WSIB Fee Schedule | |
Inspection: | |
No fee | Inspection of agency records on agency public internet web site or scheduled at agency office. |
No fee | Accessing or downloading records the agency routinely posts on its public internet web site, unless the requestor asks the agency for records to be provided through other means (the following copy charges below then apply). |
Copies: | |
15 cents/page | Photocopies, printed copies of electronic records when requested by the requestor, or for the use of agency equipment to make photocopies. |
10 cents/page | Scanned records, or use of agency equipment for scanning. |
5 cents/each 4 electronic files or attachments | Records uploaded to email, or cloud-based data storage service, or other means of electronic delivery. |
10 cents/gigabyte | Records transmitted in electronic format or for use of agency equipment to send records electronically. |
WSIB Fee Schedule | |
Actual cost | Digital storage media or devices: *CD *DVD *Thumb drive *Other. |
Actual cost | Postage or delivery charges - Specific amount based upon postage/delivery charges for specific mailings or deliveries. |
[UPWARDS ARROW] Copy charges above may be combined to the extent more than one type of charge applies to copies responsive to a particular request. | |
Customized Service: | |
Actual cost | Data compilations prepared or accessed as a customized service (cost is in addition to above fees for copies). |
Wash. Admin. Code § 287-02-075