- Section 296-20-19000 - What is a permanent partial disability award?
- Section 296-20-19010 - Are there different types of permanent partial disabilities?
- Section 296-20-19020 - How is it determined which impairment rating system is to be used to rate specified and unspecified disabilities?
- Section 296-20-19030 - To what extent is pain considered in an award for permanent partial disability?
- Section 296-20-200 - General information for impairment rating examinations by attending doctors, consultants or independent medical examination (IME) providers
- Section 296-20-2010 - General rules for impairment rating examinations by attending doctors and consultants
- Section 296-20-2015 - What rating systems are used for determining an impairment rating conducted by the attending doctor or a consultant?
- Section 296-20-2025 - May a worker bring someone with them to an impairment rating examination conducted by the attending doctor or a consultant?
- Section 296-20-2030 - May the worker videotape or audiotape the impairment rating examination conducted by the attending doctor or a consultant?
- Section 296-20-220 - Special rules for evaluation of permanent bodily impairment
- Section 296-20-230 - Cervical and cervico-dorsal impairments
- Section 296-20-240 - Categories of permanent cervical and cervico-dorsal impairments
- Section 296-20-250 - Impairments of the dorsal area
- Section 296-20-260 - Categories of permanent dorsal area impairments
- Section 296-20-270 - Dorso-lumbar and lumbosacral impairments
- Section 296-20-280 - Categories of permanent dorso-lumbar and lumbosacral impairments
- Section 296-20-290 - Impairments of the pelvis
- Section 296-20-300 - Categories of permanent impairments of the pelvis
- Section 296-20-310 - Convulsive neurological impairments
- Section 296-20-320 - Categories of permanent convulsive neurological impairments
- Section 296-20-330 - Impairments of mental health
- Section 296-20-340 - Categories for evaluation of permanent impairments of mental health
- Section 296-20-350 - Cardiac impairments
- Section 296-20-360 - Categories of permanent cardiac impairments
- Section 296-20-370 - Respiratory impairments
- Section 296-20-380 - Categories of permanent respiratory impairments
- Section 296-20-385 - Categories of persisting variable respiratory impairment with normal baseline spirometry
- Section 296-20-390 - Air passage impairments
- Section 296-20-400 - Categories of permanent air passage impairments
- Section 296-20-410 - Nasal septum impairments
- Section 296-20-420 - Categories of permanent air passage impairment due to nasal septum perforations
- Section 296-20-430 - Loss of taste and smell
- Section 296-20-440 - Categories of permanent loss of taste and smell
- Section 296-20-450 - Speech impairments
- Section 296-20-460 - Categories of permanent speech impairments
- Section 296-20-470 - Skin impairments
- Section 296-20-480 - Categories of permanent skin impairments
- Section 296-20-490 - Impairment of the upper digestive tract, stomach, esophagus or pancreas
- Section 296-20-500 - Categories of permanent impairments of the upper digestive tract, stomach, esophagus or pancreas
- Section 296-20-510 - Lower digestive tract impairments
- Section 296-20-520 - Categories of permanent lower digestive tract impairments
- Section 296-20-530 - Impairment of anal function
- Section 296-20-540 - Categories of permanent impairments of anal function
- Section 296-20-550 - Liver and biliary tract impairments
- Section 296-20-560 - Categories of permanent liver and biliary tract impairments
- Section 296-20-570 - Impairments of the spleen, loss of one kidney, and surgical removal of the bladder with urinary diversion
- Section 296-20-580 - Categories of permanent impairment of the spleen, loss of one kidney, and surgical removal of bladder with urinary diversion
- Section 296-20-590 - Impairment of upper urinary tract
- Section 296-20-600 - Categories of permanent impairments of upper urinary tract
- Section 296-20-610 - Additional permanent impairments of upper urinary tract due to surgical diversion
- Section 296-20-620 - Categories of additional permanent impairments of upper urinary tract due to surgical diversion
- Section 296-20-630 - Impairment of bladder function
- Section 296-20-640 - Categories of permanent impairments of bladder function
- Section 296-20-650 - Anatomical or functional loss of testes
- Section 296-20-660 - Categories of permanent anatomical or functional loss of testes
- Section 296-20-670 - Disability
- Section 296-20-680 - Classification of disabilities in proportion to total bodily impairment
- Section 296-20-690 - Permanent impairments of the cervico-dorsal (WAC 296-20-240) and lumbosacral regions (WAC 296-20-280) jointly