Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 81-3-2 - Definitions2.1. "Accredited Educational Institution" means an institution of higher learning accredited by one of the following: Middle States Association of State Colleges and Schools, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, North Central Association of State Colleges and Schools, Northwest Association of State Colleges and Schools, Southern Association of State Colleges and Schools, Western Association of State Colleges and Schools.2.2. "Employee" means any employee assigned to the West Virginia State Police Forensic Laboratory (WVSPFL) who is classified as an evidence custodian, forensic technician or forensic scientist; as well any supervisory employee who is classified as a forensic scientist supervisor.2.3. "Forensic Laboratory Classification" means the grade or classification awarded to supervisory and non-supervisory employees assigned to the Forensic Laboratory under the West Virginia State Police Forensic Laboratory Classification System.2.4. "General Knowledge Examination" means a written examination of general questions, relevant to the non-supervisory rank positions.2.5. "Human Resources Director" means an employee of the State Police, designated by the Superintendent, who is responsible for the activities and operation of the State Police Human Resources Section.2.6. "In-basket Exercise" means a practical examination that evaluates a candidate's written communication skills and/or ability to prioritize work and proofread and edit documents relevant to a supervisory rank position.2.7. "Oral Assessment" means a practical examination that evaluates a candidate's oral communication skills through a structured interview and evaluation process.2.8. "Permanent Rank" means that grade awarded to or achieved by a member within the Supervisory Field Promotional System, including the ranks of Sergeant, First Sergeant, Second Lieutenant and First Lieutenant.2.9. "Petition for Reclassification" means a petition filed with the Promotional Standards Officer or the Human Resources Director, as appropriate, requesting that a member or employee be considered for reclassification.2.10. "Post-secondary Educational Degree" means a certificate, diploma, or degree from an accredited educational institution affirming the successful completion of a course of study where a baccalaureate (bachelor's) degree, master's degree or doctorate degree is awarded for completion of a field of study: Provided, That hours of credit alone do not constitute a post-secondary educational degree. In order to receive credit for a post-secondary educational degree, the member must be awarded a degree by an accredited educational institution.2.11. "Practical Examination" means an oral assessment or an in-basket evaluation that evaluates the candidate's ability to perform tasks relevant to a supervisory rank position.2.12. "Promotional Cycle" means one complete series of events required to establish a rank ordered list of eligible promotional candidates within the Supervisory Field Promotional System.2.13. "Member" means an employee of the State Police empowered under the provisions of W. Va. Code § 15-2-12 with statewide law enforcement powers and who has taken and subscribed to the oath of office as required by W. Va. Code § 15-2-14.2.14. "Non-supervisory Rank" means the grade awarded to or achieved by a member within the Non-supervisory Rank Classification System, including the classifications of Trooper, Senior Trooper, Trooper First Class and Corporal.2.15. "Request For Promotional Consideration" means a form filed with the Promotional Standards Officer expressing a member's intent to participate in a promotional cycle and listing those field operations positions that the member is willing to accept promotion.2.16. "Senior Staff" means the 19 principle supervisory positions appointed by the Superintendent as authorized by W. Va. Code § 15-2-4.2.17. "Superintendent" means the Superintendent of the West Virginia State Police or his or her duly authorized agent.2.18. "Support Specialist" means the temporary grade awarded to or achieved by a member within the Administrative Support Specialist Classification System, including the classifications of Support Specialist I-VIII. This temporary grade has no affect upon a member's permanent rank or non-supervisory rank classification.2.19. "Time-In-Grade" means the period of time a member has held their present rank.2.20. "Written Examination" means a series of multiple choice, true or false, or similar questions that evaluates a candidate's knowledge of policies, procedures and other directives relevant to a supervisory rank position.