- Section 6-1 - Equipment and Utensils, Design and Construction
- Section 6-2 - Lead in Ceramic, China, and Crystal Utensils; Use Limitation
- Section 6-3 - Copper, Use Limitation
- Section 6-4 - Galvanized Metal, Use Limitation
- Section 6-5 - Single-Service and Single-Use
- Section 6-6 - Wood, Plastic; Use Limitation
- Section 6-7 - Shells, Use Limitation
- Section 6-8 - Single-Service and Single-Use Articles, Use Limitation
- Section 6-9 - Single-Service and Single-Use Articles, Required Use
- Section 6-10 - Food Equipment, Certification and Classification
- Section 6-11 - Characteristics of Food Contact Surfaces
- Section 6-12 - Conditioning Device, Design
- Section 6-13 - Nonstick Coatings, Use Limitation
- Section 6-14 - Food-Contact Surfaces
- Section 6-15 - Cast Iron, Use Limitation
- Section 6-16 - "V" Threads, Use Limitation
- Section 6-17 - Hot Oil Filtering Equipment
- Section 6-18 - Molluscan Shellfish Tanks
- Section 6-19 - Can Openers
- Section 6-20 - Can Openers on Vending Machines
- Section 6-21 - Equipment Openings, Closures and Deflectors
- Section 6-22 - Vending Machine, Vending Stage Closure
- Section 6-23 - Vending Machines, Automatic Shutoff
- Section 6-24 - Vending Machine Doors and Openings
- Section 6-25 - Bearings and Gear Boxes, Leakproof
- Section 6-26 - Food-Contact Surface Lubricants
- Section 6-27 - Condenser Unit, Separation
- Section 6-28 - Dispensing Equipment, Protection of Equipment and Food
- Section 6-29 - Beverage Tubing, Separation
- Section 6-30 - Ice Units, Separation of Drains
- Section 6-31 - Warewashing Sinks and Drainboards, Self-Draining
- Section 6-32 - Equipment Compartments, Drainage
- Section 6-33 - CIP Equipment
- Section 6-34 - Vending Machines, Liquid Waste Products
- Section 6-35 - Temperature Measuring Devices
- Section 6-36 - Food Temperature Measuring Devices
- Section 6-37 - Temperature Measuring Devices, Ambient Air and Water
- Section 6-38 - Pressure Measuring Devices, Mechanical Warewashing Equipment
- Section 6-39 - Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
- Section 6-40 - Kick Plates, Removable
- Section 6-41 - Case Lot Handling Apparatuses, Movability
- Section 6-42 - Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning System Vents
- Section 6-43 - Ventilation Hood Systems, Drip Prevention
- Section 6-44 - Ventilation Hood Systems, Filters
- Section 6-45 - Equipment Repair and Proper Adjustment
- Section 6-46 - Utensil Repair and Calibration
- Section 6-47 - Cutting Surfaces
- Section 6-48 - Microwave Ovens
- Section 6-49 - Fixed Equipment, Elevation or Sealing
- Section 6-50 - Fixed Equipment, Spacing or Sealing