Section 308-61-168 - Disputed impoundWhat should the registered tow truck operator do when a court hearing has been requested?
(1) Where a timely request has been made for a district or municipal court hearing and where the vehicle owner has failed to redeem the vehicle, the abandoned vehicle procedural requirements may be followed, but the sale of the vehicle at public auction must not take place until after the court has disposed of the request.(2) The administrative hearings officer, provided in RCW 46.55.240(1)(d), shall mean a hearings officer authorized by ordinance or resolution of a city, town or county for the purpose of conducting hearings on disputed vehicle impound cases.(3) Operators must maintain a trust account solely for the deposit of funds received pending the disposition of any district court hearing requests.Wash. Admin. Code § 308-61-168
Statutory Authority: RCW 46.55.190. 02-20-035, § 308-61-168, filed 9/24/02, effective 10/25/02; 00-01-058, § 308-61-168, filed 12/10/99, effective 1/10/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.55.190, 46.79.080 and 46.80.140. 93-08-076, § 308-61-168, filed 4/6/93, effective 5/7/93. Statutory Authority: Chapter 46.55 RCW. 86-03-011 (Order DLR-088), § 308-61-168, filed 1/6/86.