Section 308-18-305 - Minimum postassignment training requirements and training topicsPostassignment training must consist of eight hours of training in any topics contained in this section. These topics may also be used in the annual refresher training. Training requirements are described in chapter 18.170 RCW.
(1) The topic areas that must be used for postassignment training are as follows and may also include the subject topics listed under WAC 308-18-300: (a)Basic role of private security guards.(ii) Private security guards and the criminal justice system;(iii) Information sharing;(iv) Crime and loss prevention.(b)Legal aspects of private security.(i) Evidence and evidence handling;(iv) Incident scene preservation;(v) Equal employment opportunity (EEO) and diversity;(vi) State and local laws.(c)Security officer conduct.(iii) Professional image.(d)Observation and incident reporting.(i) Observation techniques;(e)Principles of communications.(i) Interpersonal skills;(ii) Verbal communication skills;(iii) Building relationships with law enforcement;(iv) Customer services and public relations;(f)Principles of access control.(i) Enter and exit control procedures;(ii) Electronic security systems.(g)Principles of safeguarding information.Proprietary and confidential.
(h)Emergency response procedures.Critical incident response (e.g., natural disasters. accidents, human caused events).
(j)Life safety awareness.(i) Safety hazards in the workplace/surroundings;(ii) Emergency equipment placement;(iii) Fire prevention skills;(iv) Hazardous materials;(v) Occupational safety and health requirements (e.g., OSHA related training, bloodborne pathogens, etc.).(k)Job assignment and postorders.(i) Assignments and tasks;(2) The required postassignment training records must be attested to by a licensed certified trainer and retained by the company. The postassignment training records must include the following information: (a) Security guard name and signature;(b) Training topics covered;(c) Number of training hours received;(d) Date training was completed;(e) Certified trainer attesting to the training.(3) Electronic records and signatures are permitted. The postassignment training records are not required to be submitted to the department, but must be available upon request from the company for three years.(4) Security guard companies are required to maintain complete detailed training records. The training records must include the name and signature of the department certified trainer attesting to the training provided. Transferring security guards may provide a copy of their training records to another security guard company. Security guard companies may accept the records as proof that the security guards have completed the required postassignment training and not repeat postassignment training.
Wash. Admin. Code § 308-18-305
Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.170 RCW. 07-20-075, § 308-18-305, filed 10/1/07, effective 11/1/07; 05-09-036, § 308-18-305, filed 4/14/05, effective 7/1/05.