Section 381-20-050 - Requests for public records(1) All requests for the disclosure of a public record must be in writing identifying the record sought with reasonable certainty. The written request should include:(a) The name of the person requesting the record.(b) The calendar date the request was made.(c) The nature of the request.(2) A request for disclosure shall be made during the customary business hours or by mail. Persons who appear at the board's office for the purpose of inspection and copying of the board files are requested to make an appointment at least ten working days in advance in order to allow sufficient time for the removal and deletion of exempted record information.(3) This chapter shall not be construed as giving authority to any agency to give, sell, or provide access to lists of individuals for any purpose, and the board shall not do so unless specifically authorized or directed by law.(4) If the public record contains material exempt from disclosure pursuant to law, including those laws cited in WAC 381-20-010, the board must provide the person requesting disclosure with a written explanation for the nondisclosure, pursuant to WAC 381-20-090.(5) Any person continuing to seek disclosure, after having received a written explanation for the nondisclosure, pursuant to WAC 381-20-090, may request a review under the provisions of WAC 381-20-100.(6) When a person's identity is relevant to an exemption, that person may be required to provide personal identification.(7) Nothing in this chapter, shall be construed to require the board to compile statistics or other information from material contained in public records, where doing so would unduly interfere with other essential functions of the board and is not required for litigation by rules of pretrial discovery.(8) If public records or information contained in a board file are in the field for purposes of a hearing, and are thus not available, board staff shall promptly inform the person requesting disclosure that there will be a delay in responding to the disclosure request due to the unavailability of the public record.(9) All requests from the press or media shall be referred to the chair or designee for response.Wash. Admin. Code § 381-20-050
Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.220(1)(b) and 42.17.250. 98-19-054, § 381-20-050, filed 9/15/98, effective 10/16/98; 91-14-028, § 381-20-050, filed 6/26/91, effective 7/27/91.