Wash. Admin. Code § 392-145-060

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 392-145-060 - Loading and unloading procedures

The following procedures are required to assure maximum student safety:

(1) A school bus driver shall not order or allow a student to depart the school bus other than at his or her regular stop unless permission is first obtained in accordance with district policy.
(2) School bus drivers shall pick up only the students and persons designated by an authorized school district administrator.
(3) School bus drivers shall have the primary responsibility for the safety of passengers while they are boarding the school bus, while they are on the school bus, and while they are disembarking the school bus and crossing the roadway. If passengers must cross the road, the driver shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that they cross safely and that they pass in front of the school bus and never behind the school bus. The driver shall likewise ensure that passengers boarding or disembarking from the school bus are within his/her view at all times.
(4) Prior to stopping the school bus on the roadway for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers, school bus drivers shall activate the alternating flashing amber lamps by means of a master sequencing switch. The driver shall activate the alternating flashing amber lamps:
(a) No less than one hundred feet and no more than three hundred feet from the school bus stop where the posted speed limit is thirty-five miles per hour or less; and
(b) No less than three hundred feet and no more than five hundred feet from the school bus stop where the posted speed limit is more than thirty-five miles per hour.
(5) No school bus shall pull over to the left-hand side of the road to load or unload passengers.
(6) The stop sign and alternately flashing red lamps shall be activated whenever a school bus is stopped on any portion of a traveled roadway to load or unload school children. Simultaneously flashing amber hazard lamps shall be activated whenever a school bus is stopped off the roadway to load or unload school children.
(7) Whenever school children have to cross the roadway, the school bus shall stop on the roadway and display the stop sign and alternately flashing red lamps. A school bus driver shall not allow school children to cross any roadway having three or more marked traffic lanes or any highway divided into separate roadways as provided in RCW 46.61.150.
(8) The stop sign and alternately flashing red lamps on a school bus shall not be used while the school bus is moving or to indicate that the school bus is going to stop.
(9) While loading and unloading passengers on a traveled portion of the roadway, the school bus driver shall activate the alternating flashing red lights by means of a sequencing switch prior to opening the passenger load door.
(10) The school bus driver shall set the brake and place the transmission in neutral or park prior to loading or unloading passengers. When it is possible, the school bus driver shall maintain light pressure on the service brake to activate the brake lamps when loading or unloading passengers.
(11) The school bus driver shall assure that all students are seated or secure prior to releasing the brake.
(12) In any case in which a school bus passes a stopped school bus which is loading and unloading students off the traveled portion of the roadway, the passing school bus shall reduce speed and proceed with caution.

Wash. Admin. Code § 392-145-060

Amended by WSR 16-10-114, Filed 5/4/2016, effective 9/1/2016
Amended by WSR 18-16-121, Filed 8/1/2018, effective 9/1/2018

Statutory Authority: RCW 46.61.380. 07-05-058, § 392-145-060, filed 2/20/07, effective 11/1/07.