Chapter 415-08 - Appeals
- Section 415-08-010 - Scope
- Section 415-08-015 - Appealing a denied request for an in-service deferred compensation withdrawal
- Section 415-08-020 - Time limit for filing appeals - Procedure
- Section 415-08-023 - Contents of the notice of appeal
- Section 415-08-025 - Presiding officer
- Section 415-08-027 - Parties may stipulate to the record on appeal
- Section 415-08-030 - Parties
- Section 415-08-040 - Representing another person before the presiding officer
- Section 415-08-050 - Appearance in certain proceedings may be limited to attorneys
- Section 415-08-080 - Withdrawal or substitution of representatives
- Section 415-08-090 - Ethical conduct required
- Section 415-08-100 - Appearance by former employee of agency or former member of attorney general's staff
- Section 415-08-105 - Prehearing and posthearing memoranda
- Section 415-08-280 - Discovery
- Section 415-08-420 - Presentation of evidence - Burden of proof