Section 495C-141-130 - Prohibited conduct(1) The use or possession of unlawful drugs or narcotics, not medically prescribed, on college property or at college functions, is prohibited. Students under the influence of intoxicants, unlawful drugs or narcotics while in college facilities are subject to disciplinary action.(2) The use or possession of marijuana, including medically prescribed marijuana, is a violation of federal law and is therefore prohibited.(3) Clover Park Technical College facilities are smoke free. The use of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and related products is prohibited on college premises or in any location where such use is prohibited, including twenty-five feet from entrances, exits, windows that open, and ventilation intakes of any building owned, leased or operated by the college. "Related products" includes, but is not limited to cigarettes, pipes, bidi, clove cigarettes, water pipes, hookahs, chewing tobacco, and snuff. The use of tobacco and electronic smoking devices is approved at designated outdoor sites.(4) Destruction of college property is prohibited.Wash. Admin. Code § 495C-141-130
Adopted by WSR 19-16-095, Filed 8/1/2019, effective 9/1/2019