Chapter 352-65 - Boating safety program approval
- Section 352-65-010 - What is the purpose of boating safety program approval?
- Section 352-65-020 - How are the words and phrases used in this chapter?
- Section 352-65-030 - Who is eligible to apply for boating safety program approval?
- Section 352-65-040 - What are the minimum requirements necessary to obtain boating safety program approval?
- Section 352-65-045 - How does a county or city apply for approval of a boating safety program?
- Section 352-65-050 - What funds are available and how are they distributed to approved boating safety programs?
- Section 352-65-055 - What conditions apply to approval of a boating safety program?
- Section 352-65-060 - What criteria will be used to evaluate continuation of approval of a boating safety program?