Chapter 463-80 - Carbon dioxide mitigation program for thermal electric generating facilities
- Section 463-80-005 - Work in unison
- Section 463-80-010 - Policy and purpose
- Section 463-80-020 - Definitions
- Section 463-80-030 - Carbon dioxide mitigation program applicability
- Section 463-80-040 - Carbon dioxide mitigation program costs
- Section 463-80-050 - Calculating total carbon dioxide emissions to be mitigated
- Section 463-80-060 - Carbon dioxide mitigation plan requirements and options
- Section 463-80-070 - Carbon dioxide mitigation option statement and mitigation plan submittal and approval
- Section 463-80-080 - Enforcement
- Section 463-80-090 - Independent qualified organizations list
- Section 463-80-100 - Independent qualified organization use of funds
- Section 463-80-110 - Independent qualified organization oversight
- Section 463-80-120 - Biennial reports
- Section 463-80-130 - Severability