Chapter 286-42 - Aquatic lands enhancement account program (Repealed)
- Section 286-42-010 - [Repealed] What is the purpose of this chapter?
- Section 286-42-020 - [Repealed] What organizations may receive grants?
- Section 286-42-030 - [Repealed] Do these rules apply to projects funded on or before April 1, 2004?
- Section 286-42-040 - [Repealed] What long term rules apply?
- Section 286-42-050 - [Repealed] When considering approval of a conversion, what rules apply?
- Section 286-42-060 - [Repealed] For land acquisition projects, are there long term obligations?
- Section 286-42-080 - [Repealed] For development projects, are there long term obligations?
- Section 286-42-090 - [Repealed] Must a grant recipient provide matching funds for the project - Are grant amounts limited?