Chapter 391-55 - Impasse resolution case rules
- Section 391-55-001 - Scope-Contents-Other rules
- Section 391-55-002 - [Repealed] Sequence and numbering of rules - Special provisions
- Section 391-55-010 - Impasses in contract negotiations-Request for contract mediation-Filing and service
- Section 391-55-020 - Grievance mediation-Request for grievance mediation-Filing and service
- Section 391-55-030 - Assignment of mediator
- Section 391-55-032 - Special provision-Educational employees
- Section 391-55-050 - Submission of written proposals
- Section 391-55-070 - Function of mediator
- Section 391-55-071 - [Repealed] Special provision - State patrol personnel
- Section 391-55-0715 - [Repealed] Special provision - Public employees
- Section 391-55-072 - [Repealed] Special provision - Educational employees
- Section 391-55-090 - Confidential nature of mediation
- Section 391-55-110 - [Repealed] Dispute resolution panel - Membership
- Section 391-55-120 - [Repealed] Dispute resolution panel - Referral and selection procedures
- Section 391-55-130 - [Repealed] Disclosure
- Section 391-55-150 - [Repealed] Vacancies
- Section 391-55-200 - Interest arbitration-Certification of issues
- Section 391-55-201 - [Repealed] Special provision - Certification of issues - Public employees
- Section 391-55-202 - [Repealed] Special provision - Certification of issues - Educational employees
- Section 391-55-205 - Interest arbitration-Appointment of partisan arbitrators
- Section 391-55-211 - Special provision-Interest arbitration-Selection of neutral chairperson for state
- Section 391-55-210 - Interest arbitration-Selection of neutral chairperson
- Section 391-55-215 - Interest arbitration-Conduct of proceedings-Waiver of objections
- Section 391-55-220 - Interest arbitration-Submission of proposals for arbitration
- Section 391-55-225 - Interest arbitration-Prehearing conference-Hearing
- Section 391-55-230 - Interest arbitration-Order of proceedings and evidence
- Section 391-55-235 - Interest arbitration-Arbitration in the absence of a party
- Section 391-55-240 - Interest arbitration-Closing of arbitration hearings
- Section 391-55-245 - Interest arbitration-Award
- Section 391-55-255 - Interest arbitration-Expenses of arbitration
- Section 391-55-265 - Interest arbitration-Suspension of arbitration pending outcome of unfair labor practice proceedings
- Section 391-55-300 - Fact-finding
- Section 391-55-302 - Special provision - Educational employees
- Section 391-55-310 - Selection of fact finder
- Section 391-55-315 - Conduct of fact-finding proceedings-Waiver of objections
- Section 391-55-320 - Submission of proposals for fact-finding
- Section 391-55-321 - Fact-finding prehearing conference
- Section 391-55-325 - Fact-finding hearing
- Section 391-55-330 - Order of proceedings and evidence
- Section 391-55-335 - Fact-finding in the absence of a party
- Section 391-55-340 - Closing of fact-finding hearings
- Section 391-55-345 - Findings of fact and recommendations
- Section 391-55-350 - Responsibility of parties after fact-finding
- Section 391-55-355 - Expenses of fact-finding
- Section 391-55-365 - Advisory opinion