Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 504-35-024 - Scheduling and reservation practices for other than first amendment activities - Duties of requestor(1) The primary purpose of university facilities is to serve the university's instructional, research, and public service activities. However, facilities when not required for scheduled university use, may be available for rental by the public in accordance with current fee schedules and other relevant terms and conditions for such use.(2) No university facilities may be used by individuals or groups unless the facilities, including buildings, equipment, and land, have been reserved.(3) Requests to use university facilities are made to the approving authority, as defined in WAC 504-35-020(2) and in accordance with WAC 504-35-022.(4) The approving authority may deny the request to use university facilities where he or she determines that such use would violate any of the limitations set forth in WAC 504-35-030 or where the requestor is unwilling to comply with university requirements for the use of facilities, as authorized by these rules.(5) The university may require an individual or organization to make an advance deposit, post a bond and/or obtain insurance to protect the university against cost or other liability as a condition to allowing use of any university facility.(6) When the university grants permission to an individual or organization to use its facilities it is with the understanding and on the condition that the individual or organization assumes full responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from such use and agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the university against any loss or damage claim arising out of such use.(7) The university and/or government authorities may specify fire, safety, sanitation, and special regulations for the event. It is the responsibility of the user to obey those regulations, as well as to comply with other applicable university policies, procedures, rules, regulations, and state, local, and federal laws.(8) When the university grants permission to an individual or organization to use its facilities it is with the understanding and on the condition that the individual or organization is responsible to clean the facility and leave it in its original condition at the conclusion of its use or event. The facility may be subject to inspection by a representative of the university after the event. Reasonable charges may be assessed against the sponsoring organization for the costs of extraordinary cleanup or for the repair of damaged property.Wash. Admin. Code § 504-35-024
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.150. 08-24-026, § 504-35-024, filed 11/24/08, effective 12/25/08.