Section 296-840-125 - Respiratory protection(1) Where respiratory protection is required by this section, you must provide each employee an appropriate respirator that complies with the requirements of this section and chapter 296-842 WAC, Respirators. (2) Respiratory protection is required: (a) Where exposures exceed the PEL during periods necessary to install or implement feasible engineering and work practice controls;(b) Where exposures exceed the PEL during tasks, such as certain maintenance and repair tasks, for which engineering and work practice controls are not feasible;(c) During tasks for which an employer has implemented all feasible engineering and work practice controls and such controls are not sufficient to reduce exposures to or below the PEL;(d) During periods when an employee or employees are in a regulated area; and(e) Where specified for tasks performed according to the requirements in Table 1 of WAC 296-840-110 Specified exposure control methods.Wash. Admin. Code § 296-840-125
Adopted by WSR 18-07-098, Filed 3/20/2018, effective 4/23/2018