Section 51-11C-40355 - Section C403.5.5-Economizer fault detection and diagnosticsC403.5.5Economizer fault detection and diagnostics (FDD). Air-cooled unitary direct-expansion units with a cooling capacity of 54,000 Btu/h or greater listed in the tables in Section C403.3.2 that are equipped with an economizer in accordance with Section C403.5 shall include a fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) system complying with the following: 1. The following temperature sensors shall be permanently installed to monitor system operation: 2. Temperature sensors shall have an accuracy of +-2°F (1.1°C) over the range of 40°F to 80°F (4°C to 26.7°C).3. Refrigerant pressure sensors, where used, shall have an accuracy of +-3 percent of full scale.4. The unit controller shall be configured to provide system status by indicating the following: 4.1. Free cooling available.4.5. Mixed air low limit cycle active.4.6. The current value of each sensor.5. The unit controller shall be capable of manually initiating each operating mode so that the operation of compressors, economizers, fans and the heating system can be independently tested and verified.6. The unit shall be configured to report faults to a fault management application available for access by day-to-day operating or service personnel or annunciated locally on zone thermostats.7. The FDD system shall be configured to detect the following faults: 7.1. Air temperature sensor failure/fault.7.2. Not economizing when the unit should be economizing.7.3. Economizing when the unit should not be economizing.7.4. Damper not modulating.Wash. Admin. Code § 51-11C-40355
Adopted by WSR 19-24-040, Filed 11/26/2019, effective 7/1/2020Amended by WSR 22-14-091, Filed 7/1/2022, effective 7/1/2023