W. Va. Code R. § 126-44L-4

Current through Register Vol. XLI, No. 52, December 27, 2024
Section 126-44L-4 - Summary of the Content Standards and Objectives
4.1. The West Virginia Board of Education has the responsibility for establishing high quality standards pertaining to all educational standards pertaining to all education programs (W. Va. Code § 18-9A-22). The content standards and objectives provide a focus for teachers to teach and students to learn those skills and competencies essential for future success in the workplace and further education. The document includes content standards for visual art, an explanation of terms; objectives that reflect a rigorous and challenging curriculum; and performance descriptors.

West Virginia Department of Education

West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2520.12

21st Century Visual Art Content Standards and Objectives for West Virginia Schools

Steven L. Paine

State Superintendent of Schools


A 21st century visual art curriculum is an increasingly important aspect of developing learners prepared for success in the 21st century. Thus, the West Virginia Board of Education and the West Virginia Department of Education are pleased to present Policy 2520.12, 21st Century Content Standards and Objectives for West Virginia Schools. The West Virginia Visual Art Standards for 21st Century Learning include 21st century content standards and objectives as well as 21st century standards and objectives for learningskills and technology tools. This broadened scope of curriculum is built on the firm belief that quality engaging instruction must be built on a curriculum that triangulates rigorous 21st century content, 21st century learning skills and the use of 21st century technology tools.

A committee of educators from different areas of the state convened to revise the content standards and objectives. The overarching goal was to build a rigorous, relevant and challenging visual art curriculum that would prepare students for the 21st century. West Virginia educators played a key role in shaping the content standards to align with national standards and best practice in the field of visual art education. The contribution of these professionals was critical in creating a policy that is meaningful to classroom teachers and appears in a format that can easily be used and understood. Policy 2520.12 is organized around the three major components of a standards-based curriculum: learning standards, instructional objectives and performance descriptors. The learning standards are the broad descriptions of what all students must know and be able to do at the conclusion of the instructional sequence. The accompanying grade-level objectives are specific descriptors of knowledge, skills and attitudes that when mastered will enable the student to attain the standard. The instructional objectives guide instructional planning and provide a basis for determining appropriate assessments, instructional strategies and resources. The performance descriptors provide the basis for assessing overall student competence of grade level standards. The performance descriptors define the five student performance levels ranging from novice to distinguished. With the ultimate goal of "learning for all," these descriptors allow the teacher, students and parents to judge the level of student proficiency in each 21st century learning standard.

In combination, the use of learning standards, instructional objectives and performance descriptors become a comprehensive guide for delivering a rigorous and relevant visual art curriculum to all West Virginia students. These elements, when used to guide the instructional process and when delivered with the creativity and instructional expertise of West Virginia teachers, will become a powerful resource for preparing students to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Steven L. Paine

State Superintendent of Schools

Explanation of Terms

Content Standards are broad descriptions of what students should know and be able to do in a content area. Content standards describe what students' knowledge and skills should be at the end of a K-12 sequence of study.

Objectives are incremental steps toward accomplishment of content standards. Objectives are listed by grade level and are organized around the content standards. Objectives build across grade levels as students advance in their knowledge and skills.

Performance Descriptors describe in narrative format how students demonstrate achievement of the content standards. West Virginia has designed five performance levels: distinguished, above mastery, mastery, partial mastery and novice. Performance Descriptors serve two functions. Instructionally, they give teachers more information about the level of knowledge and skills students need to acquire. Performance levels and descriptors are also used to categorize and explain student performance on statewide assessment instruments.

Numbering of Standards

The number for each content standard is composed of four parts, each part separated by a period:

$ the content area code is VA for Visual Art,

$ the letter S, for Standard,

$ the grade level or performance level

$ the standard number.

Illustration: VA.S.4.1 refers to grade 4 visual art content standard #1.

Numbering of Objectives

The number of each objective is composed of five parts, each part separated by a period:

$ the content area code (VA for Visual Art),

$ the letter O is for Objective,

$ the grade level or performance level

$ the number of the content standard addressed, and

$ the objective number.

Illustration: VA.O.2.1.03 refers to a visual art grade 2 objective that addresses standard #1, the third objective listed under that standard.

Numbering of Performance Descriptors

The number for each group of three performance descriptors is composed of four parts, each part separated by a period:

$ the content area (VA for Visual Art),

$ the letters PD are for Performance Descriptors,

$ the grade level or performance level and

$ the standard number.

Illustration: VA.PD.7.5 refers to visual art performance descriptors for general art, grade 7, content standard #5.

Unique Electronic Numbers (UENs)

Unique Electronic Numbers (or UENs) are numbers that help to electronically identify, categorize and link specific bits of information. Once Policy 2520.12 is available on the Web, each standard, each objective, and each group of five performance descriptors will have a Unique Electronic Number (UEN) that will always remain the same.

The codes printed in Policy 2520.12 form the basis of the UENs. The only additional set of numbers that will be added to each code to formulate its UEN will be a prefix that indicates the year and month that a particular version of Policy 2520.12 is approved by the State Board of Education.

The prefix for the UENs for each content area in Policy 2520.12 is noted at the top of each page containing standards, objectives and performance descriptors. As sections of 2520.12 are revised, UENs will be changed to reflect the new approval date.

UENs (Unique Electronic Numbers) are unique numbers that facilitate implementation of WV Standards into Electronic formats such as Databases and XML Files. The WV Department of Education encourages everyone who is going to use the WV 21st Century Content Standards in any kind of electronic distribution, alignment, or software development to use the UENs so that all efforts can be cross-referenced and there is consistency across initiatives.

Illustration: The UEN for Visual Art, Grade 8, standard #4 will be "200607.VA.S.8.4".


VA Visual Art

Visual Art Electives Grades 9-12

VAI General Art Level I

VAII General Art Level II

VAIII General Art Level III

VAIV General Art Level IV

SAI Studio Art Level I

SAII Studio Art Level II

AH Art History, Appreciation, and Aesthetics

Other Abbreviations

PD Performance Descriptors

O Objective

S Standard (Content Standard)


The visual arts are a language, a reflection of culture and history, a way of expressing values, and performance based problem solving. In today's increasingly visual and media bound world and global economy, the importance of the arts and art education is evident. Through the arts, students acquire critical thinking and learning skills and develop multiple solutions to challenges. The visual arts are a crucial part of the education of every student, providing a rich variety of hands-on individual and group learning experiences and literacies.

21st Century skills are embedded in the arts curriculum in West Virginia, are based on the National Standards and research of best practices. These standards and practices include the arts as core academic content to be included in the education of all students. This allows for the development of competent, creative, and critically thinking adults able to compete in the global society. High quality arts programs bring richness to the school curriculum; therefore, it is strongly recommended that schools provide more than the required minimal amount of time for the delivery of the art curriculum.

Standard 1: Media, Techniques and Processes (VA.S.1)

Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

This standard addresses knowledge, comprehension, and application levels of Bloom's Taxonomy as well as 21st century communication skills, health and wellness issues.

Standard 2: Elements of Art and Principles of Design (VA.S.2)

Students will:

$ identify selected elements of art and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to the problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

This standard addresses knowledge, comprehension, and application levels of Bloom's Taxonomy as well as 21st century content.

Standard 3: Subject Matter, Symbols, and Ideas (VA.S.3)

Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols, and ideas.

This standard addresses application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation levels of Bloom's Taxonomy and as well as 21st century information and media literacy skills.

Standard 4: Art History and Diversity (VA.S.4)

Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

This standard addresses the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation levels of Bloom's Taxonomy as well as 21st century content skills in global awareness, civic literacy, and economic impact of the visual arts.

Standard 5: Reflection and Analysis (VA.S.5)

Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

This standard addresses all levels of Blooms Taxonomy as well as 21st century skills that include civic literacy, economic literacy, and systems thinking.

Standard 6: Multi-disciplinary Connections (VA.S.6)

Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

This standard addresses synthesis and transfer levels of Bloom's Taxonomy as well as 21st century skills in media literacy and life skills.

It is the intention of the writers of this document that the following content standards and objectives, especially for the K-8 levels, be covered at one point or another during the education of all students. This document is not intended to be so prescriptive that every teacher must teach, for instance, print making at a certain grade level. It is, however, a condition of the K-8 levels to cover the variety of media and concepts indicated for all students in a sequential manner as developed in this document. There may be instances when specific activities call for going back or forward a grade level to identify and use specific objectives as written in this document. It is the responsibility of the teachers, schools, and districts to be accountable for all the content described in this document. High quality arts programs bring richness to the school curriculum; therefore, it is strongly recommended that schools provide more than the required minimal amount of time for the delivery of the art curriculum.

Kindergarten General Art

Kindergarten children explore art. Students learn to use tools properly for drawing, painting, printing and sculpture. Children explore colors and the use of lines and shapes and textures in artworks. The subject matter of art will center on the children's own environment, allowing expression of feelings and discussion about their own creations which lays the beginning foundations for 21st Century Learning and Thinking Skills and Content. Teachers' encouragement of creative work is expected over prepared or prefabricated materials.

To assure a quality arts education, general classroom teachers who are charged with the delivery of the Visual Art Content Standards and Objectives in their school curriculum are strongly encouraged to participate in high quality content-specific professional development.

Grade K

Visual Art

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.K.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies and models innovative problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student consistently uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies and explains problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance, differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with repeated assistance, differences between art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student identifies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


identify differences between tools, techniques, and processes in two-dimensional media, such as drawing, painting, or printmaking, e.g., crayons, paints and prints.


identify and use a variety of tools, techniques, and processes in three-dimensional media and discuss the appearances and responses, e.g. paper-folding, clay, or assemblage.


make artworks using a variety of different two-dimensional media including collage techniques, to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories.


manipulate three-dimensional materials to communicate ideas, e.g., paper-folding, clay, or assemblage.


use materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade K

Visual Art

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.K.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies and models innovative qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student independently applies and discusses expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student discovers, applies and communicates expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies with assistance expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with repeated assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student identifies expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.


Students will


use the primary, secondary, and neutral colors, e.g., red, yellow, blue, green, orange, violet, black, white, and brown; color wheel; common line types, e.g., straight, diagonal, curved, zigzag, and broken.


identify at least five geometric shapes, e.g., circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle, as distinguished from three-dimensional forms, e.g., sphere, cube, cylinder, pyramid.


investigate a variety of man-made and natural textures, e.g., actual textures such as tree bark vs. shoe tread.


identify and use colors to communicate emotions, e.g., warm/cool; calm/excitement.


investigate line types, textures, and shapes in artworks.


discover different two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional forms in art.


discover and use a variety of sizes of objects in artwork.


use a variety of line types, geometric shapes, and implied/simulated textures in artwork.

Grade K

Visual Art

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.K.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares and contrasts themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student incorporates global themes and symbols when creating artworks. The student relates and justifies personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level categorizes themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student analyzes and applies specific themes and symbols in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates and relates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies, selects and discusses themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student elects and applies specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student elects and applies with assistance specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with assistance themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student applies a memorized theme and symbol found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with considerable assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.


Students will


identify personal experiences as a theme for art, e.g., portraits; family activities; recollections; places.


select, discuss and use symbols found in their environment.


distinguish between different types of subject matter in art, e.g., portraits; landscapes; cityscapes.

Grade K

Visual Art

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.K.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level summarizes and draws conclusions regarding the diverse characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level identifies, differentiates and justifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies artworks by linking art to a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies and classifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student performing at the novice level identifies limited characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.


Students will


examine how art has existed through time and how it can represent a group of people, e.g., prehistoric man and cave paintings.


view and compare art from several cultures.

Grade K

Visual Art

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.K.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist through independent research and presentation. The student relates and compares the content of artworks in a global society. The student compares and critiques his/her artwork to the work of a great master.

The student performing at the above mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by conducting small group discussions. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to his/her state and country. The student self-evaluates his/her artwork to display and defends his/her choice.

The student performing at the mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by observing and discussing displayed artworks. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to home and community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork and defends his/her choice.

The student performing at the partial mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with assistance. The student with assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork.

The student performing at the novice level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with considerable assistance. The student with considerable assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork with peer assistance.


Students will


discuss the work that artists do by viewing or visiting displayed artwork, e.g., slides, museums, internet sites, digital media.


discuss an artwork that reflects an experience at home.


select a favorite artwork and explain the choice.

Grade K

Visual Art

Standard: 6

Multidisciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.K.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by designing and presenting an original artwork incorporating other disciplines.

The student at the above mastery level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by creating an original artwork using another discipline.

The student at the mastery level identifies and explores characteristics of multi-disciplines within an artwork.

The student at the partial mastery level recalls connections between art and other disciplines with assistance.

The student at the novice level recognizes connections between art and other disciplines with considerable assistance.


Students will


explore how ideas and emotions are expressed through dance, music, theatre, or visual art.


discuss relationships between art and other disciplines, e.g. illustrations with stories, narrative quilts/storycloths; artworks depicting weather conditions with science.

Grade 1 - General Art

Children in first grade make paintings, collages, and three-dimensional art works. They explore the elements of design which include color, line, form, shape, space, value and texture. Children use art to communicate their ideas and feelings. Students explore art in their own environment, nature, and other cultures which demonstrates 21st Century global awareness, visual literacy and other skills. Teachers stress correct and safe use of materials. Children see connections between the arts and other disciplines. Teachers' encouragement of creative work is expected over prepared or prefabricated materials.

To assure a quality arts education, general classroom teachers who are charged with the delivery of the Visual Art Content Standards and Objectives in their school curriculum are strongly encouraged to participate in high quality content-specific professional development.

Grade 1

Visual Art

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques, and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.1.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies and models innovative problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student consistently uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies and explains problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance, differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with repeated assistance, differences between art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student identifies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


identify the media, tools, techniques and processes used in painting, e.g., tempera, and its character on paper.


discover how the different techniques and processes of painting cause different effects and responses, e.g., wet on wet and dry brush.


Identify the media, tools, techniques, and processes used in sculpting, e.g., clay; paper.


compare how the different techniques and processes of sculpture cause different appearances and responses, e.g., additive, subtractive, assemblage.


describe the differences in kinds of paper.


produce two-dimensional art using a variety media to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories.


construct three-dimensional objects using a variety media to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories.


use materials, tools and technologies in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade 1

Visual Art

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.1.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies and models innovative qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student independently applies and discusses expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student discovers, applies and communicates expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies with assistance expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with repeated assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student identifies expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.


Students will


experiment with primary, secondary, neutral, warm, and cool color.


discuss how colors evoke responses.


create art using line quality with a variety of materials and tools.


use shapes and overlapping shapes in their own artworks.


compare shape versus form, e.g., circle/sphere; square/cube; triangle/pyramid.


explore texture as surface feeling.


compare sizes of objects and use in their artwork.


use color to communicate different ideas, e.g., calm; stormy; warm; cool.


use geometric forms in a three-dimensional artwork, e.g., architecture.


incorporate actual or implied/simulated texture in their artwork.

Grade 1

Visual Art

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.1.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level compares and contrasts themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student incorporates global themes and symbols when creating artworks. The student relates and justifies personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level categorizes themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student analyzes and applies specific themes and symbols in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates and relates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies, selects and discusses themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student selects and applies specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student selects and applies with assistance specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with assistance themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student applies a memorized theme and symbol found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with considerable assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.


Students will


find and examine subject matter and ideas for art through observation of the environment and/or artworks.


explore and use symbols in their artwork.

Grade 1

Visual Art

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.1.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level summarizes and draws conclusions regarding the diverse characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student at the above mastery level identifies, differentiates and justifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies artworks by linking art to a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student at the partial mastery level identifies and classifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student at the novice level identifies limited characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.


Students will


discuss how art of the past can tell about its creators.


discuss and compare how art can represent cultures or groups.


create art that reflects a style of a group from history.

Grade 1

Visual Art

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.1.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist through independent research and presentation. The student relates and compares the content of artworks in a global society. The student compares and critiques his/her artwork to the work of a great master.

The student at the above mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by conducting small group discussions. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to his/her state and country. The student self-evaluates his/her artwork to display and defends his/her choice.

The student at the mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by observing and discussing displayed artworks. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to home and community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork and defends his/her choice.

The student at the partial mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with assistance. The student with assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork.

The student at the novice level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with considerable assistance. The student with considerable assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/ community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork with peer assistance.


Students will


recognize and discuss several reasons for creating art, e.g., aesthetic, functional, commercial, computer animation.


discuss art that reflects an experience in daily life.


recognize and compare artwork that evokes different feelings.


choose a favorite part of an artwork and discuss choice.

Grade 1

Visual Art

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.1.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by designing and presenting an original artwork incorporating other disciplines.

The student at the above mastery level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by creating an original artwork using another discipline.

The student at the mastery level identifies and explores characteristics of multi-disciplines within an artwork.

The student at the partial mastery level recalls connections between art and other disciplines with assistance.

The student at the novice level recognizes connections between art and other disciplines with considerable assistance.


Students will


recognize how a story is told through dance, music, theatre, and visual art.


explore visual and kinetic elements in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.

Grade 2 - General Art

At the second grade level, children learn about printmaking and sculpture processes and build upon prior knowledge of the elements and principles of visual art. They use color, line, shape, form and texture to express their feelings. They become aware of their own community culture which contributes to civic literacy. They develop skills in creative thinking, art appreciation, and decision making as they see images in art as real or imaginary. They learn that stories can be told through multiple arts disciplines and that art relates to other subject areas demonstrating 21st Century Content, as well as Learning and Thinking Skills. Teachers' encouragement of creative work is expected over prepared or prefabricated materials.To assure a quality arts education, general classroom teachers who are charged with the delivery of the Visual Art Content Standards and Objectives in their school curriculum are strongly encouraged to participate in high quality content-specific professional development.

Grade 2

Visual Art

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.2.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies and models innovative problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student consistently uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies and explains problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance, differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with repeated assistance, differences between art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student identifies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


compare the media, tools, techniques, and processes of at least two methods of printmaking.


create prints, e.g., relief, mono-print.


distinguish between types of paper, e.g., examine various papers, make paper by recycling.


recognize techniques of additive sculpture.


create a paper sculpture.


construct three-dimensional objects using various media to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories.


use materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade 2

Visual Art

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.2.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies and models innovative qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student independently applies and discusses expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student discovers, applies and communicates expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies with assistance expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with repeated assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student identifies expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.


Students will


mix intermediate colors and use them to evoke responses.


use variations in line(s) and create art using line as a means of expression.


identify, compare, and use organic shapes and forms.


find and use real and simulated texture.


recognize foreground and background space used to imply distances in artworks.


create artworks using foreground and background to communicate spatial ideas.


discover the influence of color intensity, e.g., early Matisse.


create two-dimensional artworks using organic or geometric shapes.


create three-dimensional artworks using organic or geometric forms.

Grade 2

Visual Art

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.2.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level compares and contrasts themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student incorporates global themes and symbols when creating artworks. The student relates and justifies personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level categorizes themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student analyzes and applies specific themes and symbols in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates and relates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies, selects and discusses themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student selects and applies specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student selects and applies with assistance specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with assistance themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student applies a memorized theme and symbol found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with considerable assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.


Students will


explore the natural world as possible subject matter for art e.g., people, animals, plants.


explore different ways artists use nature as subject matter, e.g., Ansel Adams, Monet, Rousseau, Tiffany.


create a self-portrait.


explore and use symbols based on nature in artworks.

Grade 2

Visual Art

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.2.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level summarizes and draws conclusions regarding the diverse characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student at the above mastery level identifies, differentiates and justifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies artworks by linking art to a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student at the partial mastery level identifies and classifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student at the novice level identifies limited characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.


Students will


discuss how subject matter describes a given place or time.


explore how art is one aspect of a culture and cite examples.


create art that reflects a style of a group from history.


produce art that reflects their own culture.

Grade 2

Visual Art

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.2.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist through independent research and presentation. The student relates and compares the content of artworks in a global society. The student compares and critiques his/her artwork to the work of a great master.

The student at the above mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by conducting small group discussions. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to his/her state and country. The student self-evaluates his/her artwork to display and defends his/her choice.

The student at the mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by observing and discussing displayed artworks. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to home and community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork and defends his/her choice.

The student at the partial mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with assistance. The student with assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork.

The student at the novice level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with considerable assistance. The student with considerable assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork with peer assistance.


Students will


examine different reasons for creating artwork, e.g., functional, nonfunctional, crafts, digital media.


examine and discuss art that reflects personal experiences.


examine and discuss artworks that reflect different feelings.


compare feelings evoked by different artworks using similar subjects or themes.


categorize images as realistic or abstract.

Grade 2

Visual Art

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.2.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by designing and presenting an original artwork incorporating other disciplines.

The student at the above mastery level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by creating an original artwork using another discipline.

The student at the mastery level identifies and explores characteristics of multi-disciplines within an artwork.

The student at the partial mastery level recalls connections between art and other disciplines with assistance.

The student at the novice level recognizes connections between art and other disciplines with considerable assistance.


Students will


discuss how a story is told through multiple arts disciplines, e.g., Sendak's illustrations, opera, ballet.


identify how visual art and other arts disciplines can affect the senses.


recognize color, texture, shape and form in art and natural science.

Grade 3 - General Art

Children learn to identify and use complementary colors, organic forms, foreground, middle ground and background, repetition and overlapping. Children create portraits and illustrate stories. They explore how art reflects emotion. Children continue to develop creative problem solving skills as they see connections between the visual arts and other disciplines which demonstrates 21st Century Communication and Life skills along with Learning and Thinking skills. Teachers' encouragement of creative work is expected over prepared or prefabricated materials.

To assure a quality arts education, general classroom teachers who are charged with the delivery of the Visual Art Content Standards and Objectives in their school curriculum are strongly encouraged to participate in high quality content-specific professional development.

Grade 3

Visual Art

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.3.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies and models innovative problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student consistently uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies and explains problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance, differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with repeated assistance, differences between art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student identifies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


compare how different techniques and processes in various drawing and/or painting media causes artwork to have different appearances.


use drawing and/or painting media to create artwork.


compare forms, shapes, and building materials used in architecture.


create a three-dimensional model and/or an architectural structure.


use materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade 3

Visual Art

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.3.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies and models innovative qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student independently applies and discusses expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student discovers, applies and communicates expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies with assistance expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with repeated assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student identifies expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.


Students will


recognize and use complementary and neutral colors.


describe and create artworks using repetition and/or overlapping lines


compare geometric shapes and forms and create artworks using both.


experiment with figure and facial proportions and create three-dimensional portraits, e.g., masks, cameos


create artworks using two or more textures and describe the effects.


explore the concept of composition and space as it relates to foreground, middle-ground, and background.


describe and create artworks using symmetrical and/or asymmetrical balance.


explore and use overlapping shapes to create an illusion of depth in artworks.


create patterns using line, shape, and/or color, e.g., weaving, surface design.

Grade 3

Visual Art

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.3.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level compares and contrasts themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student incorporates global themes and symbols when creating artworks. The student relates and justifies personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level categorizes themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student analyzes and applies specific themes and symbols in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates and relates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies, selects and discusses themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student selects and applies specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student selects and applies with assistance specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with assistance themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student applies a memorized theme and symbol found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with considerable assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.


Students will


explore portrait, illustration, and architecture as subject matter for art.


use architecture in their local environment as subject matter.


create a portrait.


identify examples of symbols in artworks, e.g., portraits, illustrations, and architecture.


create illustrations for a story.

Grade 3

Visual Art

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.3.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level summarizes and draws conclusions regarding the diverse characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student at the above mastery level identifies, differentiates and justifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies artworks by linking art to a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student at the partial mastery level identifies and classifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student at the novice level identifies limited characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.


Students will


discuss how art relates to history and can represent a culture.


identify art and artists in various cultures throughout history.


explain differences in art from varying cultures.


create artworks with subjects that reflect present-day culture.

Grade 3

Visual Art

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.3.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist through independent research and presentation. The student relates and compares the content of artworks in a global society. The student compares and critiques his/her artwork to the work of a great master.

The student at the above mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by conducting small group discussions. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to his/her state and country. The student self-evaluates his/her artwork to display and defends his/her choice.

The student at the mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by observing and discussing displayed artworks. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to home and community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork and defends his/her choice.

The student at the partial mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with assistance. The student with assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork.

The student at the novice level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with considerable assistance. The student with considerable assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork with peer assistance.


Students will


identify different reasons for creating art, e.g., aesthetic, historical, functional, and nonfunctional.


explore two- or three-dimensional art that reflects emotion.


select a favorite artwork to display and discuss reasons for the choice.

Grade 3

Visual Art

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.3.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by designing and presenting an original artwork incorporating other disciplines.

The student at the above mastery level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by creating an original artwork using another discipline.

The student at the mastery level identifies and explores characteristics of multi-disciplines within an artwork.

The student at the partial mastery level recalls connections between art and other disciplines with assistance.

velocity, and acceleration. They use the definite integral to calculate the area bounded by two functions and apply the definite integral to find total distance and displacement for linear motion problems.


Students will


recognize how some presentations can contain several arts disciplines; e.g., theater, set-design, puppetry, opera, movies, music videos.


discuss how the senses can be used with the arts disciplines.


identify the use of color in art and its connections to physical science, e.g., rainbows, seasons.

Grade 4 - General Art

Students in Grade 4 learn to identify and use tints and shades. They create additive and subtractive sculpture. They develop creativity in the use of realistic, abstract, and/or non-objective symbols. Students learn about the past and the reasons art is created which contributes to global awareness. They identify the work of artists and characteristics that make it unique which demonstrates communication skills. Students use 21st Century technology and online resources developing media literacy skills. Teachers' encouragement of creative work is expected over prepared or prefabricated materials.

To assure a quality arts education, general classroom teachers who are charged with the delivery of the Visual Art Content Standards and Objectives in their school curriculum are strongly encouraged to participate in high quality content-specific professional development.

Grade 4

Visual Art

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.4.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies and models innovative problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student consistently uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies and explains problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance, differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with repeated assistance, differences between art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student identifies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


compare the media, tools, techniques, and processes of a variety of sculpture materials.


use the additive, subtractive or assemblage process to create artwork, e.g., papier-machÉ, found object assemblage, clay.


compare and use the tools techniques and processes of pastels and chalk, e.g., blending and layering.


use materials, tools and technologies in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade 4

Visual Art

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.4.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies and models innovative qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student independently applies and discusses expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student discovers, applies and communicates expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies with assistance expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with repeated assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student identifies expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.


Students will


create artwork using a monochromatic color scheme exploring tints and shades and demonstrate how they evoke different responses.


create artwork using contour line, continuous line drawing and/or line quality, e.g., drawing media, software or online sources.


explore and create various types of nonobjective and/or abstract artworks, e.g., Aboriginal symbols, Mayan glyphs, Pollack and Rothko.


recognize artworks demonstrating that form follows function, e.g., architecture, masks, helmets, car design, clothing.


use a variety of textures in an artwork.


create artwork using different types of balance, i.e., symmetrical/formal, asymmetrical/informal, radial/formal.


create artwork using rhythm and movement.


explore and create a sense of unity in an artwork through repetition of color, subject matter, and/or ideas.


create contrast/variety in artworks.


show dominance/emphasis in artworks.

Grade 4

Visual Art

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.4.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level compares and contrasts themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student incorporates global themes and symbols when creating artworks. The student relates and justifies personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level categorizes themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student analyzes and applies specific themes and symbols in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates and relates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies, selects and discusses themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student selects and applies specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student selects and applies with assistance specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with assistance themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student applies a memorized theme and symbol found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with considerable assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.


Students will


explore architecture, nature, and/or figures as subject matter.


find examples of symbols in portraits, illustrations, and and/or architecture.


create artworks using various subject matter or symbols, e.g., figures, architecture, still-life, or landscape.


create art using the concept of sequence, e.g., storyboard, flip book, comic strip, Roman frieze.

Grade 4

Visual Art

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.4.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level summarizes and draws conclusions regarding the diverse characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student at the above mastery level identifies, differentiates and justifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies artworks by linking art to a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student at the partial mastery level identifies and classifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student at the novice level identifies limited characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.


Students will


compare and contrast the relationship between art and cultures.


describe art and artists of various cultures throughout history.


create art that reflects a style of a culture from history, e.g., Egyptian masks, totem poles, sumi brush painting, aboriginal dot painting


create art depicting a current event.

Grade 4

Visual Art

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.4.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist through independent research and presentation. The student relates and compares the content of artworks in a global society. The student compares and critiques his/her artwork to the work of a great master.

The student at the above mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by conducting small group discussions. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to his/her state and country. The student self-evaluates his/her artwork to display and defends his/her choice.

The student at the mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by observing and discussing displayed artworks. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to home and community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork and defends his/her choice.

The student at the partial mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with assistance. The student with assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork.

The student at the novice level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with considerable assistance. The student with considerable assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork with peer assistance.


Students will


describe different reasons for creating art, e.g., religious, economic, political.


interpret art that reflects reaction to an event.


compare and explain how artworks represent feelings.


choose artwork and discuss characteristics that make it unique.

Grade 4

Visual Art

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.4.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by designing and presenting an original artwork incorporating other disciplines.

The student at the above mastery level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by creating an original artwork using another discipline.

The student at the mastery level identifies and explores characteristics of multi-disciplines within an artwork.

The student at the partial mastery level recalls connections between art and other disciplines with assistance.

The student at the novice level recognizes connections between art and other disciplines with considerable assistance.


Students will


identify similarities and differences between characteristics of visual art and other arts disciplines.


compare visual, aural, oral, and kinetic elements in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.


explore the influences of literature or current events on art.

Grade 5 - General Art

Student in the Grade 5 select and examine the use of art media and technology, techniques, and processes demonstrating the use of 21st Century skills and literacies. They use elements of art and principles of design to communicate ideas in their own artwork. Students examine art history with an emphasis on artists, periods, styles, and cultures demonstrating an increasing global awareness and civic literacy. Students will bring their own experiences to their artwork. Teachers' encouragement of creative work is expected over prepared or prefabricated materials.

To assure a quality arts education, general classroom teachers who are charged with the delivery of the Visual Art Content Standards and Objectives in their school curriculum are strongly encouraged to participate in high quality content-specific professional development.

Grade 5

Visual Art

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes

Standard: 6

Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.5.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies and models innovative problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student consistently uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies and explains problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student independently applies problem-solving skills when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance, differences in art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student applies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with repeated assistance, differences between art forms (two-dimensional and three-dimensional). The student identifies problem-solving skills with assistance when creating artworks. The student uses materials, tools and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


select and use media, techniques, and processes to communicate a personal experience or an idea, using drawing, painting, printing, crafts, sculpture, and/or technology media.


explain the effectiveness of their choices of media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas.


use media, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade 5

Visual Art

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.5.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies and models innovative qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student independently applies and discusses expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student discovers, applies and communicates expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student applies with assistance expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with repeated assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art in his/her environment. The student identifies expressive qualities of the elements of art and principles of design when creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.


Students will


recognize the elements of art: line, shape/form, color, texture, value, and space.


create a drawing(s) using contour, continuous, and/or gesture lines.


create a three-dimensional nonobjective or representational form


create artwork reflecting knowledge of color theory; i.e., using primary, secondary, intermediate/tertiary, tints, shades, tones (neutrals), warm and cool, and monochromatic color scheme.


apply shading techniques (value gradations) to shapes to create the illusion of form.


create a drawing in one-point perspective.


create artworks using positive and negative space, e.g., paper cutting, open or closed form sculpture.


use changes in value in artwork


use simulated texture in artwork


recognize the principles of design- rhythm/movement, repetition/pattern, balance, unity/harmony, dominance/emphasis, contrast/variety, proportion/scale.


create artworks using visual rhythm and repetition of pattern.


illustrate dominance/emphasis, or contrast/variety in an artwork.


create a portrait and/or self-portrait using the rules of proportion.


create a balanced design that has unity, i.e., symmetrical/formal, asymmetrical/informal, radial/symmetrical.

Grade 5

Visual Art

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.5.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level compares and contrasts themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student incorporates global themes and symbols when creating artworks. The student relates and justifies personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level categorizes themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student analyzes and applies specific themes and symbols in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates and relates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies, selects and discusses themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student selects and applies specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student selects and applies with assistance specific themes and symbols found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with assistance themes and symbols when viewing artworks. The student applies a memorized theme and symbol found in his/her environment when creating artworks. The student communicates with considerable assistance personal experiences as content for the creation of artworks.


Students will


communicate personal ideas by selecting subjects or topics in art.


use subjects, themes, or symbols to construct meaning in artwork.


use problem-solving skills to make logical choices in selecting subject matter.

Grade 5

Visual Art

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.5.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level summarizes and draws conclusions regarding the diverse characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student at the above mastery level identifies, differentiates and justifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference of artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies artworks by linking art to a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student at the partial mastery level identifies and classifies characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.

The student at the novice level identifies limited characteristics of a historical or multi-cultural reference.


Students will


identify the characteristics of artworks and artists from different periods of time, styles and cultures.


describe and place artifacts, artworks, and/or artists on a historical and/or cultural timeline.


describe how time and place influence meaning and cultural value in a work of art.

Grade 5

Visual Art

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.5.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist through independent research and presentation. The student relates and compares the content of artworks in a global society. The student compares and critiques his/her artwork to the work of a great master.

The student at the above mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by conducting small group discussions. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to his/her state and country. The student self-evaluates his/her artwork to display and defends his/her choice.

The student at the mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of artists by observing and discussing displayed artworks. The student relates and compares the content of artworks to home and community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork and defends his/her choice.

The student at the partial mastery level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with assistance. The student with assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork.

The student at the novice level investigates the purpose of artworks and the role of an artist with considerable assistance. The student with considerable assistance finds similarities between artworks and home/community experiences. The student selects a favorite artwork with peer assistance.


Students will


compare the purposes of functional and non-functional crafts.


compare purposes of crafts from two or more periods or eras, e.g., function of the work and importance to the culture.


evaluate works of art from various eras and cultures, e.g., how the artwork reflects the artist or culture.


display and explain his/her work, e.g., oral or written presentation.


research artwork of various artists using internet sites, software, and/or library resources.


recognize the diversity of artistic styles.

Grade 5

Visual Art

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.5.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student at the distinguished level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by designing and presenting an original artwork incorporating other disciplines.

The student at the above mastery level demonstrates a multi-disciplinary connection by creating an original artwork using another discipline.

The student at the mastery level identifies and explores characteristics of multi-disciplines within an artwork.

The student at the partial mastery level recalls connections between art and other disciplines with assistance.

The student at the novice level recognizes connections between art and other disciplines with considerable assistance.


Students will


recognize various subjects as expressed through two or more arts disciplines.


explain relationships between art and other subjects, e.g., color theory and science, tessellations and math, Baroque art and music.

Grade 6 - General Art

At the sixth grade level, students experiment with a variety of media, techniques, technologies, and processes, using the elements of art and principles of design in self-directed art production. Students' artwork will show evidence of 21st Century skills of critical and innovative thinking, problem-solving, and creative communication of intended meaning. Students clarify reasons for creating works of art, enhance visual literacy skills, and demonstrate a global awareness as they examine cultural, historical, and aesthetic purposes of works of art. Students explore art history through multi-disciplinary connections. Students develop skills of personal responsibility and productivity as they work individually and collaboratively on artistic activities. Teachers' encouragement of creative and original work is expected in preference to ready-made or prefabricated materials.

To assure a quality arts education, general classroom teachers who are charged with the delivery of the Visual Art Content Standards and Objectives in their school curriculum are strongly encouraged to participate in high quality content-specific professional development.

Grade 6

Visual Art

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.6.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes a variety of media, techniques, technologies and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artwork. The student applies and models problem-solving skills to communicate personal experiences or ideas and analyzes and validates the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques and processes. The student consistently uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artwork. The student independently applies and explains problem-solving skills to communicate personal experiences or ideas and analyzes and justifies the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques, and processes. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes to create two-dimensional and three dimensional artworks. The student independently applies problem-solving skills to communicate personal experiences or ideas and explains the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques, and processes. The student uses materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies, with assistance, selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student applies problem- solving skills, with assistance, to communicate personal experiences or ideas and review the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques, and processes. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with considerable assistance, media, techniques, technology, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student identifies a problem solving skill with assistance to communicate personal experiences or ideas and recognizes the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques and processes. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


identify types of media, techniques, technologies, and processes used to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art.


use selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes to communicate a personal experience or an idea, e.g., watercolor, tempera, ink, fabric, collected materials, montage, weaving, mosaic, and digital media.


explain the effectiveness of their choices of media, techniques, technologies, and processes to communicate ideas.


demonstrate safe and effective use of materials, tools, and technology.

Grade 6

Visual Art

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.6.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares and contrasts the characteristics of the elements of art and the principles of design to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student analyzes problems and formulates innovative solutions in the application of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate an expressive idea.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies and explains the characteristics of the elements of art and the principles of design to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student independently determines problems and multiple solutions in the application of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate an expressive idea.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies the characteristics of the elements of art and the principles of design to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student determines problems and effective solutions in the application of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate an expressive idea.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies, with assistance, the characteristics of the elements of art and the principles of design to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student identifies problems and possible solutions in the application of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate an expressive idea.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with considerable assistance, the characteristics of the elements of art and the principles of design to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student identifies, with assistance, problems and solutions in the application of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate an expressive idea.


Students will


identify the characteristics of the elements of art, e.g., line, shape, color, texture, form, space, and value.


create contour line drawings.


create three-dimensional artworks.


identify and use analogous color schemes


use organic shapes and forms in artworks.


create artwork using negative and positive space, e.g., stenciling, weaving.


create value in a drawing by use of hatching, crosshatching, stippling, or pointillism.


use textures to create an artwork or collage, e.g., rubbings, simulated, invented and actual.


identify the characteristics of the principles of design, e.g., unity, rhythm, emphasis, balance, variety, repetition, proportion, harmony


create artwork using two-point perspective.


create artwork using visual rhythm and repetition of pattern(s).


show dominance/emphasis in the creation of artworks


create art using standard figure proportions.


create symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial balanced design that has unity.


analyze and evaluate application of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to the creation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art.


use the elements of art and principles of design to effectively communicate ideas.

Grade 6

Visual Art

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.6.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies, describes and incorporates sophisticated symbols and ideas to visually communicate meaning in artworks. The student independently analyzes how symbols visually communicate and affect meaning in artworks. The student applies advanced problem solving skills in the creative process exploring complex subject matter, symbols and ideas.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies and incorporates symbols and ideas to visually communicate meaning in artworks. The student compares and contrasts how symbols visually communicate and affect meaning in artworks. The student independently applies advanced problem solving skills in the creative process relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies and selects symbols and ideas to visually communicate meaning in artworks. The student determines and evaluates how symbols visually communicate and affect meaning in artworks. The student applies problem- solving skills in the creative process relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

The student performing at the partial mastery level, with assistance, recognizes and chooses symbols and ideas to visually communicate meaning in artworks. The student identifies, with assistance, how symbols visually communicate and affect meaning in artworks. The student applies, with assistance, problem solving skills in the creative process relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

The student performing at the novice level, with considerable assistance, finds and uses symbols and ideas to visually communicate meaning in artworks. The student chooses, with assistance, symbols that visually communicate and affect meaning in artworks. The student applies, with considerable assistance, problem solving skills in the creative process relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.


Students will


recognize symbols and ideas that visually communicate a meaning in art.


use symbols to communicate an intended meaning in an artwork.


evaluate how symbols affect the meaning of artwork.

Grade 6

Visual Art

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.6.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level analyzes the characteristics of visual art and artists in a historical or cultural context. The student compares and contrasts complex interconnections between the arts of different cultures and time periods. The student creates and self-assesses artwork representing a specific historical event, style or culture.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies and describes the characteristics of visual art and artists in a historical or cultural context. The student compares and contrasts connections between the arts of different cultures and time periods. The student creates and explains artwork representing a specific historical event, style or culture.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies the characteristics of visual art and artists in a historical or cultural context. The student compares and contrasts the arts of different cultures and time periods. The student creates artwork representative of a specific historical event, style or culture.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies, with assistance, the characteristics of visual art and artists in a historical or cultural context. The student describes the arts of different cultures and time periods. The student creates artwork somewhat representative of a specific historical event, style or culture.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with considerable assistance, the characteristics of visual art and artists in a historical or cultural context. The student recognizes the arts of different cultures and time periods. The student creates artwork that is minimally representative of a specific historical event, style or culture.


Students will


identify characteristics of artworks and artists from different periods of time, styles, and cultures.


compare and contrast artworks and artists from different periods of time, styles, and cultures.


compare and contrast art objects, artworks, and artists with cultural events on a historical timeline.


create artwork that reflects the influence of time and place.

Grade 6

Visual Art

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.6.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level explains and evaluates the complex reasons and purposes for creating artworks. The student analyzes how cultural and historical context affects meaning in artwork. The student selects and clearly justifies his/her choice of artwork for display, and uses sophisticated vocabulary in oral or written presentations to respond to the visual and aesthetic qualities of the artwork.

The student performing at the above mastery level compares and contrasts a variety of reasons and multiple purposes for creating artworks. The student explains how cultural and historical context affects meaning in artwork. The student selects artworks for display, and self-assesses his/her choices of artwork, and uses oral or written communication skills to document responses to the artwork.

The student performing at the mastery level compares and contrasts different reasons and purposes for creating artworks. The student identifies how cultural and historical context affects meaning in artworks. The student selects artwork for display and uses oral or written communication skills to respond to the artwork.

The student performing at the partial mastery level, with assistance, identifies different reasons and purposes for creating artworks. The student identifies, with assistance, the relationship between the meaning of artwork and the culture and time period. The student selects artwork for display and, with assistance, responds to the artwork in oral or written form.

The student performing at the novice level, with considerable assistance, recognizes that artworks are created for many reasons and purposes. The student identifies, with considerable assistance, the meaning of selected artworks relative to the culture. The student selects artwork for display, and with considerable assistance, responds to the artwork in oral or written form.


Students will


compare reasons for creating works of art, e.g., function, aesthetics, personal meanings, and tradition.


identify functional and non-functional objects as art forms, e.g., weaving, stained glass, and mosaic.


compare the purposes of creating two-dimensional works of art for personal expression or to evoke feelings.


compare and contrast the meaning and purpose of artworks based on information about closely related cultural/historical contexts and aesthetic qualities, e.g., two Asian cultures, two African cultures, two South or North American cultures


compare and contrast the meanings and purposes of artwork from different cultures and historical periods (e.g., Chinese landscape paintings, Turner's atmospheric landscapes; and Grant Wood's American landscape paintings).


evaluate exemplary artworks, i.e., determine the meaning, merit, and success of worksfrom various eras and cultures.


select, describe, and display his/her artwork(s), e.g., oral or written presentations.


critique an art exhibit through oral presentation or written report, e.g., media, subject, composition, and meaning.

Grade 6

Visual Art

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.6.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes the characteristics of and connections between visual art and other disciplines within historical context. The student analyzes and interprets characteristics of a particular theme across multiple disciplines.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies characteristics of visual art and other disciplines within historical context. The student analyzes and assesses characteristics of a particular theme across disciplines.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies characteristics of visual arts and other disciplines within historical context. The student explains characteristics of a particular theme across disciplines.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies, with assistance, characteristics of visual arts and other disciplines within historical context. The student identifies characteristics of a theme.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with considerable assistance, characteristics of visual art and other disciplines in a historical period. The student recognizes, with assistance, characteristics of a theme.


Students will


explore historical periods through the arts disciplines.


explore how a theme is depicted across multiple disciplines, e.g. war, peace, rituals and politics.

Grade 7 - General Art

Seventh grade students in general art examine and explore a variety of art media, techniques, technologies, and processes in self-directed art production. Students exhibit personal productivity skills as they practice and adapt usage of the elements of art and principles of design through individual and collaborative efforts. Students' artwork shows evidence of 21st Century skills of critical and innovative thinking, problem-solving, and creative and original communication of intended meaning. They explain aesthetic qualities of symbols, ideas, and personal values as experienced in subject matter of artwork. Students demonstrate a global awareness of art history and identify and analyze reasons for creating works of art. They incorporate steps of art criticism and visual literacy skills through art appreciation activities and the creation of oral, written or multimedia presentations.

Grade 7

Visual Art

Standard: 1

Media, Technique and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.7.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes a variety of media, techniques, technologies and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artwork. The student applies and models problem-solving skills to communicate personal experiences or ideas and analyzes and validates the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques and processes. The student consistently uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artwork. The student independently applies and explains problem-solving skills to communicate personal experiences or ideas and analyzes and justifies the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques, and processes. The student uses materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes to create two-dimensional and three dimensional artworks. The student independently applies problem-solving skills to communicate personal experiences or ideas and explains the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques, and processes. The student uses materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies, with assistance, selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student applies problem- solving skills, with assistance, to communicate personal experiences or ideas and to review the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques, and processes. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with considerable assistance, media, techniques, technology, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student identifies a problem solving skill with assistance to communicate personal experiences or ideas, and recognizes the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques and processes. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


select a media, technique, technology, or process to communicate a personal experience or an idea, e.g., chalk, acrylic, printmaking, painting, digital alteration, animation and sculpture


experiment and refine use of selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes in the communication of a personal experience or an idea.


evaluate the effectiveness of their choice of media, techniques, technologies, or processes used in the communication of a personal experience or idea


demonstrate the safe and effective use of materials, tools, and technology.

Grade 7

Visual Art

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.7.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares and contrasts the characteristics of the elements of art and the principles of design to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student analyzes problems and formulates innovative solutions in the application of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate an expressive idea.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies and explains the characteristics of the elements of art and the principles of design to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student independently determines problems and multiple solutions in the application of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate an expressive idea.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies the characteristics of the elements of art and the principles of design to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student determines problems and effective solutions in the application of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate an expressive idea.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies, with assistance, the characteristics of the elements of art and the principles of design to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student identifies problems and possible solutions in the application of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate an expressive idea.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with considerable assistance, the characteristics of the elements of art and the principles of design to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student identifies, with assistance, problems and solutions in the application of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate an expressive idea.


Students will


compare and contrast the characteristics of elements of art.


create a drawing using line as the expressive element.


create a non-objective artwork using geometric and/or biomorphic (organic) shapes or forms.


create a color intensity chart and a monochromatic color scheme.


create art using positive and negative space, e.g., architectural forms; printmaking; sculpture; or ceramics.


produce value scales using various media.


create an artwork using actual or simulated texture


compare and contrast the characteristics of principles of design.


create three-dimensional forms using symmetrical or asymmetrical balance.


create artwork using linear perspective.


create artwork using visual rhythm and repetition of patterns, e.g., Escher's use of mathematics.


create two-dimensional design incorporating overlapping and visual direction to show unity.


create a two or three-dimensional human figure using standard proportions.


analyze and evaluate application of elements of art and principles of design in two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art


use the elements of art and principles of design to effectively communicate ideas.

Grade 7

Visual Art

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.7.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies, describes and incorporates sophisticated symbols and ideas to visually communicate meaning in artworks. The student independently analyzes how symbols visually communicate and affect meaning in artworks. The student applies advanced problem solving skills in the creative process exploring complex subject matter, symbols and ideas.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies and incorporates symbols and ideas to visually communicate meaning in artworks. The student compares and contrasts how symbols visually communicate and affect meaning in artworks. The student independently applies advanced problem solving skills in the creative process relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies and selects symbols and ideas to visually communicate meaning in artworks. The student determines and evaluates how symbols visually communicate and affect meaning in artworks. The student applies problem-solving skills in the creative process relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

The student performing at the partial mastery level, with assistance, recognizes and chooses symbols and ideas to visually communicate meaning in artworks. The student identifies, with assistance, how symbols visually communicate and affect meaning in artworks. The student applies, with assistance, problem solving skills in the creative process relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

The student performing at the novice level, with considerable assistance, finds and uses symbols and ideas to visually communicate meaning in artworks. The student chooses, with assistance, symbols that visually communicate and affect meaning in artworks. The student applies, with considerable assistance, problem solving skills in the creative process relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.


Students will


integrate symbols and ideas to evoke a specific feeling in an artwork.


select symbols and ideas as a subject for artwork.


analyze how symbols and ideas communicate desired aesthetic results in an artwork.

Grade 7

Visual Art

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.7.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level researches historical cultures and reconstructs how time and place have influenced the artwork of a culture. The student researches and determines how global events influence the artwork of a variety of world cultures during a specific historical period. The student probes and validates the relationship of time and place to the meaning and value of artworks. The student creates an artwork representative of his/her own history and culture, and constructs an oral, written, or multimedia presentation documenting of his/her research.

The student performing at the above mastery level analyzes and makes connections between the artworks and artists from different periods of time, styles and cultures. The student compares and contrasts artwork of different global cultures in a specific time frame and justifies how time and place influence that artwork. The student appraises and measures the relationship of time and place to the meaning and value of artworks. The student creates and explains an artwork uniquely representative of his/her own history and culture.

The student performing at the mastery level analyzes the characteristics of artworks and artists from different periods of time, styles, and cultures. The student compares and contrasts artwork of different global cultures in a specific time frame. The student identifies and cites examples of the relationship of time and place to the meaning and value of artworks. The student creates an artwork visibly representative of a specific historical period.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies characteristics of artwork and artists from different periods throughout history. The student compares artwork of different global cultures in a specific time frame. The student explains, with assistance, how the value and meaning of an artwork is affected by when and where the artwork was created. The student creates an artwork that relates to a specific historical period.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with assistance, characteristics of artwork or artists from a specific period in history. The student recognizes artwork from different global cultures. The student describes, with considerable assistance, how the value and meaning of an artwork is affected by when and where the artwork was created. The student creates with assistance artwork that is suggestive of a specific historical period.


Students will


analyze the characteristics of artworks and artists from different periods of time, styles, and cultures.


compare and contrast artwork from different cultures in a selected time frame, e.g., oral, written, or technological presentations.


discuss how time and place influence meaning and value in a work of art.


create two-dimensional or three-dimensional art based on a specific historical period.

Grade 7

Visual Art

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.7.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level uses cultural and aesthetic inquiry to analyze contemporary and historic meaning in artworks. The student uses the critical process to evaluate his/her own artwork and the relationship it has to his/her own experiences as well as other eras and cultures. The student self-assesses his/her artwork and evaluates it using a well-reasoned written critique.

The student performing at the above mastery level identifies and explains the meaning and purposes for creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student uses the critical process to evaluate two and three-dimensional artwork from various cultures and makes comparisons between the artworks. The student arranges, describes, and explains his/her artwork through oral, written, or multimedia presentations.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies the meaning and purposes for creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student uses a critical process to evaluate two and three-dimensional artworks from various eras and cultures. The student selects, describes, and displays his/her artwork through oral, written, or multimedia presentations.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies purposes for creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student uses a critical process, with assistance, to evaluate two- and three-dimensional artworks from various eras and cultures. The student selects, describes, and displays his/her artwork.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with assistance, purposes for creating artworks. The student uses segments of a critical process, with considerable assistance, to evaluate a variety of artworks. The student selects and displays his/her artwork.


Students will


justify reasons for creating works of art and cite examples, e.g., aesthetic, tradition, preservation, and self-expression.


examine and compare the meaning and purpose between two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.


use a critical process to evaluate two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks from various eras and cultures; e.g., the model of Description, Analysis, Interpretation, and Aesthetic Judgment


select, describe, and display his/her artwork(s) through oral, written, or technological presentations as part of the critique process.

Grade 7

Visual Art

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.7.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares and contrasts two or more arts disciplines in a cultural context. The student analyzes and validates the connections between other disciplines and visual art.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies and describes similarities between two or more arts disciplines in a cultural context. The student explains and analyzes the connections between other disciplines and visual art.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies similarities between two arts disciplines in a cultural context. The student develops and demonstrates connections between other disciplines and visual art.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies, with assistance, similar characteristics between two arts disciplines. The student describes connections between other disciplines and visual art.

The student performing at the novice level identifies, with considerable assistance, connections between two arts disciplines. The student recognizes a connection between art and another discipline.


Students will


compare two or more arts disciplines in a cultural context.


discover ways other disciplines are interrelated with the visual arts, e.g., explore architecture through historical and/or mathematical concepts.

Grade 8 - General Art

Eighth grade students demonstrate 21st Century Learning and Thinking Skills as they refine the use of art media, techniques, technology and processes combining the elements of art and principles of design in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. Students choose content related to their own lives and learn to work independently and in teams. They analyze works of art and place them in their global historical and cultural context. They apply processes of art criticism and visual literacy while viewing and writing about personal works of art and exhibits. Emphasis is given to West Virginia artists and their contributions to our history and culture. They gain an awareness of careers in visual art and gain an appreciation of art as a source of enjoyment and life long learning.

Grade 8

Visual Art

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.8.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level selects and skillfully applies a wide variety of media, techniques, technologies, and processes used to articulately express experiences and/or ideas. The student judges and explains the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques, technologies, and processes. The student uses a wide array of media, techniques, technologies, and processes to confidently produce two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that articulately communicate experiences and/or ideas. The student consistently demonstrates safe and effective use of materials, tools, and technology with self-direction.

The student performing at the above mastery level selects and capably applies a variety of media, techniques, technologies, and processes used to clearly express experiences and/or ideas. The student evaluates and describes the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques, technologies, and processes. The student uses a variety of selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes to produce two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that clearly communicate experiences and/or ideas. The student demonstrates safe and effective use of materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level selects and applies a variety of media, techniques, technologies, and processes used to express experiences and/or ideas. The student evaluates the effectiveness of his/her choices of media, techniques, technologies, and processes. The student uses selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes to produce two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that communicate experiences and/or ideas. The student demonstrates safe and effective use of materials, tools, and technology.

The student performing at the partial mastery level selects and applies with assistance a variety of media, techniques, technologies, and processes used to express experiences and/or ideas. The student defends his/her choices of media, techniques, technologies, and processes. The student uses selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes to produce two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that communicate some experiences and/or ideas. The student demonstrates with assistance the safe and effective use of materials, tools, and technology.

The student performing at the novice level chooses and applies with considerable assistance some media, techniques, technologies, and processes used to express experiences and/or ideas. The student discusses the use of his/her choices of media, techniques, technologies, and processes. The student uses with help some media, techniques, technologies, and processes to make two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that make an effort to communicate experiences and/or ideas. The student demonstrates with constant supervision the safe and effective use of materials, tools, and technology.


Students will


select and apply a variety of media, techniques, technologies, and processes used to express experiences and/or ideas.


evaluate the effectiveness of their choice of media, techniques, technologies, and processes.


use selected media, techniques, technologies, and processes to produce two-dimensional or three-dimensional artworks that communicate experiences and/or ideas, e.g., photography, computer imagery, sculpture and drawing.


demonstrate safe and effective use of materials, tools, and technology.

Grade 8

Visual Art

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.8.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and concisely describes the elements of art and the principles of design. The student confidently creates two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks applying aptly the elements of art and principles of design. The student creates artworks demonstrating a strong understanding of a variety of color schemes. The student judges and explains the success of the use of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate ideas.

The student performing at the above mastery level identifies and describes the elements of art and the principles of design. The student creates two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks using effectively the elements of art and principles of design. The student creates artworks showing knowledge of a variety of color schemes. The student evaluates the success of using the elements of art and principles of design to communicate ideas.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies the elements of art and the principles of design. The student creates two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks using a variety of elements of art and principles of design. The student creates artworks using a variety of color schemes. The student evaluates the effectiveness of using the elements of art and principles of design to communicate ideas.

The student performing at the partial mastery level recognizes with help the elements of art and the principles of design. The student creates two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks applying with assistance some of the elements of art and principles of design. The student creates artworks with assistance using color schemes. The student assesses with help the use of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate ideas.

The student performing at the novice level identifies recognizes with considerable help some elements of art and the principles of design. The student creates two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks applying with considerable assistance some of the elements of art and principles of design. The student creates artworks with considerable assistance using limited color schemes. The student identifies with considerable aid the use of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate ideas.


Students will


identify and use the elements of art; i.e., line, shape, color, texture, value, form, and space.


identify and use the principles of design, e.g., unity, rhythm, emphasis, balance, variety, repetition, proportion and harmony


create two-dimensional artworks using a variety of elements of art and principles of design;


create three-dimensional artworks using a variety of elements of art and principles of design;


create artworks using color schemes chosen from the following: complementary, analogous, monochromatic, triadic, split-complementary, warm, cool


evaluate the effectiveness of using the elements of art and principles of design to communicate ideas.

Grade 8

Visual Art

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.8.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level develops realistic and non-objective symbols and ideas to communicate articulately specific meaning in two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. The student masterfully applies realistic and non-objective elements to confidently communicate personal experiences. The student analyzes and justifies the effectiveness of choices in creating art relative to subject matter, symbols, and ideas.

The student performing at the above mastery level uses realistic and non-objective symbols and ideas to communicate clearly specific meaning in two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. The student creatively applies realistic and non-objective elements to clearly communicate personal experiences. The student analyzes and explains the effectiveness of choices in creating art relative to subject matter, symbols, and ideas.

The student performing at the mastery level chooses realistic or non-objective symbols and ideas to communicate specific meaning in two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. The student applies realistic or non-objective elements to communicate personal experiences. The student analyzes the effectiveness of choices in creating art relative to subject matter, symbols, and ideas.

The student performing at the partial mastery level uses with assistance some realistic or non-objective symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. The student applies with assistance realistic or non-objective elements to communicate personal experiences. The student examines effectiveness of choices in creating art relative to subject matter, symbols, and ideas.

The student performing at the novice level uses with assistance some realistic or non-objective symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. The student uses with substantial help realistic or non-objective elements to communicate ideas. The student describes effectiveness of choices in creating art relative to subject matter, symbols, and ideas.


Students will


choose realistic or non-objective symbols and ideas to communicate specific meaning in two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art.


use realistic or non-objective elements to communicate personal experiences.


analyze the effectiveness of choices in creating art relative to subject matter, symbols, and ideas.

Grade 8

Visual Art

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.8.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares and contrasts the characteristics of artworks and lives of artists from different periods of time, styles, and cultures. The student analyzes and explains in detail how art movements reflect world events of the time period. The student expounds on and illustrates how time and place influence meaning and value in a work of art. The student summarizes and demonstrates the connection of local history and culture to West Virginia artists.

The student performing at the above mastery level analyzes and distinguishes the characteristics of artworks and lives of artists from different periods of time, styles, and cultures. The student The student analyzes and communicates clearly how art movements reflect world events of the time period. The student explains in detail how time and place influence meaning and value in a work of art. The student analyzes and describes the connection of local history and culture to West Virginia artists.

The student performing at the mastery level analyzes and distinguishes characteristics of artworks and lives of artists from different periods of time, styles, and cultures. The student analyzes and relates how art movements reflect world events of the period. The student explains how time and place influence meaning and value in a work of art. The student explores the connection of local history and culture to West Virginia artists.

The student performing at the partial mastery level examines and identifies with aid the characteristics of artworks and lives of artists from different periods of time, styles, and cultures. The student determines with assistance how art movements reflect world events of the time period. The student tells with help how time and place influence meaning and value in a work of art. The student identifies with aid the connection of local history and culture to West Virginia artists.

The student performing at the novice level observes and recognizes with considerable aid the characteristics of artworks and lives of artists from different periods of time, styles, and cultures. The student recognizes with considerable assistance how art movements reflect world events of the time period. The student recognizes with significant help how time and place influence meaning and value in a work of art. The student recognizes with aid a connection of local history and culture to West Virginia artists.


Students will


analyze and distinguish the characteristics of artworks and lives of artists from different periods of time, styles, and cultures.


analyze and relate how art movements reflect world events of the time period.


explain how time and place influence meaning and value in a work of art.


explore the connection of local history and culture to West Virginia artists.

Grade 8

Visual Art

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.8.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level examines and compares a variety of careers in visual art. The student compares and justifies the meaning of similar artworks from different time periods based on information history and culture. The student compares and justifies the purposes for creating specific types of art. The student writes articulate responses to a variety of artworks. The written responses include description, interpretation, analysis and judgment. The student selects own artwork to include in a group critique and participates in the group critique using an art criticism process.

The student performing at the above mastery level examines a variety of careers in visual art. The student compares and contrasts the meanings of similar artworks from different time periods based on information about history and culture. The student compares and explains the purposes for creating specific types of art. The student writes responses clearly and concisely to a variety of artworks. The written responses include description, interpretation, analysis and judgment. The student selects own artwork to include in a group critique and participates in the group critique using an art criticism process.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies a variety of careers in visual art identify the changing nature of art in a contemporary world. The student compares the meanings of similar artworks from different time periods based on information about history and culture. The student determines and identifies the purposes for creating specific types of art. The student develops written responses to a variety of artworks. The written responses include description, interpretation, analysis and judgment. The student selects own artwork to include in a group critique and participates in the group critique using an art criticism process.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with help a variety of careers in visual art. The student identifies with assistance meanings of similar artworks from different time periods based on information about history and culture. The student identifies with help the purposes for creating specific types of art. The student writes with assistance his/her thoughts about a variety of artworks. The writing may include description, interpretation, analysis and/or judgment. The student selects with assistance his/her own artwork to include in a group critique and participates in the group critique using with help an art criticism process.

The student performing at the novice level recognizes with help careers in visual art. The student recognizes with considerable assistance the meanings of similar artworks from different time periods based on information about history and culture. The student recognizes with help the purposes for creating specific types of art. The student writes with assistance ideas about artworks. The writing may include description, interpretation, analysis or judgment. The student selects with assistance his/her own artwork to include in a group critique and takes part with considerable help in the group critique.


Students will


identify a variety of careers in visual art, e.g., architect, graphic designer, educator, industrial designer.


identify the changing nature of art in a contemporary world.


compare the meaning of similar artworks from different time periods based on information about history and culture, e.g., Toulouse-Lautrec to modern graphic designers, cartoonist's animation to computer generated animation.


determine and identify the purposes for creating specific types of art, e.g., public sculptures, photography, computer generated art.


select and display his/her artwork(s) to be part a group critique.


develop written responses to a variety of artworks that include description, interpretation, analysis, and judgment.


participate in a group critique of various artworks using an art criticism process that includes description, interpretation, analysis, and judgment.

Grade 8

Visual Art

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.8.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level competently compares and contrasts in depth the characteristics of visual art to other arts disciplines. The student artistically integrates multiple arts disciplines to recreate or to illustrate a selected historical event or another thematic idea.

The student performing at the above mastery level compares and contrasts in detail the characteristics of visual art to other arts disciplines. The student creatively incorporates multiple arts disciplines to recreate or to illustrate a selected historical event or another thematic idea.

The student performing at the mastery level compares the characteristics of visual art to other arts disciplines. The student employs multiple arts disciplines to recreate or to illustrate a selected historical event or another thematic idea.

The student performing at the partial mastery level evaluates with help the characteristics of visual art to other arts disciplines. The student uses multiple arts disciplines with assistance to recreate or to illustrate a selected historical event or another thematic idea.

The student performing at the novice level observes with significant help the characteristics of visual art to other arts disciplines. The student uses multiple arts disciplines with considerable assistance to recreate or to illustrate a selected historical event or another thematic idea.


Students will


compare the characteristics of visual art to other arts disciplines.


employ multiple arts disciplines to recreate, illustrate a selected historical event or another thematic idea.

Adolescent Visual Art Education 9-12

General Art I

Art I is designed to reinforce and build on 21st Century Knowledge and Skills developed by the K-8 Visual Arts Content Standards and Objectives. Students produce two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks using a variety of media, techniques, technology, and processes. They relate art skills and strategies to other disciplines, various cultures, major art movements, and historical periods. They practice responsible workplace skills and review career options which encompass 21st Century content, literacy and life skills.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art I

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAI.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level identifies and describes a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes. The student articulately communicates original and personal ideas in a variety of media, techniques, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student consistently uses materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently identifies a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes. The student consistently communicates original and personal ideas in a variety of media, techniques, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student uses materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes. The student communicates original and personal ideas in a variety of media, techniques, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student uses materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes. The student communicates with assistance original and personal ideas using some variety of media, techniques, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student at the novice level identifies with considerable assistance some two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes. The student communicates with support personal ideas using limited media, techniques, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


distinguish among a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes.


communicate original and personal ideas in a variety of media, techniques, and processes to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.


use materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art I

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

· identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

· understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

· apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

· communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAI.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level explains and defends similarities and differences in two-dimensional and three-dimensional visual artwork based on the elements of art and principles of design. The student compares and contrasts design structures and functions of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student insightfully problem solves two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks based on elements of art and principles of design using appropriate media, processes, and techniques to solve assigned problems. The student insightfully discusses the use of the elements of art and principles of design through critique.

The student performing at the above mastery level identifies and describes similarities and differences in two-dimensional and three-dimensional visual artwork based on the elements of art and principles of design. The student explains design structures and functions of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student creatively problem solves two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks based on elements of art and principles of design using appropriate media, processes, and techniques to solve assigned problems. The student explains in depth the elements of art and principles of design through critique.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies similarities and differences in two-dimensional and three-dimensional visual art based on the elements of artwork and principles of design. The student analyzes and understands design structures and functions of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student problem solves two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks based on elements of art and principles of design using appropriate media, processes, and techniques to solve assigned problems. The student communicates an understanding of the elements of art and principles of design through critique.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance similarities and differences in two-dimensional and three-dimensional visual artwork based on the elements of art and principles of design. The student understands with assistance some design structures and functions of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student problem solves with assistance using two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks based on elements of art and principles of design using appropriate media, processes, and techniques to solve assigned problems. The student identifies with assistance the elements of art and principles of design through critique.

The student performing at the novice level recognizes with assistance similarities and differences in two-dimensional and three-dimensional visual artwork based on the elements of art and principles of design. The student identifies with assistance structures and functions of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student makes two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks with support based on elements of art and principles of design using appropriate media, processes, and techniques to solve assigned problems. The student demonstrates with assistance a recognition of the elements of art and principles of design through critique.


Students will


identify similarities and differences in two-dimensional and three-dimensional visual art based on the elements of art and principles of design.


analyze design structures and functions of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.


create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks based on elements of art and principles of design using appropriate media, processes, and techniques to solve specific problems.


critique art works to demonstrate an understanding of elements of art and principles of design.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art I

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAI.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level researches and explains how past and current cultures have used content and symbolism to express ideas in artwork. The student determines sophisticated subjects, themes, symbols for expressive ideas in artworks. The student consistently applies problem-solving skills in the creative process selecting sophisticated subjects, symbols, and ideas use in their artwork.

The student performing at the above mastery level researches and identifies how past and current cultures have used content and symbolism to express ideas in artwork. The student determines subjects, themes, symbols for expressive ideas in artworks. The student applies problem-solving skills in the creative process frequently using expressive subjects, symbols, and ideas use in own artwork.

The student performing at the mastery level researches how past and current cultures have used content and symbolism to express ideas in artwork. The student employs subjects, themes, symbols, and ideas in artworks. The student applies problem-solving skills in the creative process when selecting subjects, symbols, and ideas for use in own artwork.

The student performing at the partial mastery level research with assistance how past and current cultures have used content and symbolism to express ideas in artwork. The student uses with assistance subjects, themes, symbols, and ideas in artworks. The student applies with assistance problem-solving skills in the creative process when selecting subjects, symbols, and ideas use in own artwork.

The student performing at the novice level recognizes with considerable assistance how past and current cultures have used content and symbolism to express ideas in artwork. The student uses with considerable assistance some subjects, themes, symbols, and ideas in artworks. The student applies with considerable assistance some problem-solving skills in the creative process when selecting subjects, symbols, and ideas use in own artwork.


Students will


research how past and current cultures have used content and symbolism to express ideas in artwork.


employ subjects, themes, symbols, and ideas in artworks.


apply problem-solving skills in the creative process selecting subjects, symbols, and ideas for use in their own artwork.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art I

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAI.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level independently researches and explains the historical and cultural backgrounds used in various artworks within the media. The student researches and reports on different styles of artwork and time periods in art history. The student analyzes and explains the relationship of artworks to one another in terms of history and culture.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently investigates the historical and cultural backgrounds used in various artworks. The student researches and explains different styles of artwork and time periods in art history. The student analyzes and describes the relationship of artworks to one another in terms of history and culture.

The student performing at the mastery level examines the historical and cultural backgrounds used in various artworks within the media. The student researches different styles of artwork and time periods in art history. The student examines the relationship of artworks to one another in terms of history and culture.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance the historical and cultural backgrounds used in various artworks within the media. The student researches with assistance different styles of artwork and time periods in art history. The student examines with assistance the relationship of artworks to one another in terms of history and culture.

The student at the novice level recognizes with considerable assistance the historical and cultural backgrounds used in various artwork within the media. The student reviews with assistance different styles of artwork and time periods in art history. The student recognizes with assistance the relationship of artworks to one another in terms of history or culture.


Students will


examine the historical and cultural backgrounds used of various artwork within the media.


research different styles of artwork and time periods in art history.


examine the relationship of artworks to one another in terms of history and culture.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art I

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAI.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level determines and explains the reason for creating and the function of a variety of types of artworks. The student analyzes and explains how and why specific works were created. The student employs critical processes to explain comparisons and differences between his/her artwork and historical or cultural artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level examines and describes the reason for creating and the function of a variety of types of artworks. The student analyzes and describes how and why specific works were created. The student employs critical processes to explain comparisons between his/her artwork and historical or cultural artworks.

The student performing at the mastery level investigates the reasons for creating and the function of a variety of types of artworks. The student analyzes and discusses how and why specific works were created. The student uses a critical process to draw comparisons between his/her artwork and historical or cultural artworks.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance the reason for creating and the function of a variety of types of artworks. The student considers with assistance how specific works were created or why. The student uses a critical process with assistance to draw comparisons between his/her artwork and historical or cultural artworks.

The student at the novice level observes with assistance the reason for creating and the function of a variety of types of artworks. The student recognizes with help how specific works were created or why. The student uses a critical process with considerable support to draw a comparison between his/her artwork and historical or cultural artworks.


Students will


investigate reasons for creating and the function of a variety of types of artworks.


analyze and discuss how and why specific works were created.


use a critical process to draw comparisons between their artwork and historical or cultural artworks.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art I

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAI.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level connects and applies compares and evaluates the creative processes used in visual arts and other disciplines. The student researches and evaluates another subject area defending the similarities and differences in comparison with the discipline of visual art.

The student performing at the above mastery level compares and justifies the creative processes used in visual arts and other disciplines. The student researches and analyzes another subject area justifying the similarities and differences in comparison with the discipline of visual art.

The student performing at the mastery level compares and connects the creative processes used in visual arts and other disciplines. The student researches and analyzes another subject area identifying similarities and differences in comparison with the discipline of visual art.

The student performing at the partial mastery level connects with assistance the creative processes used in visual arts and other disciplines. The student explores with assistance another subject area to identify similarities or differences in comparison with the discipline of visual art.

The student at the novice level recognizes with assistance some processes used in visual arts and/or other disciplines. The student identifies with considerable support the similarities and/or differences of another subject area in comparison with the discipline of visual art.


Students will


compare and connect the creative processes used in visual arts to other disciplines.


research and analyze another subject area to identify similarities and differences in comparison with the discipline of visual art.

General Art II

Students in Art II extend artistic skills, critical skills, and concept development through well-defined experiences in creating, reflecting, and discussing artworks. Students focus on compositional awareness through the proficient use of elements, principles, structures, and functions. Students explore various aspects of the arts in the context of global cultures and historical parameters as they examine connections between other disciplines, and technologies. Students practice responsible workplace skills and safety. They explore career opportunities. The teacher introduces the concept of portfolio development. All these concepts and processes reflect 21st century skills and content.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art II

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAII.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares and explains a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes. The student consistently applies problem-solving skills to create a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that communicate ideas and explore expressive qualities. The student consistently uses materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the above mastery level compares and describes a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes. The student clearly applies problem-solving skills to create a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that communicate ideas and explore expressive qualities. The student uses materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level compares a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes. The student creates a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that communicate ideas and explore expressive qualities. The student uses materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes. The student creates with assistance two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks to communicate ideas and/or explore expressive qualities. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with considerable assistance some two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes. The student with support creates some two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that communicate ideas or explore expressive qualities. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


compare a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques and processes.


create a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks to communicate ideas and explore expressive qualities.


use materials, tools and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art II

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAII.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level formulates and defends personal judgments about the effectiveness of using the elements of art and principles of design in a variety of artworks. The student judges and defends the use of the elements and principles of design in two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks. The student consistently creates two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that confidently and clearly use organizational principles and functions to solve specific art problems. The student articulately communicates using a variety of critical methods to evaluate the effectiveness of artworks in terms of organizational structures and functions.

The student performing at the above mastery level formulates and explains personal judgments about the effectiveness of using the elements of art and principles of design in a variety of artworks. The student analyzes and explains the use of the elements and principles of design in two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks. The student frequently creates two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that clearly use organizational principles and functions to solve specific art problems. The student clearly communicates using a variety of critical methods to evaluate the effectiveness of artworks in terms of organizational structures and functions.

The student performing at the mastery level formulates and expresses personal judgments about the effectiveness of using the elements of art and principles of design in a variety of artworks. The student analyzes and compares the use of the elements and principles of design in two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks. The student creates two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that use organizational principles and functions to solve specific art problems. The student communicates using a variety of critical methods to evaluate the effectiveness of artworks in terms of organizational structures and functions.

The student performing at the partial mastery level expresses with assistance personal judgments about the effectiveness of using the elements of art and principles of design in a variety of artworks. The student understands with prompting the use of the elements and principles of design in two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks. The student creates with assistance two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that attempt organizational principles and functions to solve specific art problems. The student communicates with assistance using critical methods to evaluate the effectiveness of artworks in terms of organizational structures and functions.

The student performing at the novice level observes and recognizes with assistance the effectiveness of using the elements of art and principles of design in artworks. The student understands with considerable prompting the use of the elements and principles of design in two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks. The student creates with assistance two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that attempt the use of organizational principles and functions. The student communicates with support the effectiveness of artworks in terms of organizational structures and functions.


Students will


express personal judgments about the effectiveness of the use of the elements of art and principles of design in a variety of artworks.


analyze and compare the use of the elements and principles of design in two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.


create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that use organizational principles and functions to solve specific art problems.


use a variety of critical methods to evaluate the effectiveness of artworks in terms of organizational structures and functions.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art II

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAII.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares how artworks differ visually, spatially, intellectually, and functionally, and interprets how these artworks are related to history and culture. The student consistently incorporates subjects, themes, symbols, and ideas to communicate sophisticated meaning in artworks. The student consistently applies creative problem solving and analogical thinking to refine visual communication skills.

The student performing at the above mastery level describes how artworks differ visually, spatially, intellectually, and functionally, and explains how these artworks are related to history and culture. The student frequently incorporates subjects, themes, symbols, and ideas to communicate intended meaning in artworks. The student frequently applies creative problem solving and analogical thinking to increase visual communication skills.

The student performing at the mastery level reflects on how artworks differ visually, spatially, intellectually, and functionally. The student describes how these artworks are related to history and culture. The student uses subjects, themes, symbols, and ideas to communicate intended meaning in artworks. The student applies creative problem solving and analogical thinking to visual communication skills.

The student performing at the partial mastery level observes with assistance how artworks differ visually, spatially, intellectually, and functionally, and identifies how these artworks are related to history and culture. The student applies with assistance subjects, themes, symbols, and ideas to communicate planned meaning in artworks. The student applies with assistance some creative problem solving and analogical thinking to visual communication skills.

The student performing at the novice level observes with assistance how artworks differ visually, spatially, intellectually, and functionally, and recognizes how these artworks are related to history and culture. The student applies with considerable support subjects, themes, symbols, and ideas to communicate planned meaning in artworks. The student attempts with considerable help some creative problem solving and analogical thinking to visual communication skills.


Students will


reflect on how artworks differ visually, spatially, intellectually, and functionally, and describe how these differences are a result of historical and cultural context.


use subjects, themes, symbols, and ideas to communicate intended meaning in artworks.


apply creative problem-solving and analogical thinking to visual communication skills.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art II

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.


Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAII.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level categorizes and describes categorize historical or cultural contexts of artworks through characteristics and purposes. The student analyzes and interprets different meanings and styles of specific art objects within various cultures, times and places. The student demonstrates with complexity in his/her own artwork a personal relationship to history, aesthetics, and culture.

The student performing at the above mastery level identifies and categorizes historical or cultural contexts of artworks through characteristics and purposes. The student analyzes and justifies different meanings and styles of specific art objects within various cultures, times and places. The student demonstrates with accuracy in his/her own artwork a personal relationship to history, aesthetics, and culture.

The student performing at the mastery level categorizes historical or cultural contexts of artworks through characteristics and purposes. The student differentiates meanings and styles of specific art objects within various cultures, times and places. The student demonstrates in his/her own artwork a relationship to history, aesthetics, and culture.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance categorize historical or cultural contexts of artworks through characteristics and purposes. The student discusses with assistance meanings and styles of specific art objects within various cultures, times and places. The student demonstrates with assistance a relationship in his/her own artwork to history, aesthetics, and culture.

The student at the novice level identifies with considerable assistance categorize historical or cultural contexts of artworks through characteristics and purposes. The student recognizes with considerable assistance meanings and styles of specific art objects within various cultures, times and places. The student demonstrates with significant assistance a relationship in his/her own artwork to history, aesthetics, and culture.


Students will


categorize historical or cultural contexts of artworks through characteristics and purposes.


differentiate meaning and style of specific art objects within various cultures, times and places.


demonstrate in their own artwork a relationship to history, aesthetics, and culture.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art II

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAII.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level explains multiple purposes for creating and maintaining portfolios and develops strong criteria for a personal portfolio. The student examines and reports on different genres of artwork from a variety of cultural viewpoints. The student reviews and refines criteria to evaluate his/her own work and the work of various periods and different cultures.

The student performing at the above mastery level explains multiple purposes for creating and maintaining portfolios and develops criteria for a personal portfolio. The student examines and evaluates different genres of artwork from a variety of cultural viewpoints. The student chooses criteria to evaluate his/her own work and the work of various periods and different cultures.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies the purpose for creating and maintaining a portfolio and develops criteria for a personal portfolio. The student analyzes and assesses different genres of artwork emphasizing cultural viewpoints. The student uses criteria to evaluate his/her own work and the work of various periods and different cultures.

The student performing at the partial mastery level recognizes with assistance the purpose for creating and maintaining a portfolio and attempts criteria for a personal portfolio. The student identifies different genres of artwork and is able to highlight cultural viewpoints. The student uses criteria with help to evaluate his/her own work and the work of various periods and different cultures.

The student at the novice level recognizes with assistance the purpose for creating and maintaining a portfolio. The student recognizes with help some genres of artwork highlighting several cultural viewpoints. The student with assistance evaluates his/her own work and the work of various periods and different cultures using given criteria.


Students will


identify the purpose for creating and maintaining a portfolio and develop criteria for a personal portfolio.


analyze and assesses different genres of artwork emphasizing cultural viewpoints.


use criteria for evaluating their own work and the work of various periods and different cultures.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art II

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAII.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level independently researches and evaluates artwork using specific historical issues or themes to other subject areas. The student incorporates consistently creative problem-solving techniques to produce innovative multi-disciplinary artwork.

The student performing at the above mastery level researches and compares artwork using specific historical issues or themes to other subject areas. The student frequently utilizes creative problem-solving techniques to produce original multi-disciplinary artwork.

The student performing at the mastery level selects and compares artwork using specific historical issues or themes to other subject areas. The student applies creative problem-solving techniques to produce a multi-disciplinary artwork.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance specific historical issues or themes in artwork and makes connections to other subject areas. The student applies with assistance some problem solving to produce a multi-disciplinary artwork.

The student at the novice level recognizes with assistance specific historical issues or themes in artwork. The student produces with considerable assistance a multi-disciplinary artwork.


Students will


select and compare artwork using specific historical issues or themes related to other subject areas.


apply creative problem solving techniques to produce a multi-disciplinary artwork.

General Art III

Art III builds on previous content standards with a more in-depth approach. Students analyze and respond to art from various global cultures visually, verbally, and in written form. Students examine and relate various themes and purposes of art forms to the total educational process. They study art history, criticism, and aesthetics in relation to individually selected artworks and develop a personal philosophy of art. The students develop portfolios which include products and critiques, and other reflective work as they develop a personal style. Skills in learning and thinking, literacy on a variety of levels and life skills for the 21st century are developed through in-depth core subject content in the arts.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art III

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIII.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level analytically selects and defends choices pertaining to media, techniques, and processes in the discussion and creation of artworks. The student consistently applies problem-solving skills to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks in a variety of media developing a personal style. The student consistently plans and produces two-dimensional and three-dimensional art works, organizing them for inclusion in an exhibition and/or portfolio. The student consistently uses materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the above mastery level autonomously selects and defends choices pertaining to media, techniques, and processes in the discussion and creation of artworks. The student frequently applies problem-solving skills to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks in a variety of media developing a personal style. The student consistently plans and produces two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks for inclusion in an exhibition and/or portfolio. The student uses materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level selects and defends choices pertaining to media, techniques, and processes in the discussion and creation of artworks. The student applies problem-solving skills to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks in a variety of media developing a personal style. The student creates and prepares two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks for inclusion in an exhibition and/or portfolio. The student uses materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance selects and defends choices pertaining to media, techniques, and processes in the discussion and creation of artworks. The student with assistance applies problem-solving skills to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks in a variety of media developing a personal style. The student creates and prepares with assistance two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks for inclusion in an exhibition and/or portfolio. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the novice level identifies with considerable assistance selects and defends choices pertaining to media, techniques, and processes in the discussion and creation of artworks. The student applies some problem-solving skills with assistance creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks using different media. The student makes with support two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks for inclusion in an exhibition and/or portfolio. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


select and defend choices pertaining to media, techniques, and processes in the discussion and creation of artworks.


apply problem solving skills to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks in a variety of media developing a personal style.


create and prepare two-dimensional and three-dimensional works for inclusion in an exhibition and/or portfolio.


use materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art III

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIII.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level debates and substantiates personal choices in the use of art elements and principles of design in own artworks. The student defends comparisons and contrasts of own work with other artwork in terms of the art elements and principles of design in oral or written form. The student consistently applies and problem-solves creating multiple refined solutions through preliminary work to solve assigned problems in structures and functions. The student confidently and consistently communicates significant ideas in artworks that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions for inclusion in a portfolio.

The student performing at the above mastery level defends and justifies personal choices in the use of art elements and principles of design in own artworks. The student explains comparisons and contrasts of own work with other artwork in terms of the art elements and principles of design in oral or written form. The student clearly applies and problem-solves creating multiple solutions through preliminary work to solve assigned problems in structures and functions. The student clearly communicates expressive ideas in artworks that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions for inclusion in a portfolio.

The student performing at the mastery level explains personal choices in the use of art elements and principles of artworks. The student compares and contrasts own work with other artwork in terms of the art elements and principles of design in oral or written form. The student creates multiple solutions through preliminary work to solve assigned problems in structures and functions. The student communicates expressive ideas in artworks that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions for inclusion in a portfolio.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies personal choices in the use of art elements and principles of design in own artworks. The student identifies with assistance in own work and other artwork the elements of art and principles of design in oral or written form. The student uses multiple solutions with moderate assistance for preliminary work to solve assigned problems in structures and functions. The student communicates ideas in artworks that demonstrate a partial understanding of structures and functions for inclusion in a portfolio.

The student performing at the novice level recognizes with assistance personal choices in the use of art elements and principles of design in own artworks. The student recognizes with assistance in own work and other artwork the elements of art and principles of design in oral or written form. The student makes multiple solutions with considerable support for preliminary work to solve assigned problems in structures and functions. The student communicates with assistance artworks that demonstrate a limited understanding of structures and functions.


Students will:


explain personal choices in the use of art elements and principles of design in own artworks.


compare and contrast own work with other artwork in terms of the art elements and principles of design in oral or written form.


create multiple solutions through preliminary work to solve assigned problems in structures and functions.


communicate expressive ideas in artworks that demonstrates an understanding of structures and functions for inclusion in a portfolio.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art III

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIII.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level judges and elaborates on symbolism used in the works of various artists. The student determines sophisticated themes, symbolism and ideas in relation to life experiences and/or perceptions when creating artwork and defends choices. The student consistently and efficiently applies problem-solving skills when choosing subject matter, symbols and ideas for own artwork.

The student performing at the above mastery level appraises and summarizes symbolism used in the works of various artists. The student develops creditable themes, symbolism and ideas in relation to life experiences and/or perceptions when creating artwork and explains choices. The student proficiently applies problem-solving skills when choosing subject matter, symbols and ideas for own artwork.

The student performing at the mastery level evaluates and summarizes symbolism used in the works of various artists. The student develops themes, symbolism and ideas in relation to life experiences and/or perceptions when creating artwork. The student applies problem-solving skills when choosing subject matter, symbols and ideas for own artwork.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies and lists with assistance symbolism used in the works of various artists. The student chooses with assistance themes, symbolism and ideas in relation to life experiences and/or perceptions when creating artwork. The student applies some problem-solving skills with assistance when choosing subject matter, symbols and ideas for own artwork.

The student performing at the novice level recognizes with considerable assistance symbolism used in the works of various artists. The student selects with considerable assistance themes, symbolism and ideas in relation to life experiences and/or perceptions when creating artwork. The student applies some problem-solving skills with considerable assistance when selecting subject matter, symbols and/or ideas for own artwork.


Students will


evaluate and summarize symbolism used in the works of various artists.


develop themes, symbolism and ideas in relation to life experiences and/or perceptions when creating artwork.


apply problem-solving skills to choose subject matter, symbols and ideas for own artwork.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art III

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIII.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level judges and defends themes in visual art common to various cultures throughout history. The student interprets and defends how themes common to various cultures influence the creation of art. The student creates artworks that show strong influence of specific and purposeful themes from various cultures past or present.

The student performing at the above mastery level evaluates and construes themes in visual art common to various cultures throughout history. The student compares and justifies how themes common to various cultures influence the creation of art. The student creates artworks that emulate specific themes from various cultures past or present.

The student performing at the mastery level defines and assesses themes in visual art common to various cultures throughout history. The student analyzes how themes common to various cultures influence the creation of art. The student creates artworks that reflect common themes from various cultures past or present.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance themes in visual art common to various cultures throughout history. The student discusses how themes common to various cultures influence the creation of art. The student creates artwork with assistance that reflects common themes from various cultures past or present.

The student at the novice level recognizes with considerable assistance themes in visual art common to various cultures throughout history. The student recognizes how themes common to various cultures influence the creation of art. The student creates artworks that with moderate assistance reflect common themes from various cultures past or present.


Students will


define and assess themes in visual art common to various cultures throughout history.


analyze how themes common to various cultures influence the creation of art.


create artwork that reflect common themes from various cultures past or present.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art III

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIII.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level investigates and appraises the multiple functions of art. The student uses and adapts frameworks for understanding contemporary and historic meanings in art addressing a variety of eras and cultures in detail. The student refines assessment in self-critiques and contributes significantly to a group critique in the context of a variety of eras and cultures.

The student performing at the above mastery level explores and appraises the multiple functions of art. The student uses and explains frameworks for understanding contemporary and historic meanings in art addressing a variety of eras and cultures. The student justifies work in self-critique and contributes considerably to a group critique in the context of a variety of eras and cultures.

The student performing at the mastery level determines multiple functions of art. The student uses frameworks for understanding contemporary and historic meanings in art addressing a variety of eras and cultures. The student participates in self-critique and in a group critique in the context of a variety of eras and cultures.

The student performing at the partial mastery level determines with assistance several functions of art. The student establishes frameworks for understanding contemporary and historic meanings in art addressing a variety of eras and cultures. The student with guidance participates in a self-critique and in a group critique placing the work in context of a variety of eras and cultures.

The student at the novice level identifies several functions of art. The student establishes frameworks for understanding contemporary and historic meanings in art addressing a variety of eras and cultures. The student participates with help in self-assessment and observes group critique, and with help places some of the work in the context of different eras and cultures.


Students will


determine multiple functions of art.


use frameworks for understanding contemporary and historic meanings in art addressing a variety of eras and cultures. e.g. timeline, graphic organizers.


participate in self-critique and group critique in the context of a variety of eras and cultures.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art III

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIII.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares and contrasts characteristics of the visual arts used in other disciplines. The student critiques the effectiveness of materials, technologies, media, and processes of the visual arts in comparison with those of other disciplines.

The student performing at the above mastery level compares characteristics of the visual arts used in other disciplines. The student compares and contrasts the effectiveness of materials, technologies, media, and processes of the visual arts with those of other disciplines.

The student performing at the mastery level categorizes characteristics of the visual arts used in other disciplines. The student compares the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the visual arts with those of other disciplines.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance characteristics of the visual arts used in other disciplines. The student identifies with help the similarities or differences of materials, technologies, media, and processes of the visual arts with those of other disciplines.

The student at the novice level recognizes, with assistance characteristics of the visual arts used in other disciplines. The student identifies with help the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the visual arts and those in other disciplines.


Students will


categorize characteristics of the visual arts used in other disciplines.


compare the materials, technologies, media and processes of the visual arts with those of other disciplines.

General Art IV

In Art IV, students develop and clarify their philosophy of art and art making through in-depth explorations with media, techniques and processes. Students expand and refine a portfolio reflecting a broad base of global and personal knowledge in the arts. Students take part in planning and installing an exhibition. 21st century learning and thinking skills, literacy in a variety of forms, and life skills are applied to content and projects.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art IV

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIV.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level justifies artworks the use of materials and techniques in portfolio work based on understanding of the artwork in the traditions of the media chosen. The student consistently applies problem solving to communicate personal ideas effectively in two-dimensional and three-dimensional media. The student consistently uses advanced techniques and processes in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the above mastery level revises the artwork in terms of the use of materials and techniques in portfolio work based on understanding of the artwork in the traditions of the media chosen. The student clearly applies problem solving to communicate personal ideas effectively in two-dimensional and three-dimensional media. The student uses advanced techniques and processes in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level appraises and explains the use of materials and techniques in portfolio work based on understanding of the artwork in the traditions of the media chosen. The student applies problem solving to communicate personal ideas effectively in two-dimensional and three-dimensional media.The student uses advanced techniques and processes in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level describes the use of materials and techniques in portfolio work based on understanding of the artwork in the traditions of the media chosen.The student applies some problem-solving to communicate personal ideas in two-dimensional and three-dimensional media. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student at the novice level identifies with assistance the use of materials and techniques in portfolio work based on understanding of the artwork in the traditions of the media chosen. The student with support applies some problem-solving to communicate personal ideas in two-dimensional and three-dimensional media. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


appraise and explain personal choices of materials and techniques in portfolio work based on an understanding of the traditions of the media.


communicate personal ideas effectively in two-dimensional and three-dimensional media.


use materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art IV

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIV.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level evaluates and judges selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment. The student compares and contrasts viewpoints written about famous artworks in terms of elements of art and principles of design applied to two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student consistently re-evaluates and refines the use of the elements of art and principles of design using multiple solutions in preliminary work that solve assigned problems for inclusion in a portfolio. The student articulately communicates expressive ideas that demonstrate a strong understanding of the structures and functions in art.

The student performing at the above mastery level analyzes and describes selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment. The student explains viewpoints written about famous artworks in terms of elements of art and principles of design applied to two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student frequently evaluates and refines the use of the elements of art and principles of design using multiple solutions in preliminary work that solve assigned problems for inclusion in a portfolio. The student clearly communicates expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

The student performing at the mastery level analyzes selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment. The student appraises viewpoints written about famous artworks in terms of elements of art and principles of design applied to two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student assesses and refines the use of the elements of art and principles of design using multiple solutions in preliminary work that solve assigned problems for inclusion in a portfolio. The student conveys expressive ideas in artwork demonstrating an understanding of the structures and functions in art.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment. The student identifies with assistance different viewpoints written about famous artworks in terms of elements of art and principles of design applied to some two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student applies with support the elements of art and principles of design for a few solutions in preliminary work that solve assigned problems for inclusion in a portfolio. The student conveys ideas with assistance in artwork demonstrating a basic understanding of the structures and functions in art.

The student at the novice level recognizes with moderate assistance some elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment. The student recognizes with considerable assistance different viewpoints written about famous artworks in terms of elements of art and principles of design. The student uses with support some of the elements of art and principles of design for limited solutions in preliminary work that solves assigned problems. The student communicates with help ideas in artwork demonstrating a limited understanding of the structures and functions in art.


Students will


analyze selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;


appraise viewpoints written about famous artworks in terms of elements of art and principles of design applied to two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.


refine the use of the elements of art and principles of design using multiple solutions in preliminary work that solve assigned problems for inclusion in a portfolio.


convey expressive ideas in artwork which demonstrate structures and functions in art.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art IV

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIV.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level independently investigates and appraises how artists have used subject matter and symbolism in their work. The student evaluates and explains sophisticated influences of artists and others on their work. The student consistently applies problem-solving skills to developing distinct themes and ideas in the creation of artwork.

The student performing at the above mastery level independently investigates how artists have used subject matter and symbolism in their work. The student evaluates and explains insightful influences of artists and others on their work. The student clearly applies problem-solving skills to develop specific themes and ideas in the creation of artwork.

The student performing at the mastery level probes how artists have used subject matter and symbolism in their work. The student evaluates the influences of artists and others on their work. The student uses problem-solving skills to develop specific themes and ideas in the creation of artwork.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance how artists have used subject matter and symbolism in their work. The student identifies with assistance influences of artists and others on their work. The student uses problem-solving skills with assistance to develop specific themes and ideas in the creation of artwork.

The student performing at the novice level recognizes with considerable assistance how artists have used subject matter and symbolism in their work. The student identifies with considerable assistance some influences of artists and others on their work. The student uses some problem-solving skills with help to develop themes or ideas in the creation of artwork.


Students will


probe how artists have used subject matter and symbolism in their work.


evaluate the influences of artists and others on their own work.


use problem-solving skills to develop specific themes and ideas in the creation of artwork.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art IV

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIV.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level researches and reports on the meaning of artworks across time and various cultures. The student analyzes and interprets aesthetic viewpoints observed in a variety of artworks throughout history and in a variety of cultures. The student demonstrates with accuracy critical models to interpret the meaning of artworks across time and in a variety of cultures.

The student performing at the above mastery level researches and discusses meaning of artworks across time and various cultures. The student analyzes and justifies aesthetic viewpoints observed in a variety of artworks throughout history and in a variety of cultures. The student demonstrates effective use of critical models to interpret the meaning of artworks across time and in a variety of cultures.

The student performing at the mastery level researches the meaning of artworks across time and various cultures. The student analyzes aesthetic viewpoints observed in a variety of artworks throughout history and in a variety of cultures. The student uses critical models to interpret the meaning of artworks across time and in a variety of cultures.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance the meaning of artworks across time and various cultures. The student considers aesthetic viewpoints observed in a variety of artworks throughout history and in a variety of cultures. The student demonstrates with assistance use of critical models to interpret the meaning of artworks across time and in a variety of cultures.

The student at the novice level recognizes with considerable assistance the meaning of artworks across time and various cultures. The student recognizes aesthetic viewpoints observed in a variety of artworks throughout history and in a variety of cultures. The student uses with considerable assistance a critical model to interpret the meaning of artworks across time and in a variety of cultures.


Students will


research meaning of artworks across time and various cultures.


analyze aesthetic viewpoints observed in a variety of artworks throughout history and cultures, e.g. Emotionalism, Formalism, and imitationalism.


use critical models to interpret the meaning of artworks across time and a variety of cultures.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art IV

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIV.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level concludes on the work of critics, historians, aestheticians and artists. The student analyzes and defends his/her own artwork, able to compare it to a variety of artists' works from various eras and cultures. The student evaluates and defends the content of portfolios or exhibits in terms of ideas, attitudes, reflective critiques, and statement of intent. The student writes a clear and concise personal statement about his/her artwork for inclusion in own portfolio.

The student performing at the above mastery level compares and contrasts the work of critics, historians, aestheticians and artists. The student analyzes and justifies his/her own artwork, able to compare it to a variety of artists' work from various eras and cultures. The student assesses and justifies the content of portfolios or exhibits in terms of ideas, attitudes, reflective critiques, and statement of intent. The student writes a strong clear personal statement about his/her artwork for inclusion in own portfolio.

The student performing at the mastery level compares the work of critics, historians, aestheticians and artists. The student describes his/her own artwork, able to compare it to a variety of artists' work from various eras and cultures. The student reviews and explains the content of portfolios or exhibits in terms of ideas, attitudes, reflective critiques, and statement of intent. The student writes a personal statement about his/her artwork for inclusion in own portfolio.

The student performing at the partial mastery level understands some of the work of critics, historians, aestheticians and artists. The student considers his/her own artwork, able to match it to an artists' work from another era or culture. The student examines the content of portfolios or exhibits and with help reviews the ideas, attitudes, reflective critiques, and statement of intent. The student with assistance writes a personal statement about his/her artwork for inclusion in own portfolio.

The student at the novice level recognizes with assistance the work of critics, historians, aestheticians and artists. The student with considerable help is able to match his/her own artwork to an artists' work from another era or culture. The student observes the content of portfolios or exhibits and with help reviews the ideas and attitudes. The student with substantial assistance writes a personal statement about his/her artwork for inclusion in own portfolio.


Students will


compare the work of critics, historians, aestheticians and artists.


describe their own artworks and be able to compare it to a variety of artists' works from various eras and cultures.


review and explain the content of portfolios or exhibits in terms of ideas, attitudes, reflective critiques, and statement of intent.


write a personal statement about their art for inclusion in their portfolio.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: General Art IV

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.VAIV.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level evaluates and critiques the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the visual arts with those of other disciplines.

The student performing at the above mastery level investigates the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the visual arts and those of other disciplines.

The student performing at the mastery level compares and contrasts the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the visual arts with those of other disciplines.

The student performing at the partial mastery level compares with assistance the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the visual arts with those of other disciplines.

The student at the novice level identifies with assistance some characteristics of the visual arts in other disciplines.


Students will


compare and contrast the materials, technologies, media and processes of the visual arts with those of other disciplines.

Studio Art I

Studio Art electives provide in-depth study in selected media, techniques, and processes. Foundation classes such as Art I are strongly recommended but not required. Expectations encompass proficiency of craftsmanship; participation in field experiences; incorporation of modern technology; study of 21st century art careers and related professions; an understanding of contemporary or related vocabulary literacy; understanding the properties of the media; and the safe and responsible use and care of equipment, tools and materials reflecting life skills. Studio Art electives include but are not limited to the following courses taught at the proficiency level: air brush, animation, architecture, batik, calligraphy, ceramics, color and design, commercial art, computer graphics, craft, design principles, drawing, electronic imaging, ethnic art, fiber arts, folk art, film, functional design, graphic design, jewelry, mixed media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage design, and stained glass.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art I

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAI.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level defines in detail and explains the terminology related to the media, processes and techniques. The student compares and contrasts techniques and processes. The student consistently applies innovative problem-solving skills to examine techniques, and processes in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student consistently uses materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the above mastery level defines the terminology related to the media, processes and techniques. The student evaluates and describes techniques and processes. The student applies creative problem-solving skills to effectively explore techniques, and processes in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student uses materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level demonstrates knowledge of the terminology related to the media, processes and techniques. The student demonstrates an understanding of techniques, and processes. The student uses problem-solving skills to explore techniques, and processes in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. The student uses materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level shows with assistance some knowledge of the terminology related to the media, processes and techniques. The student demonstrates with aid an understanding of techniques, and processes. The student applies with assistance problem-solving skills to techniques, and processes in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the novice level recognizes with assistance some of the terminology related to the media, processes and techniques. The student conveys with help an understanding of some of the techniques, and processes. The student applies with considerable assistance problem-solving skills to some techniques and processes in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


demonstrate knowledge of the terminology related to the media, processes and techniques.


demonstrate an understanding of techniques, and processes related to the media.


use problem-solving skills to explore techniques, and processes in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art.


use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art I

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAI.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares and contrast the elements and principles of design in artwork of the media. The student judges and defends the character of the elements of art and principles of design in artworks in the media. The student consistently creates artworks that successfully use organizational principles and functions to solve specific problems. The student creates artwork that communicates a strong understanding of the structures and functions in art.

The student performing at the above mastery level analyzes and describes the elements of art and principles of design in artwork of the media. The student compares and explains the character of the elements of art and principles of design in artworks in the media. The student frequently creates artworks that clearly use organizational principles and functions to solve specific problems. The student creates artwork that clearly demonstrates an understanding of the structures and functions in art.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies the elements of art and principles of design in artwork of the media. The student analyzes the character of the elements of art and principles of design in artworks in the media. The student creates artworks that use organizational principles and functions to solve specific problems. The student creates artwork demonstrating an understanding of the structures and functions in art.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance the elements and principles of design in artwork of the media. The student identifies with assistance the character of the elements of art and principles of design in artworks in the media. The student with assistance creates artworks that use organizational principles and functions to solve specific problems. The student with assistance creates artwork that shows evidence of an understanding of the structures and functions in art.

The student at the novice level recognizes with assistance the elements of art and principles of design in artwork of the media. The student recognizes with considerable assistance the character of the elements of art and principles of design in artworks in the media. The student with considerable assistance creates artworks that use some organizational principles and functions to solve specific problems. The student with considerable assistance creates artwork that shows evidence of an understanding of the structures and functions in art.


Students will


identify the elements of art and principles of design in artworks of the media.


analyze the character of the elements of art and principles of design in artworks in the media.


create artworks that use organizational principles and functions to solve specific problems.


create artwork demonstrating an understanding of the structures and functions in art.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art I

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAI.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level explores subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures. The student appraises and defends the significance of historical subject matter, themes and motifs. The student consistently uses creative problem solving skills to determine sophisticated subject matter, symbols, and ideas as content for artworks.

The student performing at the above mastery level explores subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures. The student appraises and explains the significance of historical subject matter, themes and motifs. The student frequently uses creative problem solving skills to effectively determine subject matter, symbols, and ideas as content for art works.

The student performing at the mastery level explores subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures. The student assesses the significance of historical subject matter, themes and motifs. The student uses problem solving skills to explore subject matter, symbols, and ideas as content for art works.

The student performing at the partial mastery level explores subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures. The student describes with assistance the significance of historical subject matter, themes and motifs. The student uses problem solving skills with assistance to discover subject matter, symbols, and ideas as content for art works.

The student performing at the novice level identifies subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures. The student describes with considerable assistance the significance of historical subject matter, themes or motifs. The student uses with considerable assistance problem solving to choose subject matter, symbols, and ideas as content for art works.


Students will


explore subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures.


assess the significance of historical subject matter, themes and motifs.


use problem solving skills to explore subject matter, symbols, and ideas as content for art works.


produce artworks with subject matter, themes and motifs related to the media from past and present cultures.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art I

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAI.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares and contrasts the meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from a variety of past and present cultures. The student evaluates and explains the relationships of artworks to one another in terms of history, aesthetics and culture. The student creates successful artworks significantly influenced by past history and culture in the media.

The student performing at the above mastery level compares the meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from a variety of past and present cultures. The student analyzes and describes the relationships of artworks to one another in terms of history, aesthetics and culture. The student creates effective artworks clearly influenced by past history and culture in the media.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies the meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from a variety of past and present cultures. The student investigates the relationships of artworks to one another in terms of history, aesthetics and culture. The student creates artworks influenced by past history and culture in the media.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from a variety of past and present cultures. The student with assistance identifies relationships of artworks to one another in terms of history, aesthetics and culture. The student with help creates artworks influenced by past history and culture in the media.

The student at the novice level recognizes with assistance some meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from a variety of past and present cultures. The student with considerable help recognizes relationships of artworks to one another in terms of history, aesthetics and culture. The student with considerable assistance creates artworks reflecting past history or culture in the media.


Students will


identify the meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from a variety of past and present cultures.


investigate themes and motifs from various cultures from past history.


create artworks influenced by past history and culture in the media.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art I

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAI.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level evaluates and explains the context and purpose for creating specific works in the media. The student compares and contrasts a variety of artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints. The student creates artwork and contributes significantly to critiques of own and others' artworks relating articulately the cultural and historical influences.

The student performing at the above mastery level analyzes and describes the context and purpose for creating specific works in the media. The student compares and distinguishes a variety of artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints. The student creates artwork and contributes considerably to critiques of own and others' artworks conveying accurately the cultural and historical influences.

The student performing at the mastery level investigates the context and purpose for creating specific works in the media. The student compares a variety of artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints. The student creates artwork and participates in critiques of own and others' artworks considering cultural and historical influences.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance contexts and purposes for creating specific works in the media. The student identifies with assistance a variety of artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints. The student creates artwork and takes part in critiques with guidance of own and others' artworks considering cultural and historical influences.

The student at the novice level recognizes with assistance contexts or purposes for creating specific works in the media. The student with considerable assistance recognizes artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints. The student with considerable help creates artwork and takes part in critiques of own and others' artworks considering some cultural and historical influences.


Students will


investigate the context and purpose for creating specific works in the media.


compare a variety of artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints.


creates artwork and participates in critiques of own and others artworks considering cultural and historical influences.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art I

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAI.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares and contrasts the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the studio area with those of other creative disciplines. The student compares and contrasts the connections between arts disciplines influenced by historical events, developments in science, or cultural ideas.

The student performing at the above mastery level compares and explains the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the studio area with those of other creative disciplines. The student analyzes and describes connections between arts disciplines influenced by historical events, developments in science, or cultural ideas.

The student performing at the mastery level compares the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the studio area with those of other creative disciplines. The student investigates connections between arts disciplines influenced by historical events, developments in science, or cultural ideas.

The student performing at the partial mastery level evaluates with assistance the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the studio area with those of other creative disciplines. The student with assistance identifies connections between arts disciplines influenced by historical events, developments in science, or cultural ideas.

The student at the novice level identifies with help the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the studio area and those of other creative disciplines. The student with considerable assistance recognizes some connections between arts disciplines influenced by historical events, developments in science, or cultural ideas.


Students will


compare the materials, technologies, media, and processes of the studio area with those of other creative disciplines.


investigate connections between arts disciplines influenced by historical events, developments in science, or cultural ideas.

Studio Art II

Studio Art II electives provide advanced in-depth study of selected media, techniques, and processes. The advanced level classes require Studio Art I prerequisites in the same area of study or teacher approval. Students demonstrate advanced levels of craftsmanship; knowledge of art careers and related professions; advanced level skills in the use of related vocabulary; and proficiency in the selection and use of the media. They practice field experiences, application of contemporary technology and the safe and responsible care and use of the media. These skills and concepts build on the 21st century skills of the Studio I course, further developing and refining them. Studio Art II electives include but are not limited to the following courses taught at the advanced level: air brush, animation, architecture, batik, calligraphy, ceramics, color and design, commercial art, computer graphics, crafts, design principles, drawing, electronic imaging, ethnic art, fiber arts, folk art, film, functional design, graphic design, jewelry, mixed media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage design, and stained glass.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art II

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAII.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level demonstrates substantial knowledge of skills, processes and techniques in the creation of artworks. The student consistently applies innovative problem-solving skills to examine techniques and processes to communicate ideas and expressive qualities. The student consistently uses materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the above mastery level demonstrates of knowledge of skills, processes and techniques in the creation of artworks. The student applies creative problem-solving skills to effectively explore media techniques and processes to communicate ideas and expressive qualities. The student uses materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner with self-direction.

The student performing at the mastery level demonstrates knowledge of skills, processes and techniques in the creation of artworks. The student uses problem-solving skills in the application of media techniques and processes to communicate ideas and expressive qualities. The student used materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

The student performing at the partial mastery level shows with assistance skills, processes and techniques in the creation of artworks. The student uses with assistance problem-solving skills in the application of media techniques and processes to communicate ideas and expressive qualities. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with assistance in a safe and responsible manner.

The student at the novice level uses with considerable assistance skills, processes and techniques in the creation of artworks. The student applies with considerable assistance problem-solving skills to skills in the application of media techniques and processes to communicate ideas and expressive qualities. The student uses materials, tools, and technology with constant supervision in a safe and responsible manner.


Students will


demonstrate knowledge of skills, processes and techniques in the creation of artworks.


use problem-solving skills in the application of media techniques and processes to communicate ideas and expressive qualities.


use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art II

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAII.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level compares and contrasts elements of art and principles of design in artwork of the media from a variety of cultures and artists. The student defends comparisons of the use of elements and principles of design in artworks of the media from a variety of cultures and artists. The student consistently and competently uses multiple solutions to explore organizational principles and functions to solve specific problems. The student creates artwork using structures and functions of art to articulately express ideas or concepts.

The student performing at the above mastery level analyzes and describes elements of art and principles of design in artwork of the media from a variety of cultures and artists. The student explains comparisons of the elements and principles of design in artworks of the media from a variety of cultures and artists. The student frequently and effectively applies multiple solutions to explore organizational principles and functions to solve specific problems. The student creates artwork using structures and functions of art to clearly express ideas or concepts.

The student performing at the mastery level identifies elements of art and principles of design in artwork of the media from a variety of cultures and artists. The student compares the use of the elements and principles of design in artworks of the media from a variety of cultures and artists. The student uses multiple solutions to explore organizational principles and functions to solve specific problems. The student creates artwork using structures and functions of art to express ideas or concepts.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with prompting the elements of art and principles of design in artwork of the media from a variety of cultures and artists. The student identifies with assistance the elements and principles of design in artworks of the media from a variety of cultures and artists. The student uses with assistance multiple solutions to discover organizational principles and functions to solve specific problems. The student with assistance creates artwork using structures and functions of art to communicate ideas or concepts.

The student at the novice level identifies with considerable assistance the elements of art and principles of design in artwork of the media from a variety of cultures and artists. The student recognizes with assistance the elements and principles of design in artworks of the media from a variety of cultures and artists. The student with assistance uses organizational principles and functions to solve problems. The student creates artwork with considerable assistance using structures and functions of art to suggest ideas or concepts.


Students will


identify elements of art and principles of design in artwork of the media from a variety of cultures and artists.


compare the use of the elements and principles of design in artworks of the media from a variety of cultures and artists.


use multiple solutions exploring organizational principles and functions to solve specific problems.


create artwork using structures and functions of art to express ideas or concepts.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art II

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:

$ identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAII.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level researches and explains subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures. The student distinguishes and defends specific subject matter, themes and motifs in terms of aesthetics. The student consistently applies problem-solving skills to determine subject matter, themes and motifs related to the media from past and present cultures. The student creates successful artworks with original subject matter with strong themes and motifs related to the media from contemporary society.

The student performing at the above mastery level researches and reports on subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures. The student differentiates and explains specific subject matter, themes and motifs in terms of aesthetics. The student frequently applies problem-solving skills to decide subject matter, themes and motifs related to the media from past and present cultures. The student produces artworks with clear subject matter, and strong themes and motifs related to the media from contemporary society.

The student performing at the mastery level researches subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures. The student differentiates specific subject matter, themes and motifs in terms of aesthetics. The student applies problem-solving skills to explore subject matter, themes and motifs related to the media from past and present cultures. The student produces artworks with subject matter, themes and motifs related to the media from contemporary society.

The student performing at the partial mastery level researches with assistance subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures. The student with assistance differentiates subject matter, themes and motifs in terms of aesthetics. The student applies problem-solving skills with moderate assistance to explore some subject matter, themes and motifs related to the media from past and present cultures. The student produces artworks with support using subject matter, themes and motifs related to the media from contemporary society.

The student performing at the novice level discovers with assistance subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures. The student tells apart with considerable assistance subject matter, themes and motifs. The student uses with considerable assistance some problem-solving skills applying limited subject matter, themes and motifs related to the media from past and present cultures. The student produces artworks with significant help incorporating subject matter, themes and motifs related to the media from contemporary society.


Students will


research subject matter, themes and motifs related to the studio area from past and present cultures.


differentiate specific subject matter, themes and motifs in terms of aesthetics.


apply problem solving skills to explore subject matter, themes and motifs related to the media from past and present cultures.


produce artworks with subject matter, themes and motifs related to the media from contemporary society.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art II

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAII.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level researches and explains the meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from various past and present cultures. The student evaluates and explains themes and motifs from various cultures in present time. The student creates successful artworks that articulately express contemporary issues and cultural influences.

The student performing at the above mastery level researches and reports on the meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from various past and present cultures. The student analyzes and describes themes and motifs from various cultures in present time. The student creates successful artworks that clearly express contemporary issues and cultural influences.

The student performing at the mastery level researches the meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from various past and present cultures. The student compares and contrasts themes and motifs from various cultures in present time. The student creates artworks reflecting contemporary issues and culture influences.

The student performing at the partial mastery level identifies with assistance the meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from various past and present cultures. The student compares with assistance themes and motifs from various cultures in present time. The student creates artworks with support that reflect contemporary issues and culture influences.

The student at the novice level recognizes with significant aid the meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from various past or present cultures. The student reviews with assistance themes and motifs from various cultures in present time. The student creates with considerable help artworks reflecting contemporary issues or cultural influences.


Students will


research the meanings, functions, and uses of specific art in the media from various past and present cultures.


compare and contrast themes and motifs from various cultures in present time.


create artworks reflecting contemporary issues and cultural influences.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art II

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAII.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level probes the context and motivation for creating specific works in the media. The student evaluates a variety of artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints. The student refines and expands on, through group- and self-critiques, artworks for inclusion in an exhibition or portfolio.

The student performing at the above mastery level probes the context and motivation for creating specific works in the media. The student evaluates a variety of artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints. The student creates and refines, through group- and self-critiques, artworks for inclusion in an exhibition or portfolio.

The student performing at the mastery level probes the context and motivation for creating specific works in the media. The student evaluates a variety of artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints. The student creates and selects, through group- and self-critiques, artworks for inclusion in an exhibition or portfolio.

The student performing at the partial mastery level probes the context and motivation for creating specific works in the media. The student evaluates a variety of artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints. The student with assistance creates and selects, through group- and self-critiques, artworks for inclusion in an exhibition or portfolio.

The student performing at the novice level probes the context and motivation for creating specific works in the media. The student evaluates a variety of artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints. The student with considerable help creates and selects, through critiques, works for inclusion in an exhibition or portfolio.


Students will


probe the context and motivation for creating specific works in the media.


evaluate a variety of artworks in the media from different historical and cultural viewpoints.


create and select through group and self critiques works for inclusion in an exhibition or portfolio.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Studio Art II

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.SAII.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The student performing at the distinguished level consistently incorporates clear influences of materials, technologies, media, and processes of other creative disciplines resulting in sophisticated artwork. The student creates successful artworks demonstrating exceptional connections between arts disciplines influenced by historical events, developments in science, cultural ideas or issues.

The student performing at the above mastery level frequently incorporates effectively the influences of materials, technologies, media, and processes of other creative disciplines into their artwork. The student creates artworks clearly demonstrating strong connections between arts disciplines influenced by historical events, developments in science, cultural ideas or issues.

The student performing at the mastery level incorporates influences of materials, technologies, media, and processes of another creative discipline into their artwork. The student creates artworks demonstrating connections between arts disciplines influenced by historical events, developments in science, cultural ideas or issues.

The student performing at the partial mastery level incorporates with assistance some influences of materials, technologies, media, or processes of another creative discipline into their artwork. The student creates with aid artworks that demonstrate some connections between arts disciplines influenced by historical events, developments in science, cultural ideas or issues.

The student performing at the novice level includes with considerable assistance some influences of materials, technologies, media, or processes of another creative discipline in his/her own artwork. The student creates artworks with substantial help suggesting connections between arts disciplines possibly influenced by historical events, developments in science, cultural ideas or issues.


Students will


incorporate influences of materials, technologies, media, and processes of another creative discipline into their artwork.


create artworks demonstrating connections between arts disciplines influenced by historical events, developments in science, cultural ideas or issues.

Art History, Appreciation, Aesthetics

The students identify, discuss, and compare cultural and multi-cultural influences on the arts, including social, political, economic, functional and aesthetic considerations. They develop a variety of critical analyses. They examine different philosophies and viewpoints. Students' experiences with art media within its historical context will connect selected artwork to the artist's process. Products and/or presentations relate cognitive learning to artistic practices. All of these activities demonstrate 21st Century Content, Skills, and Literacies. Knowledge of related careers in the fields of art history and aesthetics are covered as well as the application of technology to assist learning.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Art History, Appreciation, Aesthetics

Standard: 1

Media, Techniques and Processes


Students will:

$ identify media and materials used in creating art;

$ understand processes and techniques in creating art;

$ apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and

$ use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.AH.1


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the distinguished level independently researches and critiques, using appropriate technology, the various styles, techniques, and media in works of art throughout history. The student analyzes the choices made by artists in terms of media, techniques and processes and independently creates a visual and/or verbal demonstration of his/her understanding of a medium, technique, and process.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the above mastery level compares and contrasts, using appropriate terminology, the various styles, techniques, and media in historical works of art. The student categorizes artists' uses of media, techniques, and processes and collaboratively creates a visual and/or verbal demonstration of his/her understanding of a medium, technique, and process.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the mastery level experiments with and explains, using appropriate terminology, various styles, techniques, and media in historical works of art. The student explores and discusses selected media, techniques, and processes that relate to the studied artworks.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the partial mastery level independently identifies, using appropriate terminology, the various styles, techniques, and media in works of art throughout history. The student identifies selected media, techniques, and processes that relate to the studied artworks.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student at the novice level identifies, with assistance, some styles, techniques, and media used in works of art throughout history.


Students will


identify and describe various styles, techniques, and media in works of art.


use in a safe and responsible manner, media, techniques and processes in relation to artwork studied.


examine and classify media and processes of artists throughout history.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Art History, Appreciation, Aesthetics

Standard: 2

Elements of Art and Principles of Design


Students will:

$ identify selected elements and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment;

$ understand qualities of elements of art and principles of design as they apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks;

$ apply elements of art and principles of design as they relate to problem-solving skills in the creation of art; and

$ communicate expressive ideas that demonstrate an understanding of structures and functions in art.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.AH.2


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the distinguished level independently researches and explains the elements of art and principles of design as they relate to art and to the environment, and as they are used in two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks across cultures and time periods. The student researches, analyzes, and justifies a variety of artists' applications of the elements of art, principles of design, structures and functions.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the above mastery level demonstrates knowledge of the elements of art and principles of design as they relate to art and the environment, and as they are used in two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks representing various cultures and time periods. The student explains information collected on artists' applications of the elements of art, principles of design, structures and functions.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the mastery level independently identifies the elements of art and principles of design as they relate to art and to the environment, and as they are used across cultures and time periods. The student integrates the elements of art and principles of design in two-dimensional and three-dimensional art representing various cultures and time periods. The student collects and reports information on artists' applications of the elements of art, principles of design, structures, and functions.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the partial mastery level independently recognizes elements of art and principles of design as they relate to art and to the environment, and as they are used across cultures and periods in selected examples. The student identifies artists' applications of the elements of art and principles of design in two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The student identifies structures and functions in selected examples of artwork.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the novice level identifies, with assistance, elements of art and principles of design in various works of art that relate to the environment. The student shows, with assistance, how the elements of art and principles of design apply to two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects and artworks.


Students will


describe the elements of art and principles of design used across the cultures and time periods.


evaluate how the elements of art and principles of design are integrated in two- and three-dimensional art across cultures and time periods.


research information concerning a variety of artists' applications of the elements of art and principles of design.


articulate out how the structures and functions of art are communicated in various cultures throughout history.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Art History, Appreciation, Aesthetics

Standard: 3

Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas


Students will:identify symbols and ideas to communicate meaning in art;

$ determine potential content for artworks; and

$ apply problem-solving skills when creating art relative to subject matter, symbols and ideas.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.AH.3


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the distinguished level independently identifies, compares, analyzes, and reports on cultural and global influences on art. The student analyzes and critiques the use of symbols, issues, and themes related to artworks of varied time periods and cultures. The student appraises aesthetic expression in terms of both form and content. The student independently researches and reports on the process artists use to find subject matter and ideas in creating art.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the above mastery level analyzes and reports on the use of symbols, issues, and themes related to artworks from various time periods. The student correlates symbols, issues, and themes used in cultural and global art. The student analyzes and critiques selected artists' use of expression in terms of form and content. The student researches and explains the process artists use to choose subject matter and ideas in creating art.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the mastery level compares and contrasts cultural and global influences in art. The student identifies and illustrates symbols, issues, and themes related to artworks of varied time periods and cultures. The student compares and contrasts aesthetic expression in terms of form and content. The student explains the processes artists use to find subject matter and ideas in creating art.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the partial mastery level identifies cultural and multi-cultural influences in art. The student recognizes selected symbols, issues, and themes of varied time periods and cultures. The student identifies aesthetic expression in terms of form and content. The student traces an artist's process to find subject matter and ideas for his/her artwork.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student at the novice level identifies, with assistance, cultural and multi-cultural influences in artwork. The student shows, with assistance, how artists find subject matter and ideas for artwork. The student identifies, with assistance, an aesthetic expression in form and content in the creation of art.


Students will


identify and compare a variety of cultural influences on art. e.g., economic, political, religious.


recognize symbols, issues, and themes related to artworks of varied time periods.


compare and contrast aesthetic expression in terms of both form and content.


explain the process of how artists find subject matter, and ideas in creating art.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Art History, Appreciation, Aesthetics

Standard: 4

Art History and Diversity


Students will:

$ identify how the visual arts have a history and specific relationship to culture;

$ analyze works of art that reflect different styles and time periods; and

$ demonstrate an understanding of how history, culture, and the arts influence each other.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.AH.4


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the distinguished level independently researches, analyzes, and explains how art throughout history influences contemporary art. The student researches and applies knowledge of styles and periods to products or presentations. The student researches a variety of sources and analyzes and explains how characteristics of form are indicators of social/religious beliefs.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the above mastery level categorizes historical art styles and points out how they influence contemporary art. The student differentiates between styles and periods through products or presentations. The student correlates, through presentation, characteristics of form and indicators of social/religious beliefs.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the mastery level explains how art throughout history influences contemporary art. The student applies knowledge of styles and periods to products or presentations. The student gives examples of how characteristics of form are indicators of social/religious beliefs.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the partial mastery level identifies examples of art throughout history that influences contemporary art. The student applies information about selected styles and historical periods to products or presentations. The student identifies artistic forms that are indicators of social/religious beliefs.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student at the novice level identifies, with assistance, paintings and other artworks that influence contemporary art. The student, with assistance, describes the progression and development of art through the ages. The student identifies, with assistance, an artistic form that is an indicator of social/religious beliefs.


Students will


analyze the historical influences on contemporary art.


research styles and/or periods of art and summarize or reconstruct as a product or presentation.


explain that artistic forms can be indicators of social/religious beliefs.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Art History, Appreciation, Aesthetics

Standard: 5

Reflection and Analysis


Students will:

$ identify multiple purposes for creating works of art;

$ analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and

$ describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.AH.5


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the distinguished level independently researches information about art critics from a variety of sources. He/she analyzes and explains the purposes and results of art critics and criticisms in a variety of written and oral presentations. The student independently examines and compares, using aesthetic inquiry, a number of artists' styles, techniques, and influences within a given time period. The student independently describes, compares, and justifies a variety of individual responses to artworks from various eras and cultures. The student independently develops and defends criteria for critiques of artwork. The student critiques a variety of artworks based on the criteria he/she has developed.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the above mastery level acquires information about art critics from a variety of sources. He/she identifies and analyzes the purposes and results of art critics and criticisms in written and oral presentation. The student chooses a variety of art from a specific period and performs a critical analysis. The student independently compares and contrasts different artists' approaches to the subjects, styles, and techniques of the period. The student independently develops and justifies criteria to assess artwork.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the mastery level identifies and explains the purposes and results of art critics and criticisms in written or oral presentations. The student uses and justifies a critical process to compare artists, styles, techniques, and their influences within a given time period. The student develops and explains criteria for critiques of artwork.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the partial level identifies the purpose and results of art critics and criticisms in written or oral form. The student uses a given critical process to compare selected artists, styles, techniques and their influences. The student uses a set of given criteria to critique artwork.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student at the novice level identifies with assistance the purposes of art critics and discusses them. The student compares with assistance two artists and their styles and techniques, and describes with assistance these artists' influence on the art of the period.


Students will


analyze the purposes of criticism in a variety of written or oral forms.


compare artists, styles, techniques, and their influences within a given time period using a critical process.


develop criteria for critiques about artists, styles, movements, aesthetics and concepts.

Grade 9 - 12

Visual Art: Art History, Appreciation, Aesthetics

Standard: 6

Multi-disciplinary Connections


Students will:

$ identify characteristics of the visual arts and other disciplines; and

$ analyze by comparing and contrasting connections between disciplines.

Performance Descriptors VA.PD.AH.6


Above Mastery


Partial Mastery


The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the distinguished level independently correlates art history and other disciplines by comparing, contrasting, and applying intricate inter-connections. The student uses this information in collaborative presentations across the curriculum.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the above mastery level researches how art history relates to other disciplines by comparing and contrasting their intricate inter-connections. The student uses this information in a multi-discipline presentation.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the mastery level explains how art history relates to other disciplines by comparing and contrasting inter-connected themes and characteristics.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student performing at the partial mastery level demonstrates recognition that art history relates to other disciplines by independently identifying connections between art history and other disciplines.

The Art History, Appreciation, or Aesthetics student at the novice level identifies, with assistance, a connection between art history and other disciplines.


Students will


explore art history and its relationships to other disciplines.

W. Va. Code R. § 126-44L-4