Section 246-224-0020 - Radiation machine facility registration exceptions A registrant shall register each radiation machine facility with the department. A registrant shall include each radiation machine they own or control in a radiation machine facility registration except if:
(1) The radiation machine produces incidental X-rays with an equivalent dose rate that does not exceed 5 µSv/hr (0.5 mrem/hr) at 5 cm from any accessible equipment surface averaged over an area of 10 square centimeters;(2) The radiation machine is in transit;(3) The radiation machine is held for sale or lease by X-ray agents; or(4) The department allows an exemption in accordance with WAC 246-220-050(1).Wash. Admin. Code § 246-224-0020
Amended by WSR 19-05-074, Filed 2/19/2019, effective 3/22/2019Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050 and [70.98.]080. 02-14-050, § 246-224-0020, filed 6/27/02, effective 7/28/02.