Wash. Admin. Code § 296-78-505
A-frame. A structure made of two independent columns fastened together at the top and separated at the bottom for stability.
Annealing. Heating then cooling to soften and render less brittle.
Binder. A hinged lever assembly used to connect the ends of a wrapper to tighten the wrapper around the load of logs or materials.
Boom. Logs or timbers fastened together end to end and used to contain floating logs. The term includes enclosed logs.
Brow log. A log placed parallel to a roadway at a landing or dump to protect vehicles while loading or unloading.
Bunk. A cross support for a load.
Cant. A log slabbed on one or more sides.
Carriage (log carriage). A framework mounted on wheels which runs on tracts or in grooves in a direction parallel to the face of the saw, and which contains apparatus to hold a log securely and advance it toward the saw.
Carrier. An industrial truck so designed and constructed that it straddles the load to be transported with mechanisms to pick up the load and support it during transportation.
Chipper. A machine which cuts material into chips.
Chock, bunk block, and cheese block. A wedge that prevents logs or loads from moving.
Cold deck. A pile of logs stored for future removal.
Crotch lines. Two short lines attached to a hoisting line by a ring or shackle, the lower ends being attached to loading hooks.
Dog (carriage dog). A steel tooth or assembly of steel teeth, one or more of which are attached to each carriage knee to hold log firmly in place on carriage.
Drag saw. A power-driven, reciprocating cross-cut saw mounted on suitable frame and used for bucking logs.
Head block. That part of a carriage which holds the log and upon which it rests. It generally consists of base, knee, taper set, and mechanism.
Head rig. A combination of head saw and log carriage used for the initial breakdown of logs into timbers, cants, and boards.
Hog. A machine for cutting or grinding slabs and other coarse residue from the mill.
Husk. A head saw framework on a circular mill.
Industrial truck. A mobile, power-driven vehicle used to carry, push or pull material. It is designed for "in-plant" or "on-site" use rather than highway use.
Kiln tender. The operator of a kiln.
Lift truck. An industrial truck used for lateral transportation and equipped with a power-operated lifting device, usually in the form of forks, for piling or unpiling lumber units or packages.
Live rolls. Cylinders of wood or metal mounted on horizontal axes and rotated by power, which are used to convey slabs, lumber, and other wood products.
Loading boom. Any structure projecting from a pivot point and intended to be used for lifting and guiding loads for the purpose of loading or unloading.
Log. A portion of a tree, usually a minimum of twelve feet in length, capable of being further processed into a variety of wood products.
Log deck. A platform in the sawmill on which the logs remain until needed for sawing.
Log haul. A conveyor for transferring logs to mill.
Lumber dimensions. The nominal size of surfaced lumber, unless otherwise stated.
Lumber hauling truck. An industrial truck, other than a lift truck or a carrier, used for the transport of lumber.
Package. A unit of lumber.
Peavy. A stout wooden handle fitted with a spike and hook and used for rolling logs.
Peeler block. A portion of a tree usually bucked in two foot intervals plus trim, to be peeled in a lathe or sliced in a slicer into veneer for further processing into plywood.
Pike pole. A long pole whose end is shod with a sharp pointed spike.
Pitman rod. Connecting rod.
Resaw. Band, circular, or sash gang saws used to break down slabs, cants, or flitches into lumber.
Running line. Any moving rope as distinguished from a stationary rope such as a guyline.
Safety factor. A calculated reduction factor which may be applied to laboratory test values to obtain safe working stresses for wooden beams and other mechanical members; ratio of breaking load to safe load.
Saw guide. A device for steadying a circular or bandsaw.
Setwork . A mechanism on a sawmill carriage which enables an operator to move the log into position for another cut.
Sorting gaps. The areas on a log pond enclosed by boom sticks into which logs are sorted.
Spreader wheel. A metal wheel that separates the board from the log in back of circular saws to prevent binding.
Splitter. A knife-type, nonrotating spreader.
Sticker. A strip of wood or other material used to separate layers of lumber.
Stiff boom. The anchored, stationary boom sticks which are tied together and on which boom persons work.
Swifter. The tying of boom sticks together to prevent them from spreading while being towed.
Telltale. A device used to serve as a warning for overhead objects.
Top saw. The upper of two circular saws on a head rig, both being on the same husk.
Tramway. A way for trams, usually consisting of parallel tracks laid on wooden beams.
Trestle. A braced framework of timbers, piles or steelwork for carrying a road or railroad over a depression.
Wrapper. A chain, strap or wire rope assembly used to contain a load of logs or materials.
Wash. Admin. Code § 296-78-505
Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. 81-18-029 (Order 81-21), § 296-78-505, filed 8/27/81.