Wash. Admin. Code § 504-35-020

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 504-35-020 - Definitions and powers
(1) "Affiliated entities" or "university affiliates" means those entities that have formal relationships with the university and also encompass those entities' officers, agents, and employees. Affiliated entities include, but are not limited to, the university research foundation, the university foundation, the 4-H foundation, the office of the attorney general, and the United States Department of Agriculture -- Agricultural Research Service. A list of affiliated entities is available on the campus use committee web site. The web site can be found by accessing the university's web site at: http://www.wsu.edu/.
(2) "Approving authority" means a university employee who has authority, consistent with these regulations and with the procedures established by the campus use committee, to review, approve, or deny individual requests for use of facilities.
(a) The university maintains a list of the approving authorities for those facilities that are most frequently used on a short-term basis by individuals and groups. That list is available from the office of business and finance at the Pullman campus, 442 French Administration Building, or by going on-line to the campus use committee web site. The web site can be found by accessing the university's web site at: http://www.wsu.edu/.
(b) The approving authority for all long-term uses of facilities is the vice-president for business and finance, the university president, or designee.
(3) A "ballot proposition" means any measure, initiative, recall, or referendum proposition proposed to be submitted to the voters of the state or of any municipal corporation, political subdivision, or other voting constituency from the time that proposition has been filed with the appropriate election officer of the constituency.
(4) The "campus use committee" is the group that is charged with establishing procedures for review of requests to use university facilities at the Pullman campus; to establish, within the framework of these regulations, procedures governing use of facilities throughout the university system; to review rental schedules where appropriate, and to review individual requests for use where such requests are not reviewed by another university unit or department under these rules. Review of requests to use facilities at the Vancouver, Spokane, and Tri-Cities campuses will be reviewed by the campus use committees for those campuses.
(5) "Campus use committee -- Vancouver," "campus use committee -- Tri-Cities," and "campus use committee -- Spokane" mean the groups responsible to review individual requests for use of university facilities operated under the oversight of the Vancouver, Tri-Cities and Spokane campuses where such requests are not reviewed by another university unit or department under these rules.
(6) A "candidate forum" means a forum where all registered candidates for a potential elected seat are invited to speak regarding their candidacy and position on issues.
(7) "First amendment activities" include, but are not necessarily limited to, informational picketing, petition circulation, the distribution of information leaflets or pamphlets, speech-making, demonstrations, rallies, appearances of speakers in outdoor areas, protests, meetings to display group feelings or sentiments, and/or other types of constitutionally protected assemblies to share information, perspectives, or viewpoints.
(8) An "issue forum" means a forum where supporters and opponents of a ballot proposition are invited to speak on their positions regarding the ballot proposition.
(9) "Limited public forum areas" means those areas of each campus that the university has chosen to be open as places for expressive activities protected by the first amendment ("first amendment activities"), subject to reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions. The use of limited public forum areas for first amendment activities is governed by chapter 504-33 WAC. The provisions of this chapter govern the use of limited public forum areas for nonfirst amendment activities, such as student sponsored concerts or dances. Limited public forum areas are identified in WAC 504-33-015.
(10) "Long-term use" means the use of a university facility for a period of longer than five consecutive business days in any thirty calendar-day period or the use of a university facility for a period that will exceed ten days in any thirty calendar-day period.
(11) A "measure" means any question or proposition submitted to voters.
(12) "Nonuniversity group," for the purposes of this policy, means a collection of individuals that is neither a university affiliate, a registered student organization, nor a recognized employee group. The term also includes the individual members of these groups when acting on behalf of the group, and individuals who are not currently enrolled students, current university employees, or employees of a university affiliate.
(13) "Registered student organization" means a student group or association that has officially signed up with the university pursuant to WAC 504-28-010.
(14) "Short-term use" means a use of a university facility on a daily or hourly basis, not to exceed five consecutive calendar days, or ten calendar days in any thirty calendar-day period. Approving authorities may enter agreements authorizing sporadic use of facilities under their control for periods of up to one year, if the approving authority utilizes the template approved by the office of business and finance for such agreements and if the authorized use will not exceed ten days in any thirty calendar-day period.
(15) "University group," for purposes of this policy, means a registered student organization or a recognized employee group (an employee group created to further professional development of its members or the mission of the university) of the university, and also encompasses the individual members of these groups when acting on behalf of the group. The term also includes individuals who are currently enrolled students or current employees.
(16) "University facilities" means all buildings and grounds owned or controlled by the university and the streets, sidewalks, malls, parking lots, and roadways within the boundaries of property owned or controlled by the university.
(17) "Use of facilities" includes the holding of any event or forum, the posting of signs, all forms of advertising, commercial solicitation or the conduct of other commercial activities, the distribution of pamphlets or similar written materials, and the charitable solicitation or the conduct of other charitable activities on or using university facilities.

Wash. Admin. Code § 504-35-020

Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.150. 08-24-026, § 504-35-020, filed 11/24/08, effective 12/25/08.