Wash. Admin. Code § 480-108-050
Interconnection customers must obtain an electrical permit and pass electrical inspection for all generating and interconnection facilities before they can be connected or operated in parallel with the electrical company's electric system. The electrical company must receive written certification from the interconnection customer that the generating facility has been installed and inspected in compliance with the local building and/or electrical codes. The electrical company must review and approve in writing the certificate of completion, before the interconnection customer's generating facility may be operated in parallel with the electrical company's electric system. The electrical company shall not unreasonably withhold such approval, but shall have the right to inspect and test the interconnection facilities in accordance with IEEE 1547.1 prior to parallel operation.
Wash. Admin. Code § 480-108-050
Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040 and 80.04.160. WSR 07-20-059 (Docket UE-060649, General Order 545), § 480-108-050, filed 9/27/07, effective 10/28/07; WSR 06-07-017 (Docket No. UE-051106, General Order No. R-528), § 480-108-050, filed 3/6/06, effective 4/6/06.