Section 308-13-005 - Definitions(1) "CLARB" means the National Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards, of which the Washington board is a member.(2) "Entire examination" as referred to in RCW 18.96.090 means the written and graphic examination approved by the board.(3) "Examination" or "L.A.R.E." means the Landscape Architect Registration Examination for landscape architects.(4) "Institution of higher education" as used in RCW 18.96.070 means a college or school recognized by the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board (LAAB) as having accredited programs in landscape architecture.(5) Professional development equivalents: (a) One professional development hour (PDH) is equal to no less than fifty minutes of instruction.(b) One continuing education unit (CEU) is equal to ten PDHs.(c) For professional development through an institution of higher education: (i) One semester hour equals forty-five PDHs.(ii) One quarter hour equals thirty PDHs.Wash. Admin. Code § 308-13-005
Statutory Authority: RCW 18.96.060. 10-12-116, § 308-13-005, filed 6/2/10, effective 7/3/10; 02-07-047, § 308-13-005, filed 3/14/02, effective 4/14/02; 96-10-013, § 308-13-005, filed 4/19/96, effective 5/20/96; 85-04-029 (Order PL 511), § 308-13-005, filed 1/31/85.