Section 478-165-040 - Affiliated book store responsibilitiesIn making course materials available for purchase, any University of Washington affiliated book store should:
(1) Provide students the option of purchasing materials that are unbundled when possible;(2) Disclose to faculty and staff the costs to students of purchasing materials, and work with faculty and staff to encourage publishers to provide information showing how new editions vary from previous editions and to make this information available publicly;(3) Actively promote and publicize book buy-back programs;(4) Disclose retail costs for course materials on a per course basis to faculty and staff and make this information publicly available; and(5) Disclose information to students on required course materials including, but not limited to, title, authors, edition, price, and International Standard Book Number (ISBN) at least four weeks before the start of the class for which the materials are required. The provost may waive the disclosure requirement provided in this subsection on a case-by-case basis, if students may reasonably expect that nearly all information regarding course materials is available four weeks before the start of the class for which the materials are required. The requirement provided in this subsection does not apply if the faculty member using the course materials is hired four weeks or less before the start of class.Wash. Admin. Code § 478-165-040
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.10.590, 28B.20.130 and UWBR, Standing Orders, Chapter 1, § 2. 10-24-093, § 478-165-040, filed 11/30/10, effective 12/31/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.10.590 and 28B.20.130. 07-16-034, § 478-165-040, filed 7/23/07, effective 8/23/07.