Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 460-20C-020 - DefinitionsThe following definitions apply for the purpose of this chapter and chapters 460-21C and 460-23B WAC:
(1) "Balance sheet" means a balance sheet prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States.(2) "Branch office" means any location where one or more salespersons of a broker-dealer regularly conducts the business of effecting any transactions in, or inducing or attempting to induce the purchase or sale of any security, or is held out as such, excluding:(a) Any location that is established solely for customer service and/or back office-type function where no sales activities are conducted and that is not held out to the public as a branch office;(b) Any location that is the salesperson's primary residence, provided that: (i) Only one salesperson, or multiple salespersons who reside at that location and are members of the same immediate family, conduct business at the location;(ii) The location is not held out to the public as an office and the salesperson does not meet with customers at the location;(iii) Neither customer funds nor securities are handled at that location;(iv) The salesperson is assigned to a designated branch office, and such designated branch office is reflected on all business cards, stationery, retail communications, and other communications to the public by such salesperson;(v) The salesperson's correspondence and communications with the public are subject to the supervision of the broker-dealer with which the salesperson is associated;(vi) Electronic communications are made through the broker-dealer's electronic system;(vii) All orders are entered through the designated branch office or an electronic system established by the broker-dealer that is re-viewable at the branch office;(viii) Written supervisory procedures pertaining to supervision of sales activities conducted at the residence are maintained by the broker-dealer; and(ix) A list of the residence locations is maintained by the broker-dealer;(c) Any location, other than a primary residence, that is used for securities business for less than 30 business days in any one calendar year, provided the salesperson and broker-dealer comply with the provisions of (b)(i) through (ix) of this subsection. For the purpose of this subsection, the term "business day" does not include any partial business day provided that the salesperson spends at least 4 hours on such business day at the salesperson's designated branch office during the hours that such office is normally open for business;(d) Any office of convenience, where salespersons occasionally and exclusively by appointment meet with customers, which is not held out to the public as an office;(e) Any location that is used primarily to engage in nonsecurities activities and from which the salespersons effect no more than 25 securities transactions in any one calendar year; provided that any retail communication identifying such location also sets forth the address and telephone number of the location from which the salesperson(s) conducting business at the nonbranch locations are directly supervised;(f) The floor of a registered national securities exchange where a broker-dealer conducts a direct access business with public customers; or(g) A temporary location established in response to the implementation of a business continuity plan. Notwithstanding the exclusions provided in this subsection (2), any location that is responsible for supervising the activities of salespersons of the broker-dealer at one or more nonbranch locations of the broker-dealer is considered to be a branch office.
(3) "Central Registration Depository" or "CRD" means the national registration system operated by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., pursuant to a contract with the North American Securities Administrators Association.(4) "Chief compliance officer" means each person designated as chief compliance officer on Schedule A of Form BD.(5) "FINRA" means the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., the self-regulatory organization for broker-dealers and salespersons of broker-dealers that is registered as a national securities association with the Securities and Exchange Commission under Section 15A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. 78o.(6) "FINRA member" means any broker-dealer that is a member of FINRA. "FINRA member" may also include any broker-dealer registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 that has access to and the ability to make filings through the Central Registration Depository.(7) "Form BD" means the Uniform Application for Broker-Dealer Registration.(8) "Form BDW" means the Uniform Request for Broker-Dealer Withdrawal.(9) "Form BR" means the Uniform Branch Office Registration Form.(10) "Form U4" means the Uniform Application for Securities Industry Registration or Transfer.(11) "Form U5" means the Uniform Termination Notice for Securities Industry Registration.(12) "OTC non-NASDAQ equity securities" means equity securities not traded on a national securities exchange or on NASDAQ. Equity securities quoted on FINRA's OTC Bulletin Board are OTC non-NASDAQ equity securities.(13) "Principal" means any person associated with a broker-dealer including, but not limited to, sole proprietor, officer, partner, manager of office of supervisory jurisdiction, director, or other person occupying similar status or performing similar functions, who is actively engaged in the management of the broker-dealer's investment banking or securities business, such as supervision, solicitation, conduct of business in securities, or the training of persons associated with a broker-dealer for any of these functions. Such persons include, among other persons, a broker-dealer's chief executive officer and chief financial officer (or equivalent officers), and any other person associated with a broker-dealer who is performing functions or carrying out responsibilities that are required to be performed or carried out by a principal under FINRA rules. The term "actively engaging in the management of the broker-dealer's investment banking or securities business" includes the management of, and the implementation of corporate policies related to, such business, and managerial decision-making authority with respect to the broker-dealer's investment banking or securities business and management level responsibilities for supervising any aspect of such business, such as serving as a voting member of the broker-dealer's executive, management, or operations committees.(14) "Securities and Exchange Commission" or "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.(15) "Solicited" describes, but is not limited to, any transaction which involves the following action by a broker-dealer or salesperson:(a) Making a direct or indirect communication that a customer purchase a security;(b) Recommending the purchase of a security through market letters, newsletters, e-mail or other electronic communication, or by otherwise circulating information which recommends the purchase;(c) Volunteering information on the issuer, either to a particular customer or to customers generally;(d) Engaging in a transaction in a discretionary account or where the delivery of a prospectus or offering circular is required; or(e) Bringing a specific security to the attention of the customer through any means including, but not limited to, direct telephone conversation, the delivery of promotional material, or the transmission of electronic messages.Wash. Admin. Code § 460-20C-020
Adopted by WSR 24-19-055, Filed 9/12/2024, effective 10/13/2024