Section 480-107-025 - Contents of RFP solicitations(1) An RFP must define the resource need, including specific attributes or characteristics the utility is soliciting, such as the amount and duration of power , time and locational attributes, operational attributes, the type of technology or fuel source necessary to meet a compliance requirement, and any additional information necessary for potential bidders to make a complete bid, including a copy or link to the complete assessment of avoided costs identified in WAC 480-100-615(12).(2) The RFP must request information identifying energy and nonenergy benefits or burdens to highly impacted communities and vulnerable populations, short-term and long-term public health impacts, environmental impacts, resiliency and energy security impacts, or other information that may be relevant to identifying the costs and benefits of each bid, such as a bidder's past performance utilizing diverse businesses and a bidder's intent to comply with the labor standards in RCW 82.08.962 and 82.12.962. After the commission has approved the utility's first clean energy implementation plan (CEIP), requested information must contain, at a minimum, information related to indicators approved in the utility's most recent CEIP, including customer benefit indicators, as well as descriptions of all indicators.(3) The RFP must document that the size and operational attributes of the resource need requested are consistent with the range of estimated new resource needs identified in the utility's IRP.(4) The RFP must explain the specific ranking procedures and assumptions that the utility will use in accordance with WAC 480-107-035. The RFP must include a sample evaluation rubric that quantifies, where possible, the weight the utility will give each criterion during the bid ranking procedure, and provides a detailed explanation of the aspects of each criterion that would result in the bid receiving higher priority.(5) The RFP must specify a detailed timeline for each stage of the RFP process including solicitation , ranking , and selection , as well as the utility's schedule of planned informational activities and contact information for the RFP.(6) The RFP must generally identify any utility-owned assets, including merchant-side assets that the utility has available, for the purpose of receiving bids that assist the utility in meeting its resource need at the lowest reasonable cost. The utility must make reasonable efforts to provide bidders with necessary technical details they request and to allow bidders to design their bids for use in conjunction with utility-owned assets.(7) The RFP must identify any minimum bidder requirements, including for financial security requirements and the rationale for such requirements, such as proof of a bidder's industry experience and capabilities.(8) The RFP must include standard form contracts to be used in acquisition of resources.(9) All RFPs must discuss the impact of any applicable multistate regulation on RFP development including the requirements imposed by other states for the RFP process.(10) All RFPs must clearly state the scope of the solicitation and the types of bids that the utility will accept consistent with WAC 480-107-024.Wash. Admin. Code § 480-107-025
Amended by WSR 19-15-031, Filed 6/12/2019, effective 7/13/2019Amended by WSR 21-02-023, Filed 12/28/2020, effective 12/31/2020Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040 and 80.04.160. 06-08-025 (Docket No. UE-030423, General Order No. R-530), § 480-107-025, filed 3/28/06, effective 4/28/06.