Section 495C-141-060 - Primary uses of college facilitiesWhen allocating use of college facilities, priority shall be given to activities related to the college's mission. No arrangements will be made that may interfere with or operate to the detriment of, the college's own instructional, research, or public service programs. In particular, college buildings, properties, and facilities, including those assigned to student programs, are used primarily for:
(1) The regularly established instructional, research, or public service activities of the college and its departments;(2) Cultural, educational, or recreational activities of the students, faculty, or staff;(3) Short courses, conferences, seminars, or similar events, conducted either in the public service or for the advancement of specific departmental professional interests, when arranged under the sponsorship of the college or its departments;(4) Public events of a cultural or professional nature brought to the campus at the request of college departments or committees and presented with their active sponsorship and active participation; or(5) Activities or programs sponsored by educational institutions, by state or federal agencies, by charitable agencies or civic or community organizations whose activities are of widespread public service and do not violate requirements of chapter 42.52 RCW.Wash. Admin. Code § 495C-141-060
Adopted by WSR 19-16-095, Filed 8/1/2019, effective 9/1/2019