Section 51-11C-40374 - Section C403.7.4-HVAC serving guestroomsC403.7.4Automatic control of HVAC systems serving guestrooms. In Group R-1 buildings containing more than 50 guestrooms, each guestroom shall be provided with controls complying with the provisions of Sections C403.7.4.1 and C403.7.4.2. Card key controls comply with these requirements. C403.7.4.1Temperature setpoint controls. Controls shall be provided on each HVAC system that are capable of and configured with three modes of temperature control. 1. When the guestroom is rented but unoccupied, the controls shall automatically raise the cooling setpoint and lower the heating setpoint by not less than 4°F (2°C) from the occupant setpoint within 30 minutes after the occupants have left the guestroom.2. When the guestroom is unrented and unoccupied, the controls shall automatically raise the cooling setpoint to not lower than 80°F (27°C) and lower the heating setpoint to not higher than 60°F (16°C). Unrented and unoccupied guestroom mode shall be initiated within 16 hours of the guestroom being continuously occupied or where a networked guestroom control system indicates that the guestroom is unrented and the guestroom is unoccupied for more than 20 minutes. A networked guestroom control system that is capable of returning the thermostat setpoints to default occupied setpoints 60 minutes prior to the time a guestroom is scheduled to be occupied is not precluded by this section. Cooling that is capable of limiting relative humidity with a setpoint not lower than 65 percent relative humidity during unoccupied periods is not precluded by this section.3. When the guestroom is occupied, HVAC set points shall return to their occupied set point once occupancy is sensed.C403.7.4.2Ventilation controls. Controls shall be provided on each HVAC system that are capable of and configured to automatically turn off the ventilation and exhaust fans within 20 minutes of the occupants leaving the guestroom or isolation devices shall be provided to each guestroom that are capable of automatically shutting off the supply of outdoor air to and exhaust air from the guestroom. EXCEPTION: | Guestroom ventilation systems are not precluded from having an automatic daily preoccupancy purge cycle that provides daily outdoor air ventilation during unrented periods at the design ventilation rate for 60 minutes, or at a rate and duration equivalent to one air change. |
Wash. Admin. Code § 51-11C-40374
Adopted by WSR 19-24-040, Filed 11/26/2019, effective 7/1/2020Amended by WSR 20-21-080, Filed 10/19/2020, effective 2/1/2021Amended by WSR 22-14-091, Filed 7/1/2022, effective 7/1/2023