Chapter 391-65 - Grievance arbitration rules
- Section 391-65-001 - Scope-Contents-Other rules
- Section 391-65-002 - [Repealed] Sequence and numbering of rules - Special provisions
- Section 391-65-010 - Grievance arbitration request-Who may file
- Section 391-65-030 - Request for grievance arbitration-Filing and service
- Section 391-65-050 - Contents of request filing forms
- Section 391-65-070 - Appointment of staff arbitrator
- Section 391-65-072 - Special provision - Educational employees
- Section 391-65-073 - Special provision - Academic employees
- Section 391-65-075 - [Repealed] Special provision - Marine employees
- Section 391-65-090 - Designation of panel of arbitrators
- Section 391-65-110 - Conduct of proceedings
- Section 391-65-130 - [Repealed] Grievance arbitration - Award
- Section 391-65-150 - Expenses of arbitration