Chapter 314-23 - Spirits distributors, spirits certificate of approval licenses, and spirits importers
- Section 314-23-001 - What does a spirits distributor license allow?
- Section 314-23-005 - What are the fees for a spirits distributor license?
- Section 314-23-020 - What are the requirements for a spirits distributor license?
- Section 314-23-021 - What are the monthly reporting and payment requirements for a spirits distributor license?
- Section 314-23-022 - What if a distributor licensee fails to report or pay, or reports or pays late?
- Section 314-23-025 - [Repealed] Collection of shortfall of spirits distributor license fees from spirits distributor license holders
- Section 314-23-030 - What does a spirits certificate of approval license allow?
- Section 314-23-040 - What are the requirements for a certificate of approval license?
- Section 314-23-041 - What are the monthly reporting requirements for a spirits certificate of approval licensee?
- Section 314-23-042 - What if a spirits certificate of approval licensee fails to report or reports late?
- Section 314-23-050 - What does a spirits importer license allow?
- Section 314-23-060 - What are "volume discounts"?
- Section 314-23-065 - What are "unfair trade practices"?
- Section 314-23-070 - What is "local market"?
- Section 314-23-075 - Are licensed distributors or other suppliers of spirits and wine allowed to provide discounts to on-premises or off-premises retail licensees based on a commitment from the retailer to purchase a particular percentage of the spirits back-bar, well-drinks, wine by the glass, or any combination of these?
- Section 314-23-080 - Are licensed distributors or other licensed suppliers of spirits and wine allowed to provide volume discounts to on-premises or off-premises retail licensees?
- Section 314-23-085 - What type of discounts are not allowed?