Section 296-63-009 - Exemption requests(1) Employers who do not have hazardous chemicals at their workplace may submit a written request for exemption to the department. Submission of an exemption request does not relieve an employer of his/her obligation to pay the fee assessment until such time as the request is approved. Employers granted exemptions will be removed from the listing of employers to be assessed a fee beginning with the current billing period.(2) Exemptions shall only be considered for an employer's entire workplace consisting of all activities reported to the department under the same employer identification number.(3) Each request for exemption must contain the following information: (a) Firm name and employer identification number;(b) Complete mailing address;(c) Complete location (such as street) address;(d) A certified statement in the form required by RCW 9A.72.085 that a hazardous chemical survey of the employer's premises has been completed by a qualified person, the identity and qualifications of the person completing the survey, and that no hazardous chemicals as defined by WAC 296-901-140 are present at the workplace.(4) The department may schedule an on-site inspection to determine the validity of the exemption request.(5) The employer shall provide to the department within five working days of receiving a request from the department, any additional information identified by the department as necessary for evaluating the exemption request.(6) Exemption requests shall be mailed to: Right to Know Program
Department of Labor and Industries
P.O. Box 44620
Olympia, Washington 98504-4620
Wash. Admin. Code § 296-63-009
Amended by WSR 14-07-086, filed 3/18/14, effective 5/1/2014Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and[49.17].050 . 01-11-038, § 296-63-009, filed 5/9/01, effective 9/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.70.170 and 49.17.040. 98-02-029, § 296-63-009, filed 12/31/97, effective 1/31/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. 86-23-003 (Order 86-38), § 296-63-009, filed 11/6/86.