Chapter 308-65 - Hulk haulers/scrap processors
- Section 308-65-010 - Definitions - General
- Section 308-65-020 - Definitions
- Section 308-65-030 - Established place of business
- Section 308-65-040 - Hulk hauler - Application for license
- Section 308-65-050 - Expiration of hulk hauler license
- Section 308-65-060 - Hulk haulerSpecial plates
- Section 308-65-070 - Hulk hauler - General procedures and requirements
- Section 308-65-080 - Hulk hauler - Procedures for acquiring and selling vehicles
- Section 308-65-090 - Scrap processor - Application for license
- Section 308-65-100 - Expiration of scrap processor license
- Section 308-65-110 - Scrap processorSpecial plates
- Section 308-65-120 - Scrap processor - General procedures and requirements
- Section 308-65-130 - Scrap processor - Procedures for acquiring vehicles for demolition
- Section 308-65-140 - Scrap processor - Procedures for monthly reports
- Section 308-65-150 - Statement of change in business structure, ownership interest or control
- Section 308-65-160 - Termination of business
- Section 308-65-170 - Sale, transfer or other disposition of noncorporate licensee
- Section 308-65-190 - Incorporation of licensee while licensed