Note: With certain exceptions, commodities in liquid form must be sold by liquid measure, and commodities not in liquid form must be sold by weight. Liquid commodities may be sold by weight, and nonliquid commodities may be sold by measure or count, if those forms of measurement are in general use and provide an accurate statement of quantity. Specific requirements and exceptions related to method of sale may be found under s. 98.06, Stats., and ch. ATCP 91.
(a) | Avoirdupois | avdp |
(b) | Centimeter | cm |
(c) | Count | ct |
(d) | Cubic | cu |
(e) | Cubic centimeter | cm3 |
(f) | Cubic decimeter | dm3 |
(g) | Cubic meter | m3 |
(h) | Diameter | dia |
(i) | Drained | dr |
(j) | Each | ea |
(k) | Foot or feet | ft |
(l) | Fluid | fl |
(m) | Gallon | gal |
(n) | Gram | g |
(o) | Inch | in |
(p) | Kilogram | kg |
(q) | Liquid | liq |
(r) | Liter | L or l |
(s) | Meter | m |
(t) | Micrometer | m |
(u) | Milligram | mg |
(v) | Milliliter | mL or ml |
(w) | Millimeter | mm |
(x) | Ounce | oz |
(y) | Piece | pe |
(z) | Pint | pt |
(za) | Pound | lb |
(zb) | Quart | qt |
(zc) | Square | sq |
(zd) | Square decimeter | dm2 |
(ze) | Square meter | m2 |
(zf) | Square centimeter | cm2 |
(zg) | Weight | wt |
(zh) | Yard | yd |
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection ATCP 90.04
The above symbols need not be followed by periods or expressed as plurals. For example, "oz" is the symbol for both "ounce" and "ounces." Both upper and lower case letters and exponents are acceptable.