W. Va. Code R. § 126-5-8

Current through Register Vol. XLI, No. 52, December 27, 2024
Section 126-5-8 - W. Va. Code '18-2E-8. Creating Jobs Through Education
8.1. Comprehensive goals for jobs through education. The legislature has established a series of goals to be accomplished by the year 2001 for all students in all schools.
8.1.1. Replacement of the general curriculum with a system of career clusters and majors. Provisions for implementing a system of career clusters and majors will be found in section 8.2.10. of Policy 2510. See also Chart IV in Policy 2510.
8.1.2. Establishment of an individualized student transition plan for every student for grades 9-12 plus the first year after graduation. Provisions for the new five year transition plan will be found in section 8.2.10. of Policy 2510.
8.1.3. The involvement of partners at the state, regional and local levels. The Governor has appointed the Jobs Through Education Employer Panel to assist the State Board in ensuring that students are prepared for college, other postsecondary and gainful employment. County boards of education are required to appoint a county steering committee that includes parents and representatives from business, labor, higher education, economic development, local school improvement councils, faculty senates and other organizations as valuable partners in developing and implementing the provisions of Senate Bill 300. See section 7.2.7. of Policy 2510.
8.1.4. Creation of a portable credential for graduates that would be recognized by employers. The Department of Education is developing such a credential which may be the electronic portfolio. The availability of a portable credential is expected for the school year 1998-99.
8.1.5. Continuous program assessment, program improvement and staff development.
a. Program assessment. Section 8.1. of Policy 2510 provides rules for assessing education program effectiveness. Policy 2320 also addresses the assessment of education programs at both the county and school levels.
b. Program improvement. Section 8.3. of Policy 2510 provides rules for program improvement at both the county and school levels. These rules require county boards and schools to rely primarily on performance data in developing unified plans of improvement.
c. Staff development. The Department of Education is developing an intense staff development program to implement S.B. 300 and the other significant changes being made to State Board policies. Of particular importance is staff development for teachers and administrators who will be implementing the newly revised instructional goals and objectives.
8.2. Increased academic expectations and career development for all students.
8.2.1. An assessment program measuring student performance by grade level. The State Board has approved a uniform statewide assessment program covering grades K-12. Details for the implementation of this assessment program will be found in Policy 2340.
8.2.2. Focus on basic skills in kindergarten through fourth grade. Revisions have been made to the programs of study in grades K-2 and 3-4. See Charts I and II in Policy 2510. Section 6.3.1. of Policy 2510 emphasizes student acquisition of basic skills in reading, writing, mathematics and computer skills. The instructional goals and objectives for English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies have been revised for all grade levels K-12. See Policy 2520.
8.2.3. Development of rigorous curriculum.
a. Revised instructional goals and objectives. See Policy 2520. The instructional goals and objectives for all other programs of study will be similarly revised and presented to the State Board for comment and subsequent approval as quickly as possible.
b. Assessment of student proficiencies. All students are, at a minimum, expected to achieve at the 50th percentile at the eleventh grade level on the norm-referenced component of the statewide assessment program in order to qualify for a warranty signifying their mastery of basic skills. See section 8.2. of Policy 2510.
8.2.4. Career exploration in grades five through eight. See the revised programs of study for grades five through eight in Chart III in Policy 2510.
8.2.5. First two years of the individualized student plan. Section 8.2.10.a. of Policy 2510 requires that the student choose a broad career cluster as part of the creation of the first two years of the individual student plan and that the plan be implemented in grades nine and ten.
8.2.6. Final three years of the individualized student plan. Section 8.2.10.b. of Policy 2510 requires that the student choose a career major for the final two years of high school and the first year after high school during the creation of the second part of the individual plan and that the plan be implemented in grades eleven and twelve plus the first year after high school.
8.2.7. Participation in work-based learning experiences. Section 7.2.8. of Policy 2510 requires that all students be provided work-based learning experiences sometime during grades 9-12.
8.2.8. Assessment form after completion of the first year after high school. The Department of Education will develop this form and provide it to county school systems for use with their graduates. The form will enable students to report their success in completing their five year plans and report the strengths and weaknesses of their education preparation.
8.2.9. Report of the career guidance committee of the state school to work steering committee. S.B. 300 requires that this committee report be provided to the State Board and the legislative oversight commission on education accountability.
8.2.10. Practices that increase academic expectations for all students. Most of the suggested practices contained in this section of S.B. 300 are implemented through the instructional practices suggested in section 7.3. of Policy 2510 and pages 17-18 of the instructional goals and objectives.
8.2.11. Establishing partnerships.
a. The governor has appointed the Jobs Through Education Employer Panel to advise and assist the State Board in assuring that graduates are prepared for further education or the workplace. All policy changes approved by the State Board were reviewed and in many cases recommended by the Panel.
b. County steering committees. See section 7.2.7. of Policy 2510.
8.2.12. Guidelines for work-based learning in counties with few opportunities for employment. Section 7.2.8. of Policy 2510 requires county boards of education to develop policies and procedures for work-based learning. The Department of Education will prepare a resource document that will contain guidelines to assist county boards of education in implementing work-based learning experiences.
8.2.13. Electronic portfolio of student accomplishments and preparation. It is anticipated that an electronic portfolio will be available for use by county boards of education for the school year 1998-99.
8.2.14. Certification of student skills, competencies and readiness for employment. Rules and procedures for certification of student skills, competencies and readiness for employment will be developed by the Jobs Through Education Employer Panel and entities designated by that Panel and the State Board and will be promulgated to county school systems, institutions of higher education and other job training programs.
8.2.15. Staff development. Staff development is absolutely critical in implementing S.B. 300 effectively. The State Board will, as required in W. Va. Code '18-2E-8(N), include in its budget request for 1997-98 and subsequent years, sufficient funds to provide the necessary comprehensive staff development program for the implementation of S.B. 300
a. Comprehensive staff development program. The Department of Education is developing a comprehensive staff development program to implement S.B. 300.
b. Designation of exemplary county and school comprehensive school-to-work systems. The Department of Education is reviewing school-to-work systems in counties and will recommend to the State Board the exemplary school-to-work systems.
8.2.16. Study committee for staff development credits. S.B. 300 requires that the committee named in W. Va. Code '18-2E-8(l) make recommendations on the feasibility of, and a possible process for, crediting staff development activities for certification renewal and salary classification increase. The committee must report its recommendations to the legislative oversight commission on education accountability by January 1, 1997.

W. Va. Code R. § 126-5-8