Chapter 480-160 - PILOTAGE RULES
- Section 480-160-001 - Purpose of chapter
- Section 480-160-005 - Application
- Section 480-160-010 - Resolving disputes about the meaning of these rules
- Section 480-160-020 - Definitions
- Section 480-160-030 - Change of address, telephone number, or email
- Section 480-160-040 - Exemptions from rules in chapter 480-160 WAC
- Section 480-160-050 - Records retention
- Section 480-160-060 - Reporting requirements
- Section 480-160-070 - Commission compliance policy
- Section 480-160-080 - Fees
- Section 480-160-090 - Pilots must charge only approved rates
- Section 480-160-100 - Tariffs and rates-General
- Section 480-160-110 - Tariffs-Changes must be identified
- Section 480-160-120 - Changing commission-published tariff-Puget Sound pilotage district
- Section 480-160-130 - Changing commission-published tariffs-Grays Harbor pilotage district
- Section 480-160-140 - Tariffs-Approval
- Section 480-160-150 - Tariffs-Suspension by the commission
- Section 480-160-160 - Complaints-Rates and charges