Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 33-10-5 - Use of a Grant5.1. A recycling assistance grant shall be used for: 5.1.a. Personnel - The salary costs of a recycling manager or coordinator, or recycling program laborers. No more than a total of $25,000 may be used from grant funds for the combined wages and/or benefits of a recycling manager, coordinator, and/or laborers.5.1.b. Conference Attendance - Educational recycling conference expenses limited to: airfare or mileage, meals, lodging, parking and registration fees. No more than a total of $1,500 may be used from grant funds for travel.5.1.c. Office Supplies - General office supplies used in the ordinary course of business. No more than $1,000 may be used from grant funds for office supplies, such as paper, stamps, notebooks, and filing supplies.5.1.d. Operational Supplies - Operational supplies used in the collection, transportation, and processing of recyclable material, such as collection bags, household bins, gaylord boxes, baling wire and gloves.5.1.e. Equipment - Collection equipment, processing equipment, material handling or storage equipment, scales, and safety equipment used in recycling activities.5.1.f. Recycling Vehicle Expense - The maintenance, fuel, and insurance for a truck or van used in approved recycling activities. Collecting and transporting materials to market using the program's vehicle and labor is an approved recycling activity.5.1.g. Printing - Costs associated with printing educational materials on recycling such as pamphlets, posters, flyers, etc.5.1.h. Advertising - Costs associated with the production and/or placement of recycling advertising in newspaper, radio, business cards, and other advertising related to development and implementation of a recycling and/or source reduction program.5.1.i. Promotional Items - Costs associated with promotional items such as awards, decals, patches, buttons, magnets, and costs associated with the rental of a fair booth and/or exhibit space for creating public awareness.5.1.j. Utilities - Costs associated with the utilities required to operate a recycling processing center, such as electric, gas, telecommunications, internet, and water. No more than a total of $1,200 may be used for telecommunications costs. Rent or lease charges related to a recycling program for a building, or office space are allowable expenditures. However, to obtain grant funds for rent or lease charges, the applicant shall provide the department with a copy of the written rental or lease agreement which shall exceed twenty years and meet the following criteria: 5.1.j.1. the rental or lease agreement shall not contain any cancellation or termination clause without cause;5.1.j.2. the rental or lease agreement shall not be transferrable; and5.1.j.3. the rental or lease agreement shall not allow for subleasing.5.1.k. Recycling Facility Construction, Improvement and Repairs - A grant may be used for, but not limited to, new construction or repairs or minor improvements to an existing recycling facility, such as loading docks, sheds, structures, abutment walls, fences, roof repair, gravel or paving, if the land is owned or leased by the grantee. However, to obtain grant funds for construction, improvements and repairs for rental or leased property, the applicant shall provide the department a copy of the written rental or lease agreement which shall meet the criteria stated in subdivision 5.1.j. of this rule.5.1.l. Professional Services - To assist in planning and implementation of recycling projects including feasibility studies, A grant may be utilized by local and state governments or state instrumentalities for recycling projects in which a private "for profit" business or a not-for-profit organization is contracted to provide a service, or services, only as long as the bid for the services is in accordance with the appropriate local or state competitive bidding process.5.1.m. Grant Auditing and Report Costs - A reasonably proportionate share of the costs of audits required by, and performed in accordance with, West Virginia Code § 12-4-14 are allowable to a maximum of $2,000. The proportionate share will be based on the auditor's hours directly applied to auditing the Recycling Assistance Grant and preparing the report, in relation to the entire audit costs.5.1.n. Computer Hardware and Software - Costs associated with computer hardware and software to be used solely in the recycling operation and justified in writing by the applicant.5.2. A recycling assistance grant may not be used for:5.2.a. The purchase or long-term lease of dumpsters or other containers, or their servicing, when they are not part of an approved recycling activity;5.2.b. Land acquisitions;5.2.c. The cost for office equipment including such items as desks, chairs, telephones, typewriters, filing cabinets, and photocopying equipment;5.2.d. Street sweepers or their equivalents;5.2.e. Entertainment costs (banquets, parties, etc.);5.2.f. Alcoholic beverages, in-state lunches, and all gratuities;5.2.g. Beautification projects (plantings, mowing, weeding, etc.) unless the purpose is to provide natural screening to neighboring properties; or5.2.h. Any type of lobbying expense.5.3. A grant shall not be used to replace funding which is currently budgeted or being provided by the applicant.5.4. A grant shall not be used to fund an entity, program, or facility that financially benefited from a Recycling Assistance grant the previous year. A waiver to apply for a consecutive grant may be approved as provided in section 4.3. of this rule. A request for a waiver shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing.