Chapter 246-560 - Rural health system project
- Section 246-560-001 - Purpose
- Section 246-560-002 - Implementation
- Section 246-560-010 - Definitions
- Section 246-560-011 - Activities
- Section 246-560-025 - Requests to receive information
- Section 246-560-035 - Eligibility
- Section 246-560-040 - Letters of interest
- Section 246-560-045 - Letter of interest review and action
- Section 246-560-050 - Criteria for inviting applications
- Section 246-560-060 - Application content
- Section 246-560-065 - Application screening criteria
- Section 246-560-075 - Reviewer selection
- Section 246-560-077 - Application review, selection, and funding
- Section 246-560-085 - Appeal process