Wash. Admin. Code § 468-51-060
This rule shall be used where the department is the permitting authority. Where the local governmental entity is the permitting authority, the applicable procedures of the local governmental entity must be followed. If the local governmental entity has no procedures then this rule may apply.
All connection and roadway design documents for Category II and III permits shall bear the seal and signature of a professional engineer, registered in accordance with chapter 18.43 RCW.
State route number.
County or local road name.
Highway pavement type.
Cross section.
Posted speed limit.
The existence and location of any existing and/or future proposed public or private road abutting or entering the property; the horizontal and vertical curvature of the road(s) noting the location of existing and proposed connections and any other pertinent information.
Location of all existing and proposed buildings, and other structures, such as gasoline pumps, lights, trees, etc., with respect to the existing and proposed property and right of way lines.
Any adjacent properties that are owned or controlled by the applicant, or in which the applicant has a financial interest, and indicate whether these properties will be accessed by means of the proposed connection(s).
Proof of legal ownership or legal easement.
The application shall include a boundary survey. The requirement for a boundary survey may be waived for Category I connections, at the discretion of the department.
Any existing or proposed parcels segregated from the applicant's property for separate development also shall be clearly designated on the plan.
The proposed connection milepost and highway engineer's station, if available.
Location of the highway centerline with respect to existing and proposed property lines.
Distance of proposed public or private access connection to intersecting roads, streets, railroads.
Existing or proposed median openings (crossovers) and connections on all sides of the state highway and other roads within six hundred sixty feet of the proposed connection location in urban areas and one thousand three hundred twenty feet in nonurban (rural) areas.
Location of existing or proposed public or private retaining walls, fences, poles, sidewalks, bike paths, drainage structures and easements, traffic control devices, fire hydrants, utilities, or other physical features, such as trees, landscaping, green belts, and wetlands, that could affect driveway location.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to physically identify the location of the proposed connection at the proposed site.
Proposed connection and approach improvements including its profile approaching the state highway, width, radii, angle to the highway, auxiliary pavement.
Existing and proposed grading (or contouring that affects the natural drainage pattern or runoff impacting the state highway and the proposed connection).
Drainage calculations and other pertinent data.
Driveway, auxiliary lanes and crossover pavement design, including subgrade, base, surface materials, and thicknesses.
Specific requirements for design information on individual Category I permit applications may be relaxed, or waived, at the discretion of the department.
If the driveway is to serve more than one property, the plan shall detail information for all properties using the connection and the application shall include copies of legally enforceable agreements of concurrence for all property owners on joint driveway usage.
Joint driveway use serving adjoining properties is encouraged on all highways and may be required on some highways, in compliance with rules adopted by the department.
Wash. Admin. Code § 468-51-060
Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.50 RCW. 99-06-034 (Order 187), § 468-51-060, filed 2/25/99, effective 3/28/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.01.101 and chapter 47.50 RCW. 92-14-044, § 468-51-060, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92.