(1) AUTHORITY. A dog club training license authorizes the club members to possess and use captive wild pheasants of the species phasianus colchicus or syrmaticus reevesii, quail of the subfamily odontophorinae, gray partridge, chukar partridge, red-legged partridge, and mallard ducks that are bred in captivity for bird dog training. A dog club training license authorizes the club members to possess and use captive wild bobcat, coyote, fox, rabbits and raccoons in accordance with the provisions outlined in ss. NR 17.02(3) and for hound 17.045 dog training. The license does not authorize the use of captive bear, commercial shoots, animal selling, breeding or propagation. Note: Pursuant to s. 29.304, Stats., no one under the age of 12 may possess a firearm. A person under the age of 12 may be a member of a dog training club and may train dogs with the use of captive wild animals as authorized under the dog training club license, but may not possess a firearm as part of the training activity.
Note: Unintentional reproduction of rabbits in pens is not a violation of this section.
Note: The unintentional breeding of rabbits in training enclosures is not a violation of this section.