Section 468-250-040 - Controlled operations(1) The department of transportation may enter into any contract, lease, special use permit, letter of agreement, or other arrangement with any person for controlled operations at state airports.(2) All controlled operations shall be conducted only under an agreement with the department of transportation.(3) The following operations require the execution of an agreement, lease, special use permit, or other arrangement as appropriate, between the department of transportation, and the controlled user:(a) Any construction on a state airport;(b) The permanent, semipermanent or seasonal use of hangars or tie-downs on a state airport, except transient use;(c) Any right-of-ground access other than by public roadway or easement, so called "through the fence" operations;(d) Fuel sales or storage at a state airport;(e) Long term parking of vehicles or storage of property;(f) Exchange of services between the department of transportation and a person or group;(g) Any commercial operation, except transient nonscheduled air taxi operations;(h) Any use of airport property which is not incidental to normal airport operations;(i) Glider towing, parachuting, ballooning, and ultralight use at state airports, except transient;(j) Any other use as may be designated by the department of transportation.Wash. Admin. Code § 468-250-040
Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.68 RCW. 96-17-018 (Order 164), recodified as § 468-250-040, filed 8/13/96, effective 9/13/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.68.100 and 47.68.210. 83-11-041 (Order 80), § 12-40-040, filed 5/18/83.