Chapter 479-14 - Transportation improvement account projects
- Section 479-14-005 - Purpose and authority
- Section 479-14-006 - Previously funded projects
- Section 479-14-011 - Programs funded from the transportation improvement account
- Section 479-14-111 - Who is eligible to receive urban program funding
- Section 479-14-121 - What projects are eligible for urban program funding
- Section 479-14-131 - Award criteria for the urban program
- Section 479-14-141 - Regions of the urban program
- Section 479-14-151 - Funding distribution formula for the urban program
- Section 479-14-161 - Matching requirement for the urban program
- Section 479-14-200 - Sidewalk deviation authorities for the urban and small city arterial programs
- Section 479-14-211 - Who is eligible to receive small city arterial program funding
- Section 479-14-215 - Small city match funding allocation
- Section 479-14-221 - What projects are eligible for small city arterial program funding
- Section 479-14-223 - When is a sidewalk required for the small city arterial program
- Section 479-14-225 - What is not eligible on state highways under the small city preservation program?
- Section 479-14-231 - Award criteria for the small city arterial program
- Section 479-14-241 - Regions of the small city arterial program
- Section 479-14-251 - Funding distribution formula for the small city arterial program
- Section 479-14-261 - Matching requirement for the small city arterial program
- Section 479-14-270 - Small city federal match funding eligibility and application
- Section 479-14-271 - Restriction on use of small city federal match funding
- Section 479-14-272 - [Repealed] Small city federal match funding priority
- Section 479-14-273 - If small city federal match funding is fully allocated
- Section 479-14-274 - Small city match funding increases
- Section 479-14-402 - Active transportation program subprograms
- Section 479-14-411 - Who is eligible to receive active transportation program funding
- Section 479-14-421 - What projects are eligible for active transportation program funding
- Section 479-14-431 - Award criteria for the active transportation program
- Section 479-14-441 - Regions of the active transportation program
- Section 479-14-451 - Distribution formula for the active transportation program
- Section 479-14-461 - Matching requirement for the active transportation program