Chapter 284-17B - Rental car insurance producer
- Section 284-17B-005 - What definitions are important throughout the chapter?
- Section 284-17B-010 - Who needs to be licensed as a rental car insurance producer?
- Section 284-17B-015 - How can I apply for a rental car insurance producer license?
- Section 284-17B-020 - Do I have continuing reporting and recordkeeping requirements?
- Section 284-17B-025 - How is a rental car insurance producer license renewed?
- Section 284-17B-030 - Can the rental car insurance producer endorse someone to act on behalf of the agent?
- Section 284-17B-035 - Who can be a rental car insurance producer endorsee?
- Section 284-17B-040 - Is the rental car insurance producer required to provide training and education to its endorsees?
- Section 284-17B-045 - What activities are prohibited for rental car insurance producers?
- Section 284-17B-050 - How should a rental car insurance producer account for premiums?
- Section 284-17B-055 - What information must be included in the rental agreement?
- Section 284-17B-060 - What information must be included in the written material or brochure?
- Section 284-17B-065 - What information must be available to prospective renters?
- Section 284-17B-070 - Should changes to brochures or written materials be submitted to the commissioner?
- Section 284-17B-075 - Does the commissioner have authority to suspend, fine, or revoke my license or refuse to license me?
- Section 284-17B-080 - Can the commissioner waive requirements or allow alternative mechanisms for the reporting or training and education requirements?