W. Va. Code R. § 141-50-I

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 141-50-I - GENERAL
a. AR 4 0-14, Control and Recording Procedures for Occupational Exposure to Ionizing Radiation.
b. AR 385-11, Ionizing Radiation Protection (Licensing, Control, Transportation, Disposal and Radiation Safety).
c. AR/NGR 190-51, Security of Army Property at Unit and Installation Level.
d. AR 385-40, Safety, Accident Reporting and Records.
e. AR 700-64, Radioactive Commodities in the DOD Supply System (not available to units).
f. AR/NGR 710-2, Material Management for Using Units, Support Units and installations.
g. AR/NGR 190-11, Physical Security of Weapons, Ammunitions, Explosives and Other Federal Property.
h. WVMR(ARMY) 600-55, Driver/Operator Selection, Training, Testing and Licensing.
i. SB 11-206 Film badge (Photosimetry) Supply and Service for Technical Radiation Exposure Control.
j. TB 385-103, Safety Procedures for Tester, Density and Moisture (Soil and Asphalt), Nuclear Method.
k. TM 38-750, The Army Maintenance Management system.
l. FM 35-30, Motor Transport Operations.
m. 29 CFR, Part 19io.
n. 10 CFR, Part 20.
o. 2 0 CFR, Part 21.
1-2. PURPOSE; The purpose of this regulation is to establish policy and procedures for management of radioactive commodities (as defined herein) within the West Virginia Army National Guard.
1-3. SCOPEt This regulation provides general guidance for management of radioactive commodities. Further supplementation in the form of Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) will be required. Each battalion level command and will initiate an SOP upon receipt of a nuclear commodity (See paragraph l-6b below.)
1-4. APPLICABILITY: This regulation is applicable to all units/activities having possession of a radioactive commodity. Medical units are excluded due to complete guidance being furnished in medical directives.
a. Local Radiation Protection Officer (LRPQ)t An individual designated (in writing) by the command who is capable of performing the duties outlined or implied herein and instructing personnel, as required, in all matters pertaining to radiation safety. The word "officer" is not intended to denote commissioned status. However, all LRPO's will be in grade E-6 or above.
b. Alternate Radiation Protection Officer (ALRPO): An individual designated (in writing) to assist the LRPO.
c. Equipment Operator(s); As used herein are those individuals assigned the responsibility for control or use of any device containing a radioactive commodity.
d. Radioactive Commodity: For the purpose of this regulation, a radioactive commodity is any commodity containing radioactive material in excess of the following microcurie amounts:

Americium 241.....................................0.01

Plutonium 239.....................................0.01

Radium 226........................................0.01

Uranium 233, 234, 235.............................0.01

Mixtures of Alpha Emitters of unknown composition......0.01

Radioactive aerials not listed above..............0.1

e. Device(s): As used herein, refers to any instrument, tool, test set which contains a radioactive commodity.
f. Radiation Area: An area in which an individual could receive a radiation dose of five millirem or more in any one hour or a radiation dose of 100 millirem or more in five consecutive days. For practical purposes, a radiation area shall be considered to be any area in which the radiation intensity is greater than two milliroentgen per hour.
g. Licensee; The Commodity Command or governmental agency licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to procure, issue and manage a radioactive commodity. (US Army Tank - Automotive Material Readiness Command (USATARCOM).) See "Table 3-2. AR 385-11.
h. Accident/Incident: Paragraph 4-7, AR 385-11 clearly defines accidents and incidents. Each accident/incident will be investigated and reported in accordance with Section III, this regulation.
1-6. Responsibilities;
a. The Occupational Health Nurse, WVARNG, is designated as having staff responsibility for implementation, management and supervision of the provisions of this and all referenced directives. The Occupational Health Nurse and commanders of using units are responsible to the Licensee for proper control, use and management of the radioactive commodity (device). The Occupational Health Nurse, WVARNG, is designated the Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) for the West Virginia Army National Guard.
b. Battalion level commands will (upon receipt of a radioactive commodity) supplement this directive with Standing Operating Procedures written expressly for the particular radioactive commodity assigned their unit(s). This SOP will condense referenced regulations and this directive into clear, concise instructions for operators and personnel coming in day-to-day contact with the device. SOP's will provide for trained operators, ALRPO's and LRPO's at all times. Based on Expiration of Term of Service (ETS) or other anticipated vacancies training of replacements will receive priority. In case a trained operator/LRPO/ALRPO is not in the unit, the next higher level of command will be tasked with the duties. A copy of SOP will be forwarded to this headquarters, ATTN: WVAR-PA-S. Commanders will appoint on orders the LRPO and comply with 2-5(e) TB 385-103.
c. Local Radiation Protection Officers (LRPO) will have all pertinent regulations and directives and will advise the commander in all matters pertaining to radiation safety. In addition, the LRPO will train operators and users of radioactive commodities in radiation safety, accident/incident reporting and emergency procedures. The LRPO will conduct surveys (see Section III, this regulation) and supervise record keeping and reporting procedures. The LRPO will perform leak tests as required.
d. Alternate Local Radiation Protection Officer (ALRPO) will assist the LRPO as required.
1-7. Amendments and/or Changes; Specific guidance herein pertaining to the Tester, Density and Moisture (Soil and Asphalt), Nuclear Method, will be followed for other radioactive commodities, where applicable. For other radioactive commodities, units/activities will use the TM's, TB's, manufacturers booklets, etc., pertinent to the specific item as well as the AGO-WV, referenced directives. When density of other radioactive commodities warrant, this regulation will be amended or changed to include the specific item(s). (See Table 3-2, AR 385-11.)

W. Va. Code R. § 141-50-I