Section 51-11C-40600 - Section C406-Efficiency and load management measuresC406.1Additional energy efficiency and load management measures credit requirements. The project as defined in the building permit shall meet the following requirements as applicable: 1. New buildings, changes in space conditioning category, change of occupancy group, and building additions in accordance with Chapter 5 shall comply with sufficient measures from Section C406.2 so as to achieve the minimum number of required efficiency credits shown in Table C406.1.2. New buildings greater than 5000 gross square feet of floor area shall comply with sufficient measures from Section C406.3 so as to achieve the minimum number of required load management credits shown in Table C406.1.3. Tenant spaces shall comply in accordance with Section C406.1.1.4. Projects using discrete area credit weighting shall comply in accordance with Section C406.1.2. EXCEPTIONS: | 1. Low energy spaces in accordance with Section C402.1.1.1, equipment buildings in accordance with Section C402.1.2, unconditioned spaces, open parking garages, and enclosed parking garages that comply with sufficient measures from Table C406.2(1) to achieve a minimum of 50 percent of the efficiency credits required for new construction. Such projects shall be exempt from the load management requirements in Table C406.1. 2. Building additions that have less than 1,000 square feet of conditioned floor area that comply with sufficient measures from Table C406.2(1) to achieve a minimum of 50 percent of the efficiency credits required for additions. 3. Warehouses are exempt from the load management credit requirements in Table C406.1. |
Table C406.1
Energy Measure Credit Requirements
Required Credits for Projects | Section | Occupancy Group |
Group R-1 | Group R-2 | Group B | Group E | Group M | All Other |
New building energy efficiency credit requirement | C406.2 | 54 | 41 | 42 | 48 | 74 | 49 |
Building additions energy efficiency credit requirement | C406.2 | 27 | 20 | 21 | 23 | 36 | 21 |
New building load management credit requirement | C406.3 | 12 | 15 | 27 | 15 | 13 | 26 |
C406.1.1Tenant spaces. An initial tenant improvement shall comply with sufficient measures from Table C406.2(1) to achieve a minimum of efficiency credits required in Table C406.1 and are not required to achieve any load management credits. In projects with multiple tenant spaces, each tenant space is permitted to apply for different measures provided the weighted average of all areas in the project comply with the overall efficiency credit requirement in Table C406.1. Whole building or addition energy credits shall be allocated to tenant spaces in accordance with Sections C406.1.1.1 and C406.1.1.2. EXCEPTIONS: | 1. An initial tenant improvement where the core and shell building complied via Section C407 in 2018 or later edition of the Washington State Energy Code. 2. Previously occupied tenant spaces in existing buildings that complies with this code in accordance with Section C501. |
C406.1.1.1Applicable envelope, renewable and elevator energy credits. Where an entire building or building addition complies with Section C406.2.5, C406.2.12, or C406.2.18, under an initial tenant improvement permit, tenant spaces within the building qualify for the number of credits assigned to the occupancy group of the tenant space in accordance with Table C406.2(1). Where prior energy credits were achieved under the 2018 Washington State Energy Code, they shall be multiplied by 6 for applicability to this code.C406.1.1.2Applicable HVAC and service water heating credits. Where HVAC and service water heating systems and services are installed and comply with Section C406.2.2, C406.2.8, C406.2.9, or C406.2.10 under an initial tenant improvement permit, those systems and services shall be considered a part of the tenant space. Tenant spaces qualify for the credits assigned to the occupancy group of the tenant space in accordance with Table C406.2(1) if the tenant space includes the distribution system and equipment that the central HVAC systems or service water heating systems were designed to support.C406.1.2Discrete area-weighted project compliance. Discrete building areas are permitted to select different packages of measures provided that the whole project complies with both the energy and load management credit requirements. Compliance shall be determined as follows:1. Required project credits shall be prorated on an area-weighted basis for each occupancy group by multiplying the occupancy group floor area by the number of credits required, and then dividing this value by the total area of all the occupancy groups combined. Where one occupancy group is less than 10 percent of the floor area of the project, use the primary occupancy group for those credits.2. Occupancies are permitted to be subdivided into discrete areas, with required and achieved credits for each area prorated on an area-weighted basis as required for the occupancy group.3. Where envelope or lighting power credits in Section C406.2.3.1, C406.2.3.2, or C406.2.3.12 are applied, the lighting power or envelope UA percentage reduction shall be calculated for the project as a whole to determine achieved credits.4. Determine total project credits achieved by area-weighting the achieved credits by occupancy group in the same manner as for required project credits.5. A project complies when the achieved number of area-weighted energy and load management credits are equal to or greater than the required area-weighted number of credits.Wash. Admin. Code § 51-11C-40600
Amended by WSR 16-03-072, Filed 1/19/2016, effective 7/1/2016Amended by WSR 19-24-040, Filed 11/26/2019, effective 7/1/2020Amended by WSR 20-21-080, Filed 10/19/2020, effective 2/1/2021Amended by WSR 22-14-091, Filed 7/1/2022, effective 7/1/2023Amended by WSR 24-03-085, Filed 1/16/2024, effective 3/15/2024Amended by WSR 24-16-145, Filed 8/7/2024, effective 9/7/2024Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.020, 19.27A.025 and chapters 19.27 and 34.05 RCW. 13-04-056, § 51-11C-40600, filed 2/1/13, effective 7/1/13.