross sections and profiles shall be identified on the plan views.
- (D) Schematic flow diagrams and hydraulic profiles.
- (vi) Detailed plans of the animal waste storage and animal waste treatment facilities shall include:
- (A) Detailed cross sections. The location of all cross sections should be identified on the plan views.
- (B) Construction details. Special emphasis shall be given to primary and secondary containment features. All mechanical and electrical devices and lines associated with animal waste management shall be shown.
- (C) Additional features affecting animal waste management not otherwise shown on the drawings or covered in the specifications.
(c) The specifications accompanying the construction drawings shall include the following information for all construction related to animal waste management: - (i) Identification of required performance characteristics of all construction materials.
- (ii) The type, size, strength, operating characteristics, rating or requirements for all mechanical and electrical equipment; laboratory fixtures and equipment; operating tools; special appurtenances; and chemicals where applicable.
- (iii) Construction and installation procedures.
- (iv) Testing requirements to ensure materials and equipment meet design standards.
020-20 Wyo. Code R. § 20-8