Section 495C-141-150 - Violation of rules(1) Where college space is used for an authorized function (such as a class or a public or private meeting under approved sponsorship, administrative functions or service related activities), groups must obey or comply with the lawful directions of the designated administrative officer or individual in charge of the meeting.(2) The administrator in charge shall make the decision to close down an event or activity that she or he deems to be in violation of these rules.(3) Noncollege groups who violate these regulations will be advised of the specific nature of the violation, and if they persist in the violation, will be requested by the administrator in charge to leave the college property. Such a request will be deemed to withdraw the license or privilege to enter onto or remain upon any portion of the college facilities of the person or group of persons requested to leave, and subject such individuals to arrest under the trespass provisions of chapter 9A.52 RCW or municipal ordinance. If an event is canceled due to such violations, the organization is responsible for all college costs and expenses in preparing the facility for its use, as well as subsequent costs and expenses for cleanup and repair of college facilities.(4) Members of the college community (students, faculty, and staff) who do not comply with these regulations will be reported to the appropriate college office or agency for action in accordance with established college policies.(5) If a college facility abuts a public area or street, and if student activity, although on public property, unreasonably interferes with ingress and egress to college buildings, the college has jurisdiction to act under the student conduct code, chapter 495C-121 WAC.(6) Persons who violate college policies may be asked to leave the property by the approving authority. Remaining on or reentering the property after such event shall constitute trespass and such individual shall be subject to arrest for criminal trespass.(7) The college may restrict an individual's or a group's use of college facilities, if that person or group has, in the past, violated provisions of this chapter, including owing a debt to the college for failure to pay for previous damages or leases. Such restriction shall be part of any no trespass or disciplinary proceeding as a result of such violation.(8) The college reserves the right to request the assistance of appropriate law enforcement agencies in situations involving criminal actions in violation of this chapter.(9) The college reserves the right to seek civil remedy for violations of this chapter.Wash. Admin. Code § 495C-141-150
Adopted by WSR 19-16-095, Filed 8/1/2019, effective 9/1/2019